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Everything posted by scorecard

  1. Thanks Charlie. I like my coffe and milk quite hot and I like more milk that most folks in my coffee. So this product would help to get/keep the coffe and milk more hot. Right now I make my coffee in a small one output one shot steam machine or in a plunger, both fairly hot but when I add milk there's a big reduction in the overall temperature. Adding the milk (frothed and heated) looks like a good idea. 844Baht a little expensive, anybody noticed any similar milk heaters/frothers at a lower price? Thanks.
  2. Do such salesmen/women even have this knowledge?
  3. The truth is that Thammanat should have been sanctioned several years ago for his wrongdoings and jailed for a long time, and never allowed to ever again hold any position connected to the government and it's agencies.
  4. And by all reports their direct staff hold your hand from the minute you contact them and many other times ongoing to guide/assist/help etc.
  5. What absolute total rubbish, full of misinformation, way way less than accurate re the shin mob. I was here in Thailand all through this decade+, there is plenty of specific evidence. No I don't want the little general, and by the way if you get yourself out of your buuble there's several other very credible without baggage possibilities.
  6. Yeah, teach them the goose step, thank god my grandchildren don't have to take part in this.
  7. I've done the same, the guys appreciate it but there's a good chance the public don't.
  8. Yes, they will assign a cop to be with each/all Indian tourists at all times. Those with large gold chains will have 2 cops, one will carry a small safe but with a photo of the gold chain taped to the safe so all can see and tourist can flaunt his wealth.
  9. Does it need to be a lawyer? Is there not a list of professions who are accepted to sign/witness etc., the documents? Might held to explain what is meant in this circumstance by 'certified'.
  10. There's also plenty of Thais who don't want him or her to ever return to Thailand, both are convicted and have sentenced to time behind bars, (and I mean of real crimes, and no they weren't kangarooo courts, and there are still serious charges outstanding against him).
  11. youse....kid talk.
  12. A twist of that. I've had Thai PR for 25 years. A number of times I've been asked 'where are you from?' I answer 'Chiang Mai with my Thai family' and sometimes continue 'I have Thai PR, for lifetime. Response a few times 'Yes you live now with your family in Chiang but when will you go home?' My Thai son loves to get into this conversation, especially with his Thai wives' siblings. 'But when will he go home to xxxxx?' Son 'He is home'. Son shows my PR book (sometimes). Sons' loud domineering sister in law 'no, that book must be for another country'. Son 'It's all written in Thai'. Sons' sister in law 'people in every county can write in Thai.' One of his in l
  13. I'm 77, I've had a very satisfying wonderful life with many interesting experiences across many countries and situations, which provide lots of wonderful memories. I wouldn't want to 'scrub' my memories and start again.
  14. Thanks for your comments, very educational. Seems to me there's a further important point - the point that the founding fathers pushed for full separation of religion and civil laws. Unless I'm mistaken this strongly demands that American law strictly must not be based on bible verses / religious teachings etc. So how is it that we currently hear so much comment from American politicians and especially the GOP pushing for recognition of bible writings etc., in the law laws are framed/established? And it seems to be strongly present in the current actions of the supreme court to reverse the law re abortions. Surely the supreme court is the ultimate judicial entity IN the USA that should be very strongly pushing for / insisting on total absence of religion in regard to the philosophical aspects of how abortion and all other laws are framed. And how come the very large % of Americans who are not really / not seriously aligned to any religion, plus those (a big % of citizens) who when needed write Christian to complete a form but it has no real personal meaning / no meaning at all in terms of a regular or even occasional religious activity aren't being vocal to push away any/all attempts to bring religion into politics/framing of laws?
  15. "He was also involved in an incident in Suriwong, Bangkok, in which his Lexus was shot up while he was in a spa.... taping live sex shows with underaged chinese girls ????" He was in a spa (in Suriwong) taping live sex shows with underaged Chinese girls. That's a very big accusation. Are you sure your accusation is totally correct in every detail? If you go back to the original event and the reporting, it was not reported as you posted. Beware of Thai laws about defamation, they are serious and they bite!
  16. I add more... I'm a caucasian person, not American, I've followed world politics for all my adult life in my 77 years. I have a basic understanding of American politics but not much more. Until perhaps 6 or 7 years ago It seemed to me that American politics, policies, discussions, laws were mostly based on: - Building and maintaining democracy but without religion being strongly evident. - The desire to build and maintain a civil society, mostly equal for all in terms of colour, etc. - Respecting the wishes/laws enacted by the founding fathers that building/maintaining the US must always totally respect the separation of religion and state. In the earlier years we always saw strong respect across the political parties. And strong respect from all to see a peaceful/smooth transition from president to president. What happened?
  17. Google says: 63% of Americans indicate Christian as their religion, about 20% of these folks attend church weekly. 31% of the worlds population identify officially as Christian, and at least 55% of these folks are non practising christians. So how does the American religious right get away with pushing Christianity, and how come so many right wing politicians get away with claiming the Christian religious high ground in terms of policy/law. Just wondering if at the moment it's fashionable to claim to be a member of the GOP and a practicing Christian. Perhaps it's because their clown boy leader claims he's Christian but in reality can't discuss anything in relation to christian beliefs. But he's got a strangle hold on so many, and this is so dangerous. Also just wondering how the American Christians who are not practicing Christians would react if someone tried to have Christian beliefs enshrined as civil law, same as Shiria law in some muslim countries? And how would that fit with the demands of so many Americans to demand personal freedom?
  18. Sure, without doubt Thailand would make big gains by installing a much younger / new style PM with much more proper balance and with good progress towards establishing a real democracy and equality, and there seems to be several possibilities. But let me be honest I'm not suggesting a shin PM.
  19. Utterly amazing, I can't cope. Perhaps you should get together and make duplicate sandwiches, that would surely rock the entire universe.
  20. You can't accept logic, happy to be on your ignore list.
  21. And I wonder if the parents of any of the boys or the police took the trouble to sit them down and ask/inist on them explaining the problem and their logic fo the attack they perpetrated. I did this a cople of times at one of the Thai universities where I lectured. I sat them all down (not always together and inisted that they explain themselves and told them 'until you give me a logial adult menaingul explanation of your actions and what you wanted to achieve then we don't go home. It worked and it slowly became obvious to the boys involved that they were being stupid and their actions would never achieve anything and they actually had nothing to fight about. I made them all explain this to me one by one, everybody sitting in a circle. Smartphones all turned off. They all became more mature and responsible.
  22. How do you know whether he was looking / always looks up or down or left or right. You don't know. Therefore It's inappropriate for you to say he's an irresponsible rider.
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