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Everything posted by HighPriority

  1. Congratulations on forming an opinion, what is its relevance to the price of fish and chips ?
  2. Acceleration and speeding are very different creatures.
  3. I’d rather put you in an airtight room and reduce the oxygen content by merely 9%.
  4. I think we’ve found someone stupider than the turkey who posted the link.
  5. If not perfect, you’ve got water flowing, well done Owl 👍🏼
  6. Hurry up with part 3 ! I’m on tenterhooks here !!
  8. I agree but the petroleum taxes will hike harder to encourage the uptake of ev or any other low polluting engine type. Classic carrot and stick.
  9. By 2034 petrol costs will be a multiple of todays price. Ice heads will be allowed to keep their chariots but they won’t be able to afford to run them.
  10. I’m glad you’ve got some company xylo, I can’t imagine my ex coming to care for me though ! 🤣
  11. When you say you’ve saved 100 Baht by repairing a chair Owl, does that include the cost of the cable ties ? 😎
  12. Owl, I understand your comment about the pond… thats incredulous that the kids drowned there ! Terrible tragedy.
  13. It’s the same as when smoking was acceptable. Used to go out and be surrounded by filthy smokers all night and come home and reek of tobacco smoke, hair, skin and clothes. One day some of our unwashed friends will see the light…
  14. Nice read KhunLA, thank you.
  15. This. I have swum in the dam on my wife’s family farm once. I cannot believe that no one has constructed a ladder in order to exit the water, as you mentioned Owl, sheer sides !! At the time I was in my early 50’s and fit and agile and I damned well struggled to get out. Big hugs to yourself and Mildred Owl, this must be devastating for the village.
  16. I’m sure the emoticon was meant as giving you hug mate. Rest and recuperate for you. Concussions are to be taken seriously, keep in touch with your Dr and hopefully someone is able to keep check on you at home ?
  17. In your own time Owl, we all hope your immediate loved ones are safe mate.
  18. Sorry to hear of your poor night xylo. Your usual mc taxi wasn’t around ? I just can’t believe someone would just dump you like that, though I agree with LL that the good people should be our focus, sometimes it’s difficult to see them for all the riff raff. It sounds like you are going to need to look for lodgings with better access when you feel better. Get well soon.
  19. I see no problem with providing information about ev, which if proved viable will be in every ev on the planet eventually. So again, piss off troll.
  20. I never claimed they sold in Thailand, I actually disclosed that it wasn’t Thailand specific. The pertinent point is their claimed battery swap and recharge times… Surely even a dullard like you can see that if it proves to be realisticaly achievable this will be a major step forward for ev. Sorry for being so presumptuous…
  21. Good. It seems the trolls are coming to understand.
  22. Apologies, it’s a 3 min battery change. https://electrek.co/2024/03/27/worlds-first-mass-produced-900v-ev-drive-system-rolls-out/?fbclid=IwAR2r8yFXKoFSw3NBSKaM2VqFn4hugdPLfKwra3L8UilNycboSd7_gRWN51c_aem_AZqUxxG4ULCSRRqPMO5pcTpwTgfX20709XWMeKkTopFFnxbyAXfisNFxXzgYy64n2zM
  23. If anyone is embarrassed it should be the shameless trolls. Anyone who wants to discuss ev in Thailand should feel comfortable, trolls should expect to be called out on a good day or preferably ignored. That is reasonable isn’t it, troll ?
  24. BYD’s forecast: https://electrek.co/2024/03/28/byd-evs-enter-knockout-round-new-tech-launching/?fbclid=IwAR1_zbTBl60xSTRWz4i6XaTpsvQPHd-Tvdy6Qk3D-nEIFwoLT3PIzKORPAk_aem_AZotUpvMFEHhkEkcBuWbqMFVBI1zq1ltOQx1KORodh3-VEaBDXAlrWtSBxo2xmaKHs4
  25. The new procedure is to ignore tolling idiots. I did see an article for an ev (it wasn’t Thailand) that claimed a 2 min battery swap or a 5 min fast charge, that’s going to be a game changer that will even impress the idiots, sorry that was a ridiculous claim…
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