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Everything posted by JackGats

  1. Dealers are notoriously unreliable, they will sell you dope that has been stepped on and has no effect or makes you sick, so I'm not surprised they don't come clean about a car.
  2. Bangkok Bank debit cards are reported not to work for shopping online, while debit cards of other thai banks may work. This may become an issue when you book hotels in Thailand because booking with an oversea card often entails currency and other losses.
  3. + 7 degrees will make parts of the world inhabitable, but it will make other parts habitable again. Climate change dogma is a catastrophe. It eclipses every other type of much more serious problems (eg plastic waste).
  4. I think the definition of incel does not include men who patronise "prostitutes". Incel pages are not clear about this, but I'm pretty sure incels are by their own definition not men who make do with prostitutes. The latter would qualify as red-pillers but not as incels. Disregard of prostitution is of course a flaw in incel theory. Note that even if incels were willing to fall back on prostitutes, the countries of reference of the incel community are mostly countries where prostitution is banned and/or unaffordable. In my book, any man who goes "prAAAstitutes don't count as real sex/relationships" is a fool. A big fool who never understood life.
  5. 13 digits, same as TIN number. I wonder whether the TIN number could be used instead of the ID number whenever a Thai ID number is required.
  6. What if you need to go to hospital? They might not accept you if you have no passport to show.
  7. Many don't hide the fact they're working in bars. They will write something like "I'm at bar X, come an visit me, ask for [name]". Alas for the men, not half their age, more like on the wrong side of 50 from what I see around me.
  8. Good think the truck plunged "accidentally" and not purposefully.
  9. I've seen monkeys stealing all kinds of things, even smartphones, from people. I carefully stow my hearing aids away when in sight of monkeys. All animals (and humans!) who live from hand-outs become noxious after a while.
  10. Just curious, are you a "good client", ie does your account throw up some good fees for the bank? I've known of someone getting kicked out of the EU bank where I have my account, but he had no regular revenues while I have my pension plus a (rather expensive) brokerage account. I keep my brokerage account with that bank on purpose, so that they have an incentive not to get rid of me.
  11. Nothing to do with Brexit. EU banks often do the same, ie they cancel the account after a number of months or years after you move outside the EU. I've heard banks in some EU countries make exceptions for "good clients", whatever that means. If you hide the fact that you moved, a bank even has a right to cancel the account without notice. This has become a problem, if not existential problem number one, for many expats. I know one embassy of an EU country that even raised the matter back in Europe - to no avail as expats don't count - after so many of its registered countrymen in Thailand were left high and dry without a bank account. Meanwhile the embassy advises people to fall back on an account with a Thai bank. What with the "compliance" rules and the money laundering charade, I don't see this getting any better. I don't own any crypto but I now realise crypto makes a lot of sense beyond being just a hedge investement.
  12. I wouldn't cancel the ATM card. A card can be lost or stolen, but so can a smartphone. Better two ways than one. Plus, I don't usually walk around with my banking smartphone, preferring to leave it safe at home and bring along the ATM card.
  13. Most people here litter their plastic trash less than a 15-minute drive away from where they live, so that should not be a problem.
  14. Could the answer to the title could be: "because sanctions don't work"?
  15. Is that a reason to support a system of legalised misandry that makes every (heterosexual) man liable to blackmail or life-ruining scandal every time they have a tryst? To me it is exactly the opposite. First hey came for Bill Cosby, Epstein, Ron Jeremy, Kelly, Polanski, Woody Allen, Trump ... (the list goes on) ...until one day they ran out of celebrities and came for us.
  16. I had some Botox injections under my right eye against a bothersome condition named "entropion" at BHP's eye centre last week. The doctor was Dr Bundit. The jabs went well and seem to be working.
  17. So the news is that a man (never mind his being called Trump) gave hush money to some gold-digger. A man gets blackmailed by a woman, then the blackmailed - not the blackmailer - get indicted. This is because the blackmailer is of the female denomination of course. In a non-broken justice system the blackmailer is the one who gets indicted.
  18. Ceiling fans can be the cause.
  19. I've read kratom can have the same effect on your colon (as well as on your brain).
  20. If it means I can buy yogourt and cheese at twice, instead of five times the EU price, I'm all for it.
  21. Well, it could be a small bank too, but then nobody would notice and it would hardly make the news. So to predict that the next banking crisis will involve a "big bank" is a no-brainer. As to the "big reset", it's like "the end of the US dollar", "the collapse of the euro", the "demise of the EU". Predicted and wished for by many for decades now, these events never happen. Somehow the can keeps getting kicked down the road: indeed this may be just what the economy/financial system is about, I mean can-kicking. Another thing: when bad things happen, the blow never comes from where you expect it to come. This apply to individual lives as well as to mankind as a whole. You fear serial bank failures and instead you get a war, a pandemic, a nuclear catastrophy, a mega-volcano ....
  22. Could be thermal shock. It's nastily cold up there, below 10°C.
  23. On beaches popular with Thai people, you don't see girls in bikinis. Girls even place rubber patches on the tip of their breasts so that nipples don't show through the shirt. I was told if nipples protrude they could get fined. In the West women can, and often do walk half naked, but you can get convincted for rape just for gazing. Which is better?
  24. Farang girlfriend or Thai girlfriend ... As though we had a choice. Do local girls sleep with men (like me) in Farangland? Not with me they don't. ????
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