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Bday Prang

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Everything posted by Bday Prang

  1. So the purpose of your comment was what exactly ? Nobody on this thread cares about your opinion humble or otherwise . Do your trolling elsewhere
  2. Great night out in Surin, hence the saying Bai Surin gin Surah
  3. Plenty of those available its the preference for most Thai mongers too
  4. No they haven't all gone south at all there's plenty left don't be starting rumours
  5. TongTarin hotel, bit dated but good location, If can speak a bit of Thai "tawan daeng" has possibilities
  6. The OA visa also requires a criminal record check which I think may even require "notarising" and some sort of medical certificate too, money is also required but this can be in your home country bank account. Never sounded particularly appealing for me for at least one of the above
  7. A lot of the more "mature" ones end up there he might find one like stifflers mum mae somchai
  8. I disagree, many of the larger cities have a few bars owned by westerners ( or their wives to be more accurate)
  9. I'd forgotten about Udon, years since I've been there, not a bad hunting ground, but due to the high number of expats there it lacked the authentic Issan feel in my opinion
  10. Most of them in pattaya may well be from issan, same could be said for Bangkok, Hua hin, Ban Chang Phuket and all the other islands, Further afield they are active in Korea ,Japan, Dubai in fact just about everywhere, Probably Issans greatest export, However there's plenty more where they came from. No need for anybody to worry about that
  11. Agreed, but i preferred the word pedandtic
  12. Yep in the old days it was indeed a case of "if there's grass on the pitch , Game on" Just as well really coz life expectancy was probably around 30 years,
  13. you have gone to a great deal of trouble to be pedantic ? There may well have been licences but there was no driving test until 1935 in the UK I couldn't be bothered looking at france
  14. I'm well aware of where it is, actually i just remembered I did go there once, about 30 years ago, to a rather unimpressive crocodile farm In what way would I be surprised? is it worse than I think or not as bad? Anyway I won't be going there anytime soon, I tend to stay in issan these days
  15. probably not what he's looking for, but I can guarantee a great day out, ps drinking is involved Lots more stuff like this in issan, Its a world away from the usual tourist ghetto's, Some say the real Thailand I wholeheartedly agree! Just a pity there is no coastline here
  16. It's everywhere, just look for the bright lights or the fairy lights, Khonkaen has a good supply of hairy pie and would be a good place to start, especially for those less familiar with the north east. You shouldn't go far wrong in Buriram or Surin either. I have had many memorable times in Loei too. Speaking a bit of Thai and knowing how to behave is always an advantage, things can get a bit lively out in the sticks, and you may find yourself the the only person with a white face in some of the places , even in the less remote areas. Go for it and let us know how you got on
  17. I don't think I have ever read a comment from you that isn't just downright weird , I'm sure I read somewhere on here that you are a "teacher" I find that very concerning. If it is true, could you do the decent thing and let us all know which school you work at so that it can be avoided Thanks in advance
  18. Samut Prakan must be one of the most notoriously violent places in Thailand It is literally never out of the news. Driven past it a few times but never actually stopped to visit, I doubt I ever will. Do any members here actually live there ? I was wondering is it all bad or just a select few places.?
  19. Weirdly some of those most vocally in favour of deporting overstayers are the same people that called me a right wing extremist and racist Nazi when I spoke out against illegal immigration in the UK There are some very strange people floating about these days
  20. I suppose they deserve a medal really , ok acting on a tip off isn't too challenging even for this lot, but having to put down the mobile phone for 10 minutes and leave the aircon office must be awfully difficult. Not to mention smartening up their appearance for the obligatory photo op
  21. Oh I wouldn't say no after a few changs, I reckon she'd be as dirty as a dogs @r$e
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