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Bday Prang

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Everything posted by Bday Prang

  1. you seem obsessed with "safe spaces" but its nice to see you parodying a purley leftie concept
  2. maybe it doesn't ....yet but if they get their way it will, and the effects are unlikely to be positive
  3. Not at all i viewed them as something to laugh about, I consider all these trans types to be just the same, ridiculous pantomime dames, ( only without a sense of humour)
  4. Even a kindergarten level pupil understands the basic facts of nature, and would not normally be exposed to this kind of rubbish, That was until they allowed strange men dressed as horrific caricatures of women into the classrooms to brainwash the kids. Truly disgusting in my opinion
  5. They actually can say whatever they want and can hurl vile insults at everybody else with no fear of censorship, unlike normal people who can be "cancelled" or even prosecuted for speaking the truth. But, "what goes around comes around", as they say, and thankfully the tide is turning as it was always bound to. The silent majority is slowly waking up to this bizarre rubbish and its days are numbered.
  6. no I think enough is enough ok? men are men and women are women regardless of their personal fantasies, unfortunate for you lot but absolutely and factually true. To suggest anything else is nothing but harmful misinformation, and if you are not actually one of these fantasists then you are just virtue signalling to others like you. Perpetuating a myth to make yourself appear "better" than normal people who make up the overwhelming majority of the world's population. Its after 10am now Should you not be at some demonstration somewhere by now with a rainbow flag in your hand? Supporting all your female brothers and male sisters,? I fact how do these misguided people refer to there misguided siblings without offending them , or themselves?
  7. even the kiddie fiddlers are now to be referred to as "minor attracted people" in the woke world
  8. it's not trump supporters who hate anybody, hate is the sole preserve of the lefties
  9. awww need a lesson in science and biology? or do you just need a few home truths explaining to you?
  10. or maybe even "ovaries" but no doubt both terms would be offensive to those who have simply been castrated or simply choose to deny the existence of their sexual organs
  11. are you a he a she or a they ? I will use whatever pronouns are correct male = he female = she regardless of how some choose to dress or what physical disfigurement they have self harmed themselves into. I don't care if I offend any of "them" in fact that's part of the fun.
  12. The lefties can't see it but they have actually become a parody of themselves, a sort of politically correct caricature, their days however are, hopefully, numbered and they will effectively orchestrate their own extinction as they alienate more and more normal thinking, and right minded people, First they came for the real Nazi's , racists and fascists, fair enough, but now they apply those labels to anyone who dares to disagree with their increasingly ridiculous language and beliefs. The backlash is now well underway, and wokeism etc will be proven to be itself, "unsustainable" another of their favoured words
  13. Well they seem to be doing their best to destroy society and history, What do they think the outcome will be ? They will be very disappointed as there will be no room for the "woke" and all their "oppressed minorities" once society has completely broken down, and the "defunded" police will not be there to help them. It will be open season for all of them once we become a dystopian lawless world, bring it on eh?
  14. is that supposed to be an example of correct pronoun use?
  15. "bonus hole" LMFAO you have got to be kidding me hahhahahah formerly known as "the back door" or "the rusty bullet hole" or "sheriff's badge"
  16. and don't forget about "deniers" and ".....Phobes"
  17. As with all lefty theories, the truth does not come into it,
  18. I am all for him . But I wonder what the hysterical lefties who oppose him are really scared of, What do they think will happen if he wins? I don't remember him being responsible for any global disasters last time he won, Anyway whatever it is , it's probably the best reason to vote for him
  19. Meanwhile just to add a bit of balance, here in sunny Surin daytime temperatures are at or slightly lower than the 30 year average and that's according to msn's own "woke" weather "facts"
  20. vulnerable from what exactly ? leaving european union was the best thing we ever did
  21. weak minds are indeed easily misled, you and others like you are proof of that
  22. I get your point , but i am from the uk, It wouldn't make things any worse Anyway still hoping he gets the chance to make America great again, I am also going to by shares in a mattress company, because when he does win the bed wetters will be hysterical
  23. I almost wish I was American so I could vote for him, maybe I could just identify as such,its no more ridiculous than what others are entitled to identify as. I really hope he wins
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