Few years back where i Live it was rife lots of stand alone villas down the dark soi's not just Farang owned houses, I did get told the local poo yai baan's got together this has to stop,
I haven't heard of any houses getting broken into for a while,
The best thing to do when you look at your house think like a thief where are the weak spots that a thief would go for, we had empty land around us for years so obviously the back would be a point of entry, so I put wrought iron on the windows the back door and the upstairs windows, if you want to break in my house they would have to make a lot of noise, We have a roller shutters on the front any thief would look at my house and give it a miss find an easier job, They have improved the street lighting over the years and I leave 2 flouresant lights on the front driveway
I dont have a dog or cameras,