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Bday Prang

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Everything posted by Bday Prang

  1. Most people, including regular users of bargirls, have never even heard of "the 1996 suppression of prostitution act" . The few amongst us with any knowledge of this legislation, will have their own, probably private, reasons for being so well informed, and in my opinion are to be treated with deep suspicion and kept at arms length. The only people who would feel the need to educate themselves regarding these laws are those who have already broken or are considering breaking them, and are wondering what penalties they might be subject to, if caught and convicted.
  2. along with the prosecution of people helping out in the emergency, for visa offences
  3. You sound scared, pull yourself together man for gods sake, were you like this before covid?? no of course you weren't. There are always seasonal viruses floating around, people catch them, a small percentage will die, that is normal. Stop worrying and stop trying to scare others
  4. And do you think that advice has served you well during your 15 years.?
  5. In both cases If , as one would expect, the "rich" person has first class insurance then he pays nothing other than his "excess" his insurance will cover all costs for him, as stated in his policy, that is what he pays them for. It is then up to his insurance company to recoup their losses, Their first hope is to deal with the other persons insurance company but if the amount involved exceeds that companies limit for a single incident,then they would have the option of pursuing their remaining losses directly from the person responsible, through the courts Often not a financially viable option in the first of your examples, and probably practically impossible and prohibitively expensive in the second example you mentioned so, normally the cost will be covered by the insurance company, An incident like the that in the OP won't raise an eyebrow in insurance circles 1.3 million baht is nothing in the great scheme of things. Writing off a brand-new pickup and hospitalising all passengers would cost significantly more and is a daily occurrence, I wouldn't feel too sorry for the insurance companies, any losses they suffer are ultimately just passed on to their customers and I dread to think what the insurance premium costs per year for a rolls royce
  6. I could not care less what happens to him or his bank account or indeed his immigration status, its none of my business.. and he needs to understand that other peoples visa / immigration status and the way they choose to obtain it is nothing to do with him whatsoever. These sanctimonious, self righteous, self appointed, immigration commentators make me want to puke, who do they think they are, ? I bet they were not very popular in school, or anywhere else for that matter
  7. I would say its the retirees who have no wish to learn Thai and are quite happy to be confined to the "ghetto" only leaving it when accompanied by their wives
  8. most of what you have posted is just plain wrong and you should stop confusing and misleading people. The non o visas are not, as you insist "discriminatory" they simply have different requirements, you keep asking why, but you are asking the wrong people. Ask an immigration officer, and his answer will be something along the lines of " because it is" or "because we say so " which is a standard answer any adult gives a pestering child. If you want "preferential treatment" change you visa, but try and get the right one this time eh? maybe you should consider using an agent this time. lol At least stop moaning and insulting people who are better informed than yourself
  9. So arabs are now a belittled minority? is that even true? , and those people who got their heads cut off for upsetting them were neo nazi's? who deserved what they got? Oh and the old racist police thing, the police are not racists, at least not anymore, and haven't been for a long time, they dislike everybody, except their fellow officers, the fact that there is a disproportionate number of "colourful minorities" in prison is a testament to those minorities propensity to commit crime and evidence of their ineptitude at it You may be comfortable with some of the stuff kids are exposed to in school these days, I certainly am not, and I think you will also find that , again. this is true of the majority I personally have never heard of any school in the UK promoting an anti arab agenda, and neither have you so stop making things up Bigotry and extremism are not the sole preserves of any particular group or race
  10. Its irrelevant where you come from, I didn't mention Islam as you earlier claimed , and I have not been stirring up "racial hatred" either, I simply said most british people do not particularly like arabs. You may not be comfortable with that, having met a few in a "spa", but to deny it is pointless. I am completely ambivalent about it. Now you likening me to Goebbels !! well at least its an attempt at a variation on the predictable left wing insult people cannot be forced to like anybody or anything, you yourself expressed a dislike for americans, but i'm betting you only meant the white straight male members of the population, You wouldn't want to be seen publicly expressing an honest dislike of any of the others would you? That would not go down too well with your fellow guardian readers
  11. 5 litre oil bottle is fine its all ive ever used, anyway whilst the rain is here you'll be using it pretty much every week so you won't be keeping it for long and no need to fill it up every time either. Then when the weather dries up you won't need it at all for about 5 or 6 months either
  12. Don't worry about sources or links its true ! I have seen signs like that many many times with my own eyes
  13. I knew a couple of girls who used to have little plastic pigs that they would put on the bar or table where they were sitting to keep the arabs at a distance, even most bar girls dislike them
  14. Who mentioned Islam? anyway what a ridiculous question, I would have no problem taking the money, doesn't mean I have to like like them at all . have you forgotten about all the allegedly woke (and hypocritical) sports people that did not hesitate to capitalise on the recent world cup despite the arabs views on gays etc. Was that just because they liked arabs so much they were prepared to overlook their personal but publicly stated principles and run over there? or something to do with money? I have spent my entire working life earning a lot less than that whilst working for people I dislike just as much as arabs Most british people do not like them , anymore questions?
  15. No they don't, but they can of course see the opportunity to exploit the hysteria they create in some people regarding this subject to their advantage. Some of the worst offenders are not even politicians in the accepted sense of the word Think WEF for starters
  16. I can remember a certain infamous tiger sanctuary close to Kanchanaburi coming under intense scrutiny not that long ago and it did not come out of it looking very good at all. Was that a case of public ignorance ? No it wasn't. The only struggle those "conservationists" faced was staying out of prison
  17. jesus, you seem like a glass half empty type of guy, have you considered writing speeches for doom goblin in chief Greta Thunberg? or is that where you sourced your detailed prediction
  18. I'm just telling you the facts, if you don't like them that is up to you, I don't doubt there are plenty of people who hate the british . maybe even "most people in the world " as you childishly put it, To be honest I could not care less. Ihe fact remains most british people do not like arabs, what's more most non arabs aren't too keen on them either, why does that make you uncomfortable? I don't see them getting much support on here either, do you?
  19. read what I wrote, most british people do not care for Arabs and will avoid them if possible, Nothing deluded about that statement. The fact that you consider meeting a few in the "spa you frequent" a privilege is neither here nor there. Most british people do not eat frogs or horse meat either, I don't need to be a "spokesperson" to tell you that either but you can safely rely on it as "fact" these kind of things are just stuff that people know and accept, a bit like general knowledge if you will
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