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Everything posted by JackGats

  1. When I was a boy I was fascinated by the words "plastic surgery". I didn't know what it meant. I thought it involved plastic.
  2. The money hand-out might be self-correcting in that it will cause the Baht to plummet and the people who got the hand-out will find themselves owning a currency that is worth substantially less. They might lose, not win, purchasing power at the end of the day.
  3. Because of wokeism (feminism, minority rights, diversity, LGBT ...). As a consequence for instance you get scifi and war movies where women are commanding officers. Everybody knows that's not the way Society works. Black-and-white film noirs from the 50s and 60s is what I still watch from time to time plus some western movies, where men are men and women are women.
  4. Ah-ah-ah. A flood of complaints. Police hotlines saturated. Snowflakes, busybodies and professional victims getting on the phone to complain. As you sow you shall reap.
  5. I think airlines have the right to reallocate a seat in case of no-show.
  6. Discriminatory tax laws are legion. Take Belgium with: - a 50-60% income tax on wages and pensions - no wealth tax - 1% VAT only on diamond transactions (Jewish tax-haven in Antwerp) It's difficult to imagine a more <deleted>-up tax system than that but still there are quite a few like it in the first world. The peculiarity with the LTR in TH is that the discrimination is linked to a visa. But even that is not so rare. Until recently Portugal had a 10% tax on foreigner's pensions while taxing their own national pensions at over 30%. Note that the LTR would be self-defeating if it didn't include a tax clause as the aim was to attract big spenders.
  7. My plan is managed by Cigna on behalf of my ex-employer. I sent my query to the same Cigna people who deal with any problems arising out of health-care refunds. I told them what the Thais wanted to read on the certificate, ie "insured for life" and "insured for amount greater than". I explained getting this 10-year visa would be invaluable to me as I would no longer have to renew my visa every year.
  8. Antifeminism, anti-immigration, anti-childtranny ... = hate crime.
  9. Incidentally, in most EU countries the number of days mentioned is 183, not 180. Probably in order to make allowances for flight times.
  10. Interesting. What if you have a late flight? Where are you at midnight? Waiting to board? Most flight I took from Bangkok have been close to midnight.
  11. Same on my Cigna standard certificate. I asked them to state in an ad hoc certificate I was insured for life ("until I die"), and they did.
  12. One thing to keep in mind: when you cross a border, only either the day of your arrival in the country OR the day of your leaving the country counts, NOT BOTH.
  13. Legalise gambling and criminalise cannabis. I don't like the way wind is blowing.
  14. He may be telling the French what the French want to hear. The French (a timorous lot with no balls nowadays alas) are "worried" about cannabis liberalisation in Germany too. The difference is, the German premier is not going to promise re-criminalisation on a French channel just so that the French give him kudos. What we need is more major countries pulling the plug on prohibition so that prohibition countries feel increasingly isolated.
  15. Genuine table tissues cannot be imported because of the punitive custom duties. The local industry manufactures some but they're of such poor quality even toilet paper is better. Same thing with Kleenex tissues for blowing your nose. They're a luxury in Thailand. The ones produced locally are so flimsy cheap they melt in your hand.
  16. I do SWIFT transfers from my EU bank to my Bangkok Bank account. On the form I tick "I pay only my own bank fees". I also tick "send notice to receiver bank", whatever that means. Very important: I choose to send Euros, not Baht. Thai banks are very fair compared to banks eg in Africa or South America. Good exchange rate, hardly any bank fees. The first time I sent money to Thailand I transferred a low amount to test in case there was a screw-up somewhere.
  17. 1930's? If I'm not mistaken you could get cocaine and opium OTC back then, and cannabis was just some exotic herb.
  18. When you die you will go nowhere, just like anybody else.
  19. Usually the theft of men's money happens through the family court these days.
  20. Don't you understand that this applies equally to that thing you call "God"?
  21. What about a God happening from nothing then?
  22. My understanding was that you had to show a balance of over 100k for the last 12 months. Monthly bank statements or a yearly breakdown if you are lucky enough to have a bank supplying such a yearly summary. Worst-case is if your bank only issues monthly statements in another language than English. Then you're in for substantial translation costs.
  23. You will not feel accepted outside Thailand either if you can't learn to capitalize and wrap text.
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