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Posts posted by suiging

  1. Sorry to repeat myself, but would Hans be kind enough to try to pressure Mr KID into doing the right thing for once and carry on with his expose of the corrupt experience he has put himself through.

    He touched her arse by his own admission, he did not deserve what came next, but if he behaved no doubt in the manner he behaves back home, this would not have happened.

    What will happen if he sulks away to lick his wounded wallet without following through on the team that did this, is that as sure as G-od made little apples, it will happen again. Perhaps the next time to some poor sod who in fact did not touch up this tart in the first place, and who has to live in the LOS making it extremely difficult to put himself in the firing line.

    Mr Kid is nice and safe now in scooby land, I hope he will do the right thing and make life a little safer for those he has left behind !

  2. Totally agree. Mr KID has paid a bung for his grope and left the country. I hope he will have the moral fibre to raise his illegal payments to the relevant authorities from afar and not leave other expats ( who may not do anything but fall foul to this group who have got away with it ) in line for similar from a group who have got away with this outrage. It is the least he can do as he was the idiot ( self confessed ) who caused this in the first place.

    However, I'm not holding my breath. :o

  3. Many friends from HK have stayed at the Mercure and all sing it's praises. I have stayed in the past at the Areca, and enjoyed the experience ( although all the safe deposit boxes had been turned over the week before ).

  4. East Pattaya for me. Golf, countyside, good people, close to new airport, schools and motorway to BK. Close to all the facilities of Patters, but far enough away to avoid the parts which the Pattaya Bashers ( and boy are there a few of those on TV ) will tell you about adnauseam any time now. :o

  5. Excellent informative stuff and a breath of fresh air from calm, well informed folk, not the usual scare mongers. Sadly I have no Thai family at all, so the waiting game is just about all I can do. However, I still hold on to the hope that better days are ahead. Not all Thai's hate farangs and not all farangs are seedy sex tourists. Spain and the like for Brits/Euros is not as attractive as it once was and as more and more post baby boomers choose to retire early, the lure of their retirement investments into the Thai local economies will become a powerful force for reason. I will wait and see. I loved the place this time last year, and as far as I can see, I will feel the same way this time next .....................fingers crossed. :o

  6. Is there any Scandinavian restaurant in Jomtien area? :o

    There is a Finnish restaurant on Soi Drarin, adjacent to the George and Dragon pub.

    Does that mean they wont let you leave until you've eaten the lot ?

  7. At last a similar voice in the wilderness. Yes, I joined up to try to get a different angle on the land issue, and have enjoyed the debate thus far and yes, I too, was told all the ups and downs by my Thai lawer, who honestly belived that if the company remained " quiet ", all would be well. He is as shocked as most of us who were of the loop at the recent happenings, but as it stands, the many of us who wished to be " quiet " investors in the LOS, have been done in by the greedy.

    Good on the Thai people for having the bottle to go after the powerful within their own society, sadly, a few of us at the other end of the scale are having a bumpy ride. I still love the place and will not jump until the ship sinks ( hopefully I will spot the bugger filling with water ). Ido not feel LOS has reached that stage yet, many on here do and I respect that opinion. I just hope when the penny drops about the potential loss of revenue from us, the " quiet ones ", up and leaving, Asian pragmatism will kick in and a middle path acceptable to both will be found. :o

  8. All good stuff. However, the crack down is not new law, It's a tightening of existing legislation. Now I have been told that if/when a knock on the door comes, this existing law gives you one year to get your house ( pardon the pun ) in order. This being the case why jump in now ? Why not sit tight until the dust settles with the new administration and the true future direction is known. Who knows, a 99 year lease may be just round the corner, why go to the expense of a half-way house, 30 year number now, when the knock may never come, and you'll have a year to get sorted if it does ?

    Time for the flames. :o

    Before we get burnt to death - I would add that I agree with you. I have been looking for a so-called

    'tipping point' and unless I see that there truly is evidence of people with the company/land method getting 'burned' from the government rather than just from the forum flamers - the best option is wait and see ?

    Have you heard of any bad stories yet??

    Only from people on here who swear doomsday is coming and a friend of a friends friend has heard it, so it must be true.

    The key is no new legislation yet. There is protection in the old ( time to move to the unfrustruct/lease method ), and I, like you, will be the first to change when something concrete occurs. I honestly believe the Thai's are not evil, they are just Asian and often move in mysterious ways. The 3mil investment visa has gone, but all those who went that route in good faith have been catered for. I for one, am just trying to bring investment into the country. I employ Thais, and enjoy their company. These good people assure me sense will prevail........fingersed crossed, I choose to believe them.

  9. One other thing you might want to look at is the spacing of the compressor units from the wall.

    They look awful close in the photo. If they are too close the air flow will be restricted, increasing load on your fans and reducing air flow speeds. Both of these effects will increase electrity usage.

    When looking at shelter designs, simple and airy is best, shade the sun off but don't block air flow. For all the reasons above.

    Thanks for clarifying the gate house, I was thinking it might be for the inlaws. :o

    Great advise, emailed the boy already !! thanks.

    PS Inlaws Chinese, three generations and their friends could live in the guard house..........no thanks. :D

  10. All good stuff. However, the crack down is not new law, It's a tightening of existing legislation. Now I have been told that if/when a knock on the door comes, this existing law gives you one year to get your house ( pardon the pun ) in order. This being the case why jump in now ? Why not sit tight until the dust settles with the new administration and the true future direction is known. Who knows, a 99 year lease may be just round the corner, why go to the expense of a half-way house, 30 year number now, when the knock may never come, and you'll have a year to get sorted if it does ?

    Time for the flames. :o

  11. One thing is for sure , it sets a bad precedent and will give like minded girls the idea on

    how to hit the jackpot, i am sure we will seen many similar shaftings in the future

    Nah I don't think so - it would have never happed if he'd kept his hands to himself. So with that in mind keep your hands to yourself and you have no worries.

    If the female (?) cop escapes censure, she will be mightly upset with old whitey and will be sure to save face by getting her own back. If she gets nailed, similar story with her mates in the nick.

    Oh dear..............

  12. The house I am building has mains water. However, I have sunk a deep well into a plentiful supply of water and have two large storage tanks and a powerful pump. Very necessary i'm afraid.

    Hi Suiging,

    What size are your tanks and are they made of Poly or concrete?


    Both poly and housed in sunken concrete pits for want of a better word. Back in town in two weeks, I'll let you know the exact size then. ( left my set of beeping plans with a pal ) :o

  13. Have you considered putting some sun shading over all those a/c units? Doing so will reduce your cooling bills.

    I'd also anti thief cages over them if I where you.

    Thanks, having read the same tip in another thread, I have asked my guy to do just that ( the shade )

    Anti theft an idea, though i intend to have alarms , security lights and a little man in the guard house.

    Thanks again.

  14. looks like you got one good and honest Thai Builder, is there any schedule yet to when everything will be finished, and are you keeping the budget as of before??

    Heavy rains have slowed matters by the odd week, as has the inability of the door/window guys to do their job properly. Budget on track. Next up, outside tiles and pool. Interior after windows well and truely securable.

    The builder continues to amaze with his attention to detail and honest approach, I have been very lucky. :o

  15. News Clipping Forum has Rayong declared a disaster area and JaiDee has posted a general weather warning for the East. Anyone noticed any preperations for impending downpours in Patters ? :o

  16. We drilled a well and installed a deep well pump since there is no water supply on the road we are building a house. The well is used for water neded on the building site.

    The builder asked us where we wanted to place the water tank and second pump. (which we would need to buy as an extra)

    My question is: why would I need a water tank and second pump?

    The well is 20m from the house and when the tap is opened the pump delivers water from the well.

    Therefore I guess the same would happen in the house if that water supply get conncected to the house or do I miss something here? Why spend an other 20k on tank and pump?

    Thanks for your thoughts and wisdom....

    I am by no means an expert, but I would imagine you need the tank for a back-up if you have problems with your well pump, for issues of filtration, and perhaps constant pressure. Back-up for the family fairly important, ask the poor sods in town who depend on water from the mains in Patters, what hel_l they go through with no regular supply !!

  17. In my opinion, those prices quoted above are outragous. Sure, there are those that will disagree, but if you need simple units for simple jobs, then lets go budget. Daikin, Mitsubishi Electric, whatever. Most come from the same factories anyway. There are many units also 'thai branded' from those factories, offered with lower warranties (1 year instead of 5) at a fraction of the cost. Im running 6 of them in my home here, of them 24/7 for over two years with no problems. Just a filter clean every 6 months, and a gas check every 12.

    Its a proven fact that it takes more than 5 years to pay the monetary difference between the purchase price and the running cost of a '5' rated energy efficient unit. Of course, you are not being environmentally friendly though!

    If you need to know about some good options, PM me.


    All above agreed. went with Mitsy ( see construction pics ) because they are reliable, cost efficent to a degree, but above all silent and i got a huge effin walk in fridge as a bung :o

  18. Of interest to the Western standards debate, something nagged my Thai builder about the windows/doors. Fitted by sub contract they have been sent back many times over the month as they were not to his standard. After finally being OK'd for fit something still bugged him. Out with the trusty screwdriver and there it was. The screws were not stainless. Call to BK all windows doors removed yet again until all screws changed.

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