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Everything posted by ChipButty

  1. The CCTV footage should show him hanging himself? if it was working,
  2. I would have thought that to be illegal or at least frowned upon, with fellow shipmates
  3. They get read the riot act before the run ashore, a couple of years back a had and American ship commander and his wife rent my villa, I used to have a couple of beers with him, he told me all about Pattaya,
  4. Judging by the photo I think she was a Freelancer, maybe why she had an amount of cash,
  5. Maybe I have lived here to long, if that happened to me I would really be suspious what's going on here, Or a first time tourist would be thinking that's really nice of them, Not knowing what coming next
  6. It's definitely not funny, I was caught up in one many years ago in BKK, first thing all the lights go on and the music stops, In our case even though we was clear we were made to stay there until they were complete. and we couldn't buy another drink.
  7. Joint operations such as these are essential to ensuring that foreigners DONT come back to Thailand
  8. I can see from the photo that boat has 3 engines, I think they are licensed for about 55 passengers,
  9. I remember back in the days in England were TV's had a coin operated,
  10. I've seen places here in Phuket allow a certain amount of electric then after that the guest pays,
  11. After City, Brighton are the most in form team in the league and they play better football than us. Given our defensive problems and the strength of their midfield, I’m not optimistic for a United win today. Also our third game in a week and Wembley saps stamina.
  12. The guy from Napoli his buy out clause is around 40 million
  13. On Airbnb the host can select the minimum nights stay, Don't forget most Airbnb's are not hotels so one nights stays can be difficult to turn over, also more cleaning and laundry, I think 3 nights is about average
  14. I once looked into getting a solar powered swimming pool pump it was like 5 time the price of any other good brand pump,
  15. Another thing you can try which I did for a friend some years ago, He had 4 bungalows for rent and it was the same story, We put a master switch outside the door so everything went off except the fridge, Make sure you tell the guest what it's for, it did help,
  16. I'm aware of them but you have to have one that is compatible with the door lock, with that one they can leave it in and go out, The other thing I did see was door sensors that sound off an alarm when left open how good they are I don't know.
  17. There is only one sure fire way and that is to charge extra for electric, You watch the guest turn it off then, Tourist just don't get it they will have the A/C running with all the windows and doors open, I even tell them the garden doesn't need cooling down they are tropical plants. Also getting them to turn it off when they go out is another problem that is just complete waste, there is a few things you can do, install a keycard system so when they take the card out the electric goes off. These multi billion dollar A/C companies could help by designing a motion detector if no movement it goes of after 15 minutes, I did write to LG about it, No they don't have, Maintenance of the A/C unit is important but Im afraid it's not high on the agenda with Thai's as long as it's still running that's ok, Certain nationalities which I've noticed have the place like a fridge.
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