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Everything posted by HighPriority

  1. I’d have thought a vehicle that essentially doesn’t need servicing would be a winner, but that’s just me…
  2. Ohh yeah… well he’d be screwed if he didn’t carry 3000 baht in cash with him !
  3. I assumed that topping another vehicle was possible, I guess the haters will just need to dream up another hypothetical now…
  4. Very much confirming that you are indeed a man of some stature and bearing. Was it Freddie Trueman who said that a gentleman was one who got out of the bath to have a piiss ?
  5. If I remember correctly xylophone and village farang were catwalk types back in their days, Owl too it seems… 🤣😎
  6. I recon the confused old fool is talking about mayonnaise…
  7. I’ll check with the Concretor tomorrow… 😎
  8. Do you go to your local church to tell them they’re all wrong ? Communist countries ? Democratic countries ? How about congregations of left handed people ? Let the early adopters be, I say
  9. You’ve likely still got the option of sourcing a nonChinese produced ev.
  10. You are correct about the snake, I assumed that the Blue Ringed Octopus was similar but from the Thaiger article it states …”The venom of the blue-ringed octopus is called Tetrodotoxin, similar to that of pufferfish. It can be found in the saliva, beak, tentacles, intestine, and ink sacs and directly affects the nervous system, leading to paralysis, respiratory failure, and potentially death.”
  11. Sigh… In general the majority of the 2200km in the NT a 130kmh speed limit applies. For the rest of the country most of the highways are back to 100/110kmh. You can do your own maths from here. He drove the same trip a couple of years ago and it took him 14 days, incredibly ev infrastructure has improved 😳 It’s almost like infrastructure is following the uptake of the vehicles.
  12. Not at all, I’ve eaten Eastern Brown Snake, one of the worlds most venomous. Definitely wouldn’t want to be bitten by one though.
  13. 🤣
  14. I wasn’t aware it was poisonous, I had always been told it was venomous.
  15. No. That would be your comprehension skills. The point is he drove 13,000km in 10 days, so much for range anxiety… His comments that you quoted were in relation to doing the same trip quicker than 10 days.
  16. If I had the infrastructure I’d be doing the same.
  17. Recently upgraded my mobi and it was a bit of a pain in the arsk. One banks settings (transfer limits, notifications Face ID etc) all reset themselves to NOT what I wanted, the other kept them but the registration of the new device was painful. I understand that they detect that I’m logging in on a new device and want to verify that I’m me, but they should be doing that without deleting all my settings and preferences.
  18. Here in rural Darwin our power supply is fairly dodgy by western standards. A couple of times each wet season we’ll lose power for an hour or two, after a cyclone 5 years ago it was out for 3 days in my neighborhood and a mate was in the dark for a week.
  19. That’s when the ev hobgoblins come out… 😱
  20. Annoying but you might need to make a trip back home.
  21. Firstly, I think a key component of owning an ev at present is having access to solar power, it massively tilts the economics and practicality in your favor. Secondly, read this very short very recent story about range https://thedriven.io/2023/12/15/record-broken-as-ev-enthusiast-rocks-around-australia-in-just-10-days/amp/?fbclid=IwAR3rh7VQ9tu9hRtdLZByZSxv7XN5Q5QLdNwJABfYKeVYUaXeL6Wt1I7BZT8_aem_AZsr3qVzvJenwiaGIqgGlOdTeFocJRkMjg4L_p8sf69ZjxrbhUXMay6pKYFUBRHRiaY
  22. Don’t forget to check under your bed tonight, dirty commies are everywhere…
  23. You seem to think that the ev drivers don’t have that ICE driving experience… Heres one for you, the ev drivers have shared your ICE driving experience and concluded that for them ev are superior…
  24. Man, you’ve got a haystack bigger than Texas, which isn’t really that impressive… For the record: ”Well, just how big is the NT? The Northern Territory has a total area of 1,349,129 km2 which accounts for around 17.5 percent of Australia's total landmass. Let's put that in perspective. North America; Texas USA will fit into NT twice.” Northern Territory is my home.
  25. lol. You think the posters in this thread are 22 year olds ? 🤣🤣🤣 Fresh out of high school into an ev, never having had the range anxiety of watching the petrol fuel gauge sink when they’re still 50km from the next town ? How old do you think we are pops ?
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