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Posts posted by suiging

  1. Even for a younger guy who " Likes some fun ", I would agree East of town, Mabprachan/Siam Country Club etc is the way to go for quality of life. Living in the sweetie shop will give you bad teeth and an even worse wallet situation. In the sticks there are a number of bars for your quiet mid-week pint and the cookie jar is a short hop skip and a jump down the road. Better to have it all on your doorstep than get quickly bored by living on top of it. Just an opinion.

  2. I'm with Ollie. Joined this forum as building away merrily, posted a few pictures as encouraged to do and have recommended a local builder ( by PM only ) when asked.

    It does seem that you can not now praise a Thai without self-interest groups jumping in with horror stories and look how good I am spiels.

    By all means advirtise lads and good on you, as without the support the whole issue collapses. However, not every thread needs to be steered to employ me lines, that's what your banners are for.

    Hope you get lot's of business from the sponsorship, but leave the hi-jacking to Osama.

  3. Not sure about LOS, but the Hong Kong press has reported this morning how behind the scenes the Philippine Government has declared the whole of Borakay a National Park and told owners/ investers that they will have to bid for their own property back in a National auction !!!!

    Hope you enjoyed your time on Samui. :o

    Joking apart, a very worrying decision for the Region.

  4. There is big variation in climate in the 'west' as well.

    Houses built to take a Canadian or Euro winter with winter/summer temperature differences of 40C or more (yes, there are places in Canada where temp can reach 35-38C in summer) plus freeze and thaw cycles will need/have different standards than a house built for the tropics.

    Not to mention earthquake zones etc.

    Good builders are always hard to find and never cheap.

    Crappy builders are everywhere and surprisingly easy to find...in fact they will find you.

    Excellent point.

    A good friend of mine paid a not inconsiderable sum for plans for a house from a Canadian company via the web. It was everything he wanted, so cap in hand off to see my Thai builder in town. You could almost here the giggles from Pong !! ( 15km ).

    My guy gently explained about such minor issues as under floor termite control, huge expanses of glass having the same affect as the owner sitting in a microwave etc etc.

    What works in " The West " does not necessarily work in the East. The Thai could have just said " Yes sir " , took his money, and built the dream that he would have regretted for the rest of his life...........honesty and integrity well up with the other virtues for your choice of builder. Find one that says " No " to your daft ideas and you're on to a winner.

  5. Here is the link to my house construction photos. If your interested in these things you may like it. If your not it may be boring.

    tukyleith's house construction

    If you have an album here at thavisa.com with anything relevant to this forum, please post the link in this thread. The thaivisa gallery page is found Here

    Cheers, and happy house hunting/building/whatever.

    How much is it setting you back, if I might ask. For my future home....

    Still on track as at the top of the page. :o

  6. I have owned a number of houses in the West. Some were of high quality, some rubbish. The " West " is not an issue, the Thai guy building my new house is the best i have ever come accross period. It's got bugger all to do with where the builder comes from, it's his care and proffessionalism that counts.

  7. Armed forces station at Royal Thai Air Force

    Armed military officers and tanks have mobilized themselves at the Royal Thai Air Force and along Vipavadee-Rangsit Road, following the peaceful military coup.

    The Administrative Reform Committee under the Constitutional Monarchy has temporarily seized the national administration. Meanwhile, the armed forces are stationed at the entrance and exit passages of the Royal Thai Air Force and its military base. Vehicles are disallowed to enter the base today even though they have the authorized passes.

    The army officers are also providing security from Vipavadee-Rangsit Road to Don Muang Airport.

    Source: Thai National News Bureau Public Relations Department - 20 September 2006

    Maybe I'm missing something........what constitution are they referring to ?

  8. So what does everyone think here, will Taksin come back to Thailand anytime soon?

    That has got to be one scary experience flying into a country where the entire military is after you.

    Specially when you can"t get a taxi and you've lost your golf clubs at the new airport :o

  9. " Man found selling genuine watches on beach road "

    " Day after announcement of arrival of Liverpool Councilmen, North road blocked for hours by unexpected high demand for lecture at the City hall on " Value of locking Hub-caps ".

    " Expat applying for work permit as car rental salesman found to be doing just that !!!!

    ........spokesman for the city's Real Estate Agents confused ? " :o

  10. Ladyboy's struck by mysterious ailment. Our science correspondant states

    " Yes it's some form of virus that has taken away their violent streak and their propensity to rob "

    Liverpool city council are sending over an urgent fact finding mission. :o

  11. This is not a reply to Maggot feces or whatever his name is, but to fellow folk on the site who are not half blinded by something they must have caught elsewhere ( enough clinics here to cure it in the early stages apparently ) or just so bigoted that they feel it necessary to constantly visit the object of their hatred just to make sure. The pace of posts is quick enough, that if this idiot is ignored, his spite filled ( or envious perhaps ) diatribes, simply fall off the end. I for one will never reply to such drivel again, suggest we all do the same. :o

  12. Hopsing; interested in hearing your experience with the card. Reasons for purchasing, Good/bad, positive/negative surprises Etc.

    Other posted wanted you to comment on whether the price would go up! If you can answer that, I have a few stocks I would like your comments on too! :D


    Excellent, a man who knows what he is talking about. Lots of negativity surrounding the card, but good to hear from someone who has one. :o

  13. Dependant visa hooked onto your retirement visa not appropriate ??

    I thought that was possible.

    That was the plan. However a very polite chap in the office in patters informed me not to " expect " it to be granted. As house all but built and matters in place to retire, the card in his name may have been a way of a cast iron certainty of his stay being allowed. Exploring all possibilities and open to all suggestions, life is not as straight forward for some as for others.

  14. just to flog this dead horse a bit more:

    Elite Card still floundering

    Published on Jul 25, 2006 - The Nation

    Elite Card costs Bt1 million if the holder lives abroad, and Bt2 million if the holder lives in Thailand.


    Time to put this old dog to sleep.

    A stupid idea from the start ... Only Asians would be interested, if anyone.


    Not so, if you can think of another way to retire with a handicapped child who will be 22 when i retire at 55, I'm all ears.

  15. An informed opinion from Sunbelt or other worthy folk on here about the validity long term of this card, would be much appreciated. :o

    Thats like asking which way the wind will blow tomorrow.

    They may have an opinion , but thats all it will be.

    Might as well ask , will the amount needed to be depsited for retirement / marriage visas go up? Will the age for retirement go up or down? Will there be a new investment visa?


    All true, but sitting here in HK is not exactly as close to the flame as these guys. You never know what snippet they may have picked up. You can only ask.

  16. Also ask yourself what's the attraction ? Would you marry an old slapper from the bars of Madrid.........No !!!!

    The diminuative, submissive Asian woman is a myth. Ask the members on here, we all get plenty <deleted> from our small diminuative and often satanic loved ones. Unseen bar girls from here are the same as unseen bar girls the world over. Some have genuine tragic stories and have made fine wives, the majority.........you pay for the younger brothers operation, the little sisters schooling, the water supply to the home village, and the dearly loved uncle's sick buffalo, the she's on her toes.

    Get a life, your life, not her unseen extended families. :o

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