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Bert got kinky

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Everything posted by Bert got kinky

  1. There is lots of evidence of life after death Well, instead of gobbing it off, perhaps you might want to share your evidence, not fairy tales, real evidence. Grinx2,
  2. We created most of the pain. Oh yes, I forgot that we created cancer, Alzheimer's disease, motor neurone disease and multiple sclerosis.
  3. If he/she/it/they is/are so powerful and compassionate, why can't he/she/etc. make the place that we are currently in a place without pain?
  4. What a strange retort. I never met Hitler, should I discard all evidence of his evil and give him the benefit of the doubt?
  5. My research has convinced me without a doubt that there's life after death. Well Jeffrey, my personal research has convinced me without a doubt that you are a complete numpty and that you should not be let loose amongst patients. If you choose to believe in such hocus pocus tosh, you would be better suited as a patient in a Victorian mental asylum.
  6. If you want to blend in, fly under the radar, go unnoticed, don't get tattoos on your face.
  7. So they have managed to capture one murder suspect. How many more of these fugitives are hiding behind the guise of grilled meatball vendors. They should round them up and question all grilled meatball vendors now, before this becomes an endemic.
  8. I wear reading glasses with a slight tint and these have to be removed for my visa pictures but that seems to be an issue with the fact that they are tinted. I was told 'no sunglasses in picture'.
  9. Room Cooled By Fans Hope that they're not Arsenal fans, he wouldn't survive without an atmosphere.
  10. Why should an upset stomach require helicoptoring to the Police Hospital? Don't know, but I also don't know why difficulty sleeping, suffering unease and suffering from high blood pressure would warrant an airlift.
  11. I didn't say that he was, did I? I was offering a comparison of his privileged life against normal criminals, a point that most posters seemed to understand.
  12. A much needed plot twist. He was out of the headlines for at least 20 minutes. Hope the inmates at Bang Kwang get equal treatment when they get a tummy bug.
  13. The startled mother accidentally stepped on the accelerator Would that be constituted as a 'knee jerk reaction'? Her story sounds like she was making it up as she was giving her statement. Last time I heard an excuse as funny as this, it was some guy saying 'I have a peculiar medical condition which is that I don’t sweat'.
  14. When we got married my wife changed to using my surname. Her ID card, passport,blue books, bank books, etc. are all in her married name (my surname). She has 3 properties in Thailand in her married name, without any problems.
  15. I was going to say that you couldn't make this stuff up but it seems that the mother did. How does a 3 year old child reach over from the back seat and yank the steering wheel? No child seat, no insurance, no sense.
  16. Green Crack, Thai Stick, White Widow, Alien OG...............666
  17. The TM30 in your picture has not been signed by the I/O, so I don't think that it has been processed. If you have a signed version of that form, show that to the I/O and that would cover all of the documents that they are asking for. As you are staying in a hotel, the hotel should have notified Immigration already, have you asked about this with the hotel that you are staying at.
  18. When you change address, you have to do the TM30 again at your new address. The documents that Jomtien Immigration are asking for are for the TM30.
  19. This sounds like they want you to do the TM30. https://www.immigration.go.th/en/?p=14721 If immigration do not have a record and proof of where you are staying, they may not give you an extension. You do not have to provide 4, 5 & 6, your landlord does though.
  20. Why can't the Russians design a spacecraft that can safely land on the moon. It's hardly rocket science, is it?
  21. What a pathetic response. How long did it take you to come up with this gem?
  22. If I were a Thai taxi driver, I would wait for some extremely negative news to be posted in the Thai press, I would then contact the press and hand the lost wallet over to the police while having the press run a story about me being an honest cabbie. This in turn will help to whitewash any negative press about Thailand that week.
  23. I am totally behind banning transgender women from competing in women's sports, my reasons for this is that in most sports their is an obvious advantage to being born a male. However, Chess? This makes no sense at all.
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