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Bday Prang

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Everything posted by Bday Prang

  1. he was more than a porn star he was a producer too some of his videos were hilarious. Later he became very litigious in an attempt to protect his production style from being copied
  2. so what do they go for? to walk their dogs? get real
  3. probably find a few in the cambodian forum?
  4. but you should really see the large one
  5. most people would consider prolonged staring somewhat impolite and to be honest just plain weird.
  6. indeed they do , they even struggle not to whinge about it on here regularly, the same people every time
  7. i know quite a few "poor " Thais, None of them survive off 7/11 ready meals
  8. I am not sure if she actually lied or if she just hasn't a clue what she's doing, probably both
  9. didn't see casinos mentioned in tbe OP
  10. I'm referring to the unwashed hoards of backpackers who are invading the place, Most of whom seem to go there to indulge in exactly the same "activities" as they do at home with others of the same ilk. They have little interest in the locality, most don't even drag themselves out of bed till mid day I have no issue with car and biker groups they cause none of these public order problems
  11. none of that would be of any interest to those mentioned here, who rarely stray from their doss houses
  12. Applies to anybody seeking the presidency
  13. we can expect threads like this almost daily now, Its all the lefties have left to cling on to
  14. pity all politicians are not so closely scrutinised isn't it?
  15. regardless of his popularity he remains the President of the USA suck it up lefties
  16. The Thais won't care about individual nationalities all farang are the same to them, Basically a problem with pesky foreigners has been identified and a "successful " crackdown quickly ensued by the ever vigilant RTP ensures it won't happen again. pats on the back all round
  17. I am not in the least surprised by this, what an absolute disgrace!
  18. Are they being flown by Thai pilots,? unsupervised ? Now that is a worry. But exactly what emergency do they envisage?
  19. yet amazingly very few stories of British tourists misbehaving in 2024/2025 although I am not sure how the 75% of 2025 still remaining will pan out. The current increase in reports of anti social behaviour does seem to correspond to the recent large increase in Israelis , coincidence maybe?
  20. now there's an original comment,
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