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Everything posted by JackGats

  1. The farther from the night life, the less expensive. My advice: come to Pattaya between June and September. Everything 50% cheaper.
  2. Edibles only in restaurants? That's new. Smokables only in smokeries then.
  3. I use a full-body suit for swimming and snorkeling. It stinks from the sea-water after use and takes ages to dry, but it also protects against sunburns should I wish to stay in the water for long.
  4. No, but I wouldn't mind sending other people's for they're getting on my nerves.
  5. Well, I don't think natural disasters and accidents are beyond comprehension. They are further proof that physics and Earth sciences are correct, and that we are, alas, subject to physical laws AND NOTHING ELSE. There is no gain or future gain to be had from any suffering. Suffering of any kind is evil, period.
  6. Are they? Shouldn't the question be "why are do some posters here keep posting Trump-related topics"?
  7. I didn't know you were ever allowed onboard a plane without showing an ID.
  8. More humans, more animals. The tragedy of sentient life. Life, the suffering machine. More suffering, on and on (until the Earth reverts to mineral only). Life is not a blessing. Life is a trap. Yet when they look into the cosmos they want to find "Life". Suffering on one planet is not enough. They want suffering to have taken hold on other planets. How great it would be if another planet accomodated living things to howl in pain while eaten alive by other living things! Living things to suffer in body and mind like here on Earth.
  9. Let's be clear about what is happening when people say this legalisation was rushed and botched by the Thais. What they mean is that the Thai government had the balls to actually go ahead and end the prohibition. Instead it should have discussed and bickered about the legalisation for years and years, to eventually give it up or bury it under tons of rules and restrictions. The people complaining about how badly thought of and rushed this legalisation was are the same kind of people who complain about the same regarding legalisation in the US or the legalisation under way in Germany. When you don't want something to become legal, any legalisation will be rushed and badly thought of.
  10. In Thailand she may get her comeuppance. In countries like France or the UK she wouldn't even get arrested. She would get the pussy pass.
  11. This shows you don't know what you're talking about. Cannabis + ethanol is a lousy combo, every user knows that. At least every cannabis user does. Maybe some boozers don't as a good deal of their neurons will have been killed by ethanol (a skin desinfectant and industrial solvent).
  12. Is it black and white what the laws are in the sex trade? Is it black and white what the laws are regarding the use of Bitcoin? Is it black and white what the laws are regarding house or land ownership by foreigners in Thailand? Where would you be if businesses always waited for "black and white" before taking risks?
  13. The charade of medical use. Bloody medical establishment want to rule the world and have their cut in everything. Cannabis has always been about getting high. Same in the US. If all you want to legalise is CBD then you're not legalising anything. And if you want to criminalise "non-medical use" then you're (re)criminalising cannabis, period.
  14. Ash settles quickly. Short-term effect. SO2 lingers. Silica-rich volcanic ash produces rocks like pumice and tuff. Anyway it's all CO2 these days. The rest of geology is only for college.
  15. No. Sulfur dioxide. Silica get spewed by volcanos but t is not a gas.
  16. Before the election most of the posters here vilified the previous government. They hailed "the will of the people". Well there you are folks. The will of the people: taxes on our pensions, cannabis recriminalised ... what next?
  17. I have an update and this time lesson learnt! I wanted to give cashless a further try but today the Bolt driver said after the ride had started that he didn't accept cashless payment. I cancelled the ride (so that at least he wouldn't get paid twice) and paid him cash. Bolt will refund the card booking, but I'm done with trying to ride cashless in Thailand. I think it would be for Bolt to put pressure on drivers or provide them with an incentive.
  18. Yeah, so cannabis will remain legal, as long as its content is below placebo. Great.
  19. Epstein's victims were not even below the age of consent unless you manipulate and twist the latter. They were entirely consensual. Victims? I mean these girls, whom I take it were mostly from trashy backgrounds, got to meet royalty, billionaires, world famous celebrities, and work on a dream private Caribbean island. Yet we are supposed to believe they are victims of the most horrible crime imaginable and that Epstein ruined their lives.
  20. Yeah, happened to me once. Friend of mine said "what did I tell you? you should have parked the 800k in a separate account".
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