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Everything posted by JackGats

  1. Note that this predates the recent changes, quote: "Clause 4 This Notification shall come into force from 1st September B.E. 2565 (2022) onwards."
  2. The first Thai driving license has a validity of two years. Then you can get 5-year extensions. In any case it shouldn't matter as long as your driving license is still valid through the rental (until you return the vehicle). There's no difference between a 2-year Thai driving license and a 5-year Thai driving license, except the expiry date.
  3. I book cars in Europe and my only valid driving license is the Thai driving license. I book with my Thai address. Why would you want to book with any other address? The insurance comes with the rental. If you lie about your residence couldn't this cause problems if you have accident? I never book direct with the rental brand (Hertz, Alamo, Avis etc.). I always book through third-party websites like Autoeurope. On such websites it's usually clear what the insurance covers. You can opt for total waiver etc. Some providers like rentarcars.com have turned me down as a customer because live in Thailand. Message: "sorry but we don't accept customers who live in your country of residence". You should find out whether the Thai driving license on its own (without the international driving permit) is accepted in the US. It most probably is since the Thai driving license is in English. You should print out the page where it says the Thai driving license alone is OK, in order to have something to show to the rental agency and/or to the police.
  4. Trump must have a big smile on his face then. Victory assured.
  5. Its seems Thailand is not the only country in the region wanting to tank up on tourists: https://news.yahoo.com/news/indonesia-visa-free-entry-people-094043185.html This is good news as it can spread out the pressure.
  6. The countries that abstained at the UN when the resolution against Russia's war was tabled?
  7. So we would have yet another woman who was successful only because she happened to be married to the right man. This would show, of course, that women can do as well as men (insofar as they were married to the right man).
  8. CT scans use X-rays and should not be had too often, but MRI scans pose no hazard as far as I know.
  9. My Thai sourced income (dividend on Thai stocks) rather complicates the issue as well. I think there's a very low threshold above which we were always expected to file a tax return for Thai sourced income. Since the dividends get taxed at source (withholding tax), most us in the same situation never bothered to file although we were supposed to from the beginning. The fact that some of us receive such Thai sourced income may be the reason the BOI is non committal. The BOI cannot know what Thai sourced income we have. Hence the BOI cannot issue a blanket "no need to file" statement.
  10. What prevents you getting a Thai TIN and having some sort of address in Thailand, even if you don't stay here 180 days?
  11. Colourless discharge = no bacterial infection. Treatment is cortisone spray (Nasonex) possibly combined with azelastine spray. Colourful discharge = bacterial infection.
  12. Recriminalisation of cannabis, taxation of world-wide income, what next? Suppression of night-life? There's an ill wind a'blowing.
  13. As far as I am concerned I didn't retire in Thailand to have to grapple with DTAs. In my case DTAs can only mean I'll have to pay wherever and whenever I didn't have to. Thank you very much I'll pass. I can get laid in TH and that was my main reason to be in TH, but only together with TH being a tax haven. This is because in order properly to get laid I need to keep all my money for myself. Instead of racking our brains out about developments we cannot foresee nor prevent, we could do worse than start discussing alternatives to Thailand. For the infos to be useful we should do so in threads about individual countries (example: "Jamaica as an alternative to TH"). Discussing loads of countries in one single thread will yield no useful infos for forum, users. Each discussion should focus on 1) visas & residency 2) taxes 3) banking. Just a thought.
  14. Labour-Tories-Labour-Tories .... The never-ending binary trap.
  15. So under the present rules (assuming they don't change) you could do the following: 1) stay one year <180 days 2) during that same year, remit a big sum that will last you for years (preferably investing some of that big sum in Thai stocks rather than leave it dormant in a current account) 3) live exclusively off the above liquidities and refrain from any remittance while staying >180 days for years
  16. In this day and age with computers there's no excuse for Police insisting on a paper copy.
  17. Fly to Thailand from where? In my book the best airline is the one with direct flights. No "flying experience" beats a no-stop flight.
  18. Up to now I have stressed to put in at least 6 months and a few days in Thailand each year. I have done so in order to be able to show the taxman and my banks back home, should they wax investigative, that I am an de facto resident of Thailand. Now I am being told I have been overcautious with this. In actuality 5 months and a few days or less in TH would suit me immensely better than 6 months and a few days. Taking a one-month break to Jakarta in January when TH gets overcrowded would suit me to a T. I'll make this my plan if worldwide taxation gets enforced by TH with no exemption for LTR holders.
  19. 15 days per year? How horrible! If you still have a mother or a brother living in the UK, how are you not going to spend at least 2 weeks there?
  20. Thai TIN + your passport with stamps should be proof enough. With both you can even get an RO-22 ad hoc certificate from the Thais for a particular year.
  21. I understand all that. My point was you may end up without any documented tax residence, in which case any country where you spend some months, or where you are banking, or of which you are a citizen, is allowed to claim you as taxpayer.
  22. I see in order to avoid getting skinned many here are planning to stay less than 180 days in Thailand. I assume they feel ok doing so only because they're already getting taxed "back home". If your income or capital gains are getting taxed nowhere outside Thailand however, such a tax avoidance scheme doesn't seem sustainable, all the more so because of CRS. As we know banks "back home" have been closing accounts unless a Thai TIN is provided. Providing one was no big deal. But Thailand is now going to get CRS reports about your overseas accounts although under Thai law you aren't a tax resident in Thailand. How long before Thailand replies "Wait a minute, why are you sending us CRS reports about this guy? He is no tax resident of Thailand!" I see nothing but trouble here.
  23. Ah-ah that's why they've been planting banana trees in the vacant plot next to View Talay 6 in Pattaya.
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