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Posts posted by suiging

  1. What you can buy in back-of-beyond Ville USA bears no relation to what you can buy in any other country. The coming decade will see the rise of Asia in comparison to the traditional powers of the West. Jolly Patters being close to an International Airport that offers the potential for weekend golf breaks ( and gambling one day ), food etc etc , all of which are attractive to the new breed of Asian middle class, is now and will be even more attractive in the future. This is where the money will hopefully come from, and what, if the powers that be get their act together ( yes.......not certain, but we live in hope ), will secure a bright future for the area. How many Chinese business men want to fly 40 mins inland in Southern California for a weekend break .................answers on a postcard ?

  2. The fundamentals that make Pattaya an interesting punt in the long run have not changed. Proximity to BK, hotels , golf, possibility in the future of a casino and of course the airport. Even the sex industry is in the process of change, there will always be a demand for it, but when major hotel chains buy real estate in the area for long term investment ( they are no mugs ), the latent potential is still there. When house prices take a tumble in the UK, you can not buy a semi in the West End for the price of one in Bradford. Before the bashers move in for the kill, of course Patters has it's problems ( major in the often appalling infra-structure and over development of the cheap end ), however, people who have bought here in general, live in hope that the place has a better future and are quite prepared for the bumpy ride it will take to get there.

  3. More folk knocked over in Natheekarn, :D buy alarms people !!!

    Not sure how an alarm would help.

    The meter has to be outside the property, so even if I could figure out a way to wire up some kind of alarm to it, I reckon it would take them about 1 minute (or less) to dosconnect the meter, and be off on their motorbike - with no doubt alarm bells ringing behind them - if there were any. :D

    And even if I came down at 3 am and caught them stealing it, not sure I'd want to get into a scrap for a 750 baht meter :o

    Sorry, my fault, referring to general burglary not just the box

  4. I have a Thai wife and 2 young daughters. We are moving to Pataya in December. I have been looking at prices for rented accomadation on the internet and they seem real high 50,000 to 80,000 bhat for something that looks reasonable. Does anyone know if these real or inflated prices. Also I have been looking at schools for the 2 girls aged 9 and 7. Most international schools cost about £5000 per year per child. Does anyone know if there are any suitable schools for about £3000 per year per child.


    stay were you are :o

    Helpful, really helpful.

  5. One more essential tip if you are new. In Thailand, an oncoming car flashing his lights is not being courteous and giving you the right of way. He means I am coming no matter what and I am not prepared to brake :o

  6. what puzzles me is why? What is the basis of Thai driving philosophy? I think that certainly the expression "arai ja gerd gaw hai man gerd", - whatever happens is meant to happen, goes some way to explaining some behaviour.

    In Western countries we have grown up with the car for over 50 years, we expect to drive and our national psyches are geared to this as are our road systems and behaviour on them.

    On the other hand, mass motorised transport is a relatively new thing here, it has only taken hold with rampant industrialisation, before this the 2 main forms of transport were hand or animal pulled cart or perhaps more importantly, river transport.

    So it has been suggested, and I like the idea, that the Thai national psyche is orientated towards river transport – this would indeed account for a lot of traffic behaviour, for who could deny that especially in towns it flows much more as if on water than on asphalt. No sudden halts just gentle drifting out into mainstreams, slowly moving up alongside the bank (hard shoulder) sheltering from the oncoming current…… moving off so slowly so as not to upset the load…..and of course parking nose first and hoping the stern will drift in round behind. Needless to say that add to this the speed capability of the motor vehicle and you get a somewhat dangerous situation…..but next time you’re out driving, just keep repeating to yourself “I’m in a boat, I’m in a boat, I’m in a boat” and see how it all comes together!

    Ahhhhhhhh a Nation obsessed with " Punts '. You could be right. :o

  7. I find it much more relaxing in Patters than driving in Hong Kong. Yes there is a rule of the road in HK, but there is also total arrogance from 99.9% of the population. In Patters everyone ignores the rules but when you accept that fact you will find that when you suddenly want to get across three lanes, the locals will let you without horns and the drama of more " refined " driving cultures. The bikes on the other hand are a problem and use of wing mirrors an absolute must to survive. A large number of the buggers have no insurance and if you hit one ( or just as likely they hit you ) DO NOT move, DO NOT accept responsibility, in fact don't do anything until your own insurance agent arrives. As Joe Farang you are in the wrong until proven otherwise and you need local help with the situation to get back up and running. Sounds scary, but back to point one, when you get used to it no problems, enjoy

  8. Rule number one.................do not build without some form of vermin control. ( even then the bleeders will get in but a good under floor system helps )

    What sort of system are you talking about ? I am ignorant on this subject :o

    I have netting in the roof to prevent birds etc., but my floors are concrete.



    Many of the more modern houses have a pipe system laid under the flooring where vermin control companies come on a regular basis and give your home a good gasing. Well worth the effort.

  9. As much as the UK behind the scenes will be happy with the result ( in time ) of the recent events in the LOS; how on earth anyone belives they can send the man back is beyond me. The " Free" world as the UK/US alliance like to call themselves, would have a hard job giving legitimacy in the short term to a military temporary power as much as they would like to, even though knowing full well, it will be good for the country in the long run. Thailand is Thailand, but a hint of support at this time would send a message to Indonesia and possibly other close neighbours that the West and it's allies could not countenance.

  10. Most of these women are over 18, but he says that young teenage girls walk the streets looking for customers, while underage boys are offered up as 'masseuses'.

    I along with 99.9% of people abhor paedophilia, but I personally have never seen it being touted around the streets of Pattaya.

    I would love somebody to take one of these NGO spokesmen to task about showing evidence when making statements like this. If they could actually provide evidence I am sure the police would arrest the perpretrators and the problem would cease to exist, and the reputation of Pattaya would eventually improve also.

    But unfortunately these people never actually seem to be very good at providing evidence, just good stories.

    Oh and by the way, IMHO,.........30 mins closer is not going to bring in Thousands of more tourists

    Come on, john 101! Do you go ask the girls how old they are? Do you ask the boy "masseuses" how old they are? People do provide evidence and the police do make arrests.


    I have read a few of your posts and I am sorry but you really do appear to be in the wrong country.

    But I digress, as Brit said, asking a European to guess the age of a Thai is a very difficult thing to do!

    Oh and by the way I would not make a habit of going around asking boys or girls how old they are as I am sure someone like you would probably try to get me locked up !

    Have a nice day :D:D

    Pedophiles are looking for pre-pubesant children. That is pretty much all they are interested in and that is what paedophilia is about.

    Children of this age are pretty easy to spot and I have NEVER been approached by one or by anyone pimping them in all my years in Thailand. Claiming that child prostitutes are common here is an self-serving urban myth that fills NGOs coffers, but has no basis in reality. :D

    Exactly, if you want it try Belgium :o

  11. Gents there is an Asian perspective to the airport and Pattaya's future. Deregulation is the order of the day across the region and when ( as it will ) the dawn of cheap, well run charter flights hit the like of Hong Kong, the proximity of Patters coupled with the fantastic golf courses will pack em in. HK is one hour in front of LOS, and the golf crowd do not necessarily have to stay down town with Mabprachan say only 50 mins from the new airport, six o'clock flight from HK will get you into the area by nine. Leaving the office Friday back Sunday after two full days of golf and a trip or two into town for the 19th hole (s ), is an attractive proposition. Add to that the longer term chance of a casino/race track and the future is not as glum as it may seem, and also not dependant solely sex driven tourism.

  12. The beautiful city of Prague is mainly crime free in the tourist dominated old city, and bloody dangerous outside the old walls. Why ? In the main it is because of patrols of black shirted large lads funded by the major tourist bodies who shall we say " encourage " the scum to stay away. Our MIB in Patters are not up to the job period. Is it not time the major players in the tourist industry did something to help themselves ?

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