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Everything posted by HighPriority

  1. I was so pisssed when on a recent trip to the moon, I found there was no charging infrastructure… I had to catch a cab !
  2. I would have expected that even a dullard like yourself would comprehend that new car ownership is usually in lock step with having a full stomach. To help you a bit, empty stomachs normally are less focused on buying ice or ev.
  3. Growing markets, terrible…
  4. Replenishment is the key. if you pump out faster than the bore refills, you risk damage to your pump and damaging the bore itself.
  5. No actually. The knowledgeable “ev crowd” as you term them are just that, knowledgeable and happy to share their experience. Others come here to tell all that a guy at the pub told them 20 yrs ago that ev were evil or uneconomical etc, etc…
  6. Did the cheaper tv fill the room with noxious fumes or have a noticeably poorer picture quality ?
  7. Have you tried sending him a pm to ask why ?
  8. More likely it’s the coffee, cake, light meal where they will make their 12-20% and subsidise their ev charging. Their electricity generation costs will be lower than grid because they’ll be maxing out each site with solar and battery storage, but a clever boy like you Vinny will be well aware of that…
  9. Do you think 00 will click your link or the one for the company I posted…?
  10. This is another example of BigEV stomping on competitors !! Its just not fair… 😢😢
  11. For the willfully ignorant amongst us…
  12. Be better than self serving hard time in an ev thread, maybe you and Ralf should go for a cruise together 😘😘
  13. Cmon Vinny, surely you can do better than that ? I didn’t include anything that an ev also requires.
  14. Fuel and oil filters, engine oil… 🙄 Have you sat in you garage lately with your engine running ?
  15. Seems like only 5 yrs ago… 😎🤣
  16. Don’t waste your time Owl, he’s still back in 2019.
  17. Yes, you want to see his father give him an ass whipping 👍🏼 Whatever floats your boat I guess… 🤷🏼‍♂️ Are you related to the family in question ?
  18. You wish the father was a deviant too…? 😳
  19. Volvo talking about the lifetime carbon cost of one of their ev. https://thedriven.io/2024/03/15/volvo-ex30-60-lower-life-cycle-emissions-than-a-petrol-volvo-xc40/?fbclid=IwAR2zuy1ZGtUi4ahu9O0_wH34mquPFG5BnRMJIOmwOADS_q2sRAdDGlWVWGU_aem_Aa1Ma6xQBCouk7EDZ2h2VNw2OH8uK-rVP6-3_QiSXXufVGrhFsIZckJ9vjR6gQl81IM
  20. Straight to the heart of the matter… 🦃
  21. When you remove the impossible the remaining, no matter how improbable must be the truth, my money is on brake failure 😎
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