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Everything posted by HighPriority

  1. I had enough trouble getting out of the pond at the farm ! I am amazed that they dont cut a landing into the bank or install a ladder or rope.
  2. Don’t forget the sharks and crocodiles…
  3. The trick of course is to be strong enough to be able to carry them far enough away that they can’t find their way back home… ????
  4. Being so virile down here the bishops and queens keep getting tangled up in our chess hair… ????
  5. The real problem is that the 4th best keeper in the country, the one who plays in the test team, not only struggles to catch but can’t throw accurately either… ???? Take that monsieur Owl ????
  6. Prepare to be shocked, this is Humpty Doo NT, sort of grown up ???? The gate controller is the left box, the battery (x 2 I think) is in the right hand box and I couldn’t tell you if they’re lithium or AGM. I do know they’re those “motorcycle” sized battery’s. The big cost here on 5 Acres is the cost of getting 240v to the gate, so the solar units have really taken off in recent years.
  7. I’ve only had a solar 12v gate opener for about 12 months, but it’s been great so far, whereas I’ve heard that 240v installations can be prone to lightning strikes.
  8. You’re not going for a solar gate motor/controller ?
  9. I’ve witnessed rare earth magnets effectiveness too ????????
  10. You weren’t the only one thinking we were watching two trains closing in on each other ? Glad it ended well ????????
  11. Needs a couple of bikes on the roof… ????
  12. Expecting an old owl to not climb ladders is like expecting him to not watch that round ball game… Just maintain 3 points of contact please Owl.
  13. Maybe the moisture comes from the condensation? At the end of the day that’s what I was told.
  14. My understanding is that plugs are regarded as a temporary repair. Its been explained to me that water “can/could” seep in and cause the steel belts to corrode, resulting in the tyre delaminating… Obviously undesirable at speed. That said, I’ve used plugs for years and with the occasional visual check are happy to do so.
  15. Lack of access to water brings a very rapid realisation of the fragility of our lives and lifestyle Andy, I'm sure they'll get it sorted for you soon though. I was just reading an article on Australian ABC about what some major AI developers are calling (p)Doom, the likelihood of AI either being turned against us by others or itself... Turn off resources like water, food production/supply, electricity etc and we are all back in the stone age...
  16. Match the thread to a similar length countersunk or mushroom head screw/bolt. Take your bidon screw to a hardware/engineering/building supplies type place to match it.
  17. Click “owl sees all” at the top right of this page. Click “account settings” on the left there will be a menu with the option of “signature”
  18. “Man unloads on sisters butt” I actually saw that movie on pornhub last week…
  19. What would be achieved in her eyes by “…going to the Amphur…” ? Can you “sell” her on the idea of giving you sole legal custody of the child ?
  20. Yes, that one had a “toilet” ????????‍♂️ ???? Was it monjo or mojito ? My wife said that he and his wife sold out but after further interrogation she confessed to having no idea what had happened… ????????‍♂️
  21. Indeed, but in a way she’ll also be looking after you… a rock to cling to, a focus to guide your decisions…
  22. Pretty gutted reading your tale Owl… I can’t really think of much more to add. I know I’d be devistated. At least you have a good relationship with Mildred, keep her first and foremost.
  23. You just described my Mrs, everytime I go to the toaster it’s dialed down to zero… She has a pathological fear of “black” food. Any colored portion of food must be removed. She cooked Crying Tiger for me one time and overcooked the steak. I went inside to get a drink and saw the pile of trimmings on the chopping board and hoovered them up… yum ! She took the dishes inside later and discovered that the black bits were missing and was frantic ???? I was in trouble again… ????????
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