Really? How did the land department accept that? I shouldn't ask, we own one condo and from what the office tells me it is well below the 49% as a friend of mine wanted to buy one, Nothing surprises me here,
It had me thinking the drivers on Bolt are owner/drivers not renting from the mafia, I had some family here for a couple of weeks and judging by some of the cars I saw, one a Fortuna and MG SUV
I wonder how many farang down here in Phuket think they have a 90 year lease? some years ago that was being touted around 30+30+30 total 90 year lease I actually met a guy who was buying a house and that was what he was told, I told him I think you need to speak to another lawyer,
We dont know the reason why they were raided, they are not alone every company on the island is at it and it has been going on for at 25 years that I know of, when I was first explained to me how it was done,
Makes me laugh when you see in another post, they dont want overstaying farang damaging the image of Thailand, Thai's are doing good job themselves without any help from us,
We all know what goes on its not big secret, so now what they going to do about it? start arresting the Farang?
Dont pi$$ the Farang off to much this news will travel fast especially around the Russian community,