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Everything posted by JackGats

  1. Which decriminalisation? There hasn't been any. Which obviouly doesn't prevent it to be declared a failure.
  2. Didn't Thailand sign the 1968 Vienna as well? Because you can now get a 3-year International Permit in Thailand (in order to drive in the EU with your Thai driving license).
  3. I am 99% sure the 1-year reporting requirement works like the 90-day reporting, only with 1 year instead of 90 days. Every time you come back to Thailand the clock gets reset. It would make little sense if it were otherwise.
  4. Same with me back then. They can't stamp an LTR until the previous visa is cancelled. But you can choose to have your current visa cancelled on the same day and at the same place you get the LTR stamp, which is what anyone in their right mind would choose anyway.
  5. My understanding was that it needed to be cash over 12 months, never mind which kind of account (current account, savings account, brokerage account). It then became an issue of showing at least 12 statements of account for at least 12 consecutive months up to the present.
  6. I guess he lost sight of the 0.42 grams. A passport is the last place on Earth to hide drugs since it gets checked at the airport.
  7. I am just emerging from 10 days with flu-like symptoms. Fever, aches, nausea, some coughing, sniffles, nightmares. Very unpleasant. Covid was negative. Bad-ass virus.
  8. This makes a mockery of the online notification. This means peple who fly a lot will never succeed online. Pfff!
  9. In fact not really addicts. Rather 70% of elderly patients in Europe right now. They start with 50mg, 2 years later already 250 or 300mg.
  10. Many go for crappy highs. I tried "recreational" Lyrica out once. Felt like "recreational" Tramadol, ie poor, not worth the health risk at all.
  11. Painkiller. Tolerance develops quickly. I remember reading it could damage eyesight. Little value as a drug to get high but some people will abuse everything (for want of alternatives). It seems that the type of pain it targets (neurological, chronic, cause hard to pinpoint) could be amenable to cannabis. Only governments prefer their elderly population to be hooked on Lyrica, in typical war-on-drugs fashion.
  12. I'd rather the Ukranians fight than I though. Therefore I say "let the Ukranians have all the weapons they want".
  13. Those nationalities basically get a "stay as long as you like" deal. Like an LTR visa but free of charge. There's no mistaking the way the wind is blowing. It's game over for Farangs in Thailand. (Has been for some time judging by girls' attitudes by the way).
  14. Banks are businesses, not charitable institutions.
  15. Many consulates require proof of residency in the foreign country if you are not living in your home country. This may lead to a catch-22 situation if you are living in Thailand because what kind of proof of residency do you get from thailand? All you have to show is a Visa and a Visa is not a residency permit. Indeed if at the same time you no longer have any residency in your home country you might find there is no consulate anywhere willing to handle your application for a retirement Visa. Even the Mexican consulate in your home country might raise objections because you are no longer living in your home country.
  16. At last an article whose title has nothing whatsoever to do with the content! Usually there would be some connection between the title and the content so you would strain to ascertain what that connection was. No such worry here.
  17. "Section 145 of the Narcotics Control Act: possessing Category 1 drug (methamphetamine). The penalty is imprisonment from two to 20 years and a fine of 200,000 to 2 million baht." Trying to procure drugs and possessing drugs are not the same thing. In most countries merely shopping around for drugs is specifically not illegal per se. This is so that undercover police can shop around for drugs to catch drug sellers without the police having to break the law.
  18. If some Thai ruins my 2500-euro a-piece hearing aids by splashing water unto it, a lot of good it will do to me to have the Thai's apologies. Can I file an insurance claim with the Thai's apology?
  19. "If you are lonely and desperate why not find a gf at the local hardware store?" Are half-way decent looking girls keen on men who are "lonely and desperate"? That's new. I'd have thought girls hated losers, going instead for men who exude strength, confidence and control.
  20. On mongering sites some men will like to brag about pulling freebies (or pulling working girls below list-price). Endless discussions would ensue. Such endless discussions were not so common in earlier internet days, when posting pictures of the girls was ok, indeed expected. A pic would often reveal we're not talking about the same types of girls lookswise. It is funny though how inveterate sex-tourists often feel the need to distance themselves from their peers. What they need asking is why would female employees in a country like Thailand be easier than say the ones in Toronto or Stockholm? If you can pull freebies in Thailand so can you in your own country. Why then do you save all year long to be able to afford flights half-way around the world to hot mosquito-ridden countries where you can't stand the food, don't understand the language, and often risk being robbed at knifepoint?
  21. Lol. Feminists wanted sex to be just a social construct. Well done ladies, now enjoy the consequences!
  22. 162 people killed, 1,279 injured within 4 days? No big deal. Cannabis is the national catastrophe: 162 people with anxiety and 1,279 with reduced motivation.
  23. The problem is that the water-throwing synergises with the worst aspects of Thai Society, like willingness to accept any degree of road carnage. Make no mistake about it, when they throw water at scooters, they don't mind at all, indeed hope, to throw the driver off balance.
  24. Indeed. I remember taking Modafinil for physics exams. I felt focused like never before and got better results. However if I studied for my exam under Modafinil the learning was poor. Good for taking the exam, bad for learning towards the exam.
  25. Then you're the ideal person to rant against it on Aseannow and elsewhere.
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