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Bday Prang

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Everything posted by Bday Prang

  1. Just legalize it all and provide some factual , truthful, and relevant education, Problem solved, easy as that
  2. I can almost guarantee, having just looked at the time, that the OP will be smugly sat in his chair , sipping away at his drug of choice, having extolled the virtues of the death penalty for those involved in the supply of other peoples drug of choice You really could not make this up
  3. And the people who supply either are just filling a gap in the market. drinks containing 40+ % alcohol kill more than heroine and have devastating effects on society, but thats just fine coz the gov says so
  4. Heroine addiction "very bad" and enabling it is a capital offence, Addiction to prescription drugs handed out by "doctors" well that's just fine, move along now
  5. once things are approved by governments its all ok , Even murder is fine if it is accompanied by the sound of trumpets and drums
  6. As indeed does Alcohol, and indirectly Petroleum and Diesel, then there's Cars, Motorbikes, Fast food, and lets not forget Sugar and Salt , what about the use of children in mining cobalt and other rare minerals, used in the construction of mobile phones ? would the OP approve of the death penalty for anybody involved in the supply of those? Of course he doesn't, he is just a virtue signalling hypocrite
  7. Well the fact that people still smuggle drugs to this barbaric place is evidence of the death penalties ineffectiveness as a deterrent, The Op is obviously trying to trigger a response, he doesn't even live in Singapore! but I wonder how he feels about those being flogged in certain middle eastern countries for alcohol related offences? He is a drinker, that's obvious, and therefore a hypocrite of the first order. Enough said
  8. you can call them whatever you want and if they don't like it , well that's their problem who actually cares? I certainly don't Insensitive and proud of it
  9. There is nothing made up , its all happening , Clearly you didn't take the opportunity to voice your opinions regarding the effects this has on innocent children, no doubt you are more concerned about offending "minor attracted people" so further discussion is pointless, in fact bearing that in mind I would rather not have any further contact with you, The only thing that triggers me, and other right-minded people, is people like you
  10. It won't be long before the authorities suspect the involvement of a certain swiss watch company, once they have identified the crown, they are certainly "on the ball" I assume they suspect "cannabis ingredients" as there was a picture of a leaf on the packaging,
  11. Believed to be destined for clients seeking a high-end recreational experience who on earth writes this rubbish? "The authorities believe these pills, which include cannabis ingredients, " "Further analysis and investigations are underway to trace the manufacturing sources and discern the preliminary ingredients used" Why bother with analysis when they have already decided what's in the pills?
  12. yeah they will be reading stories to kids in schools too, I can just imagine the excuses they will roll out when one of them does what they do " he was considered a low risk" "We will revue our procedures" " stop victimising him you right wing bigots" lgbt........P another letter they can add to their alphabet, will they need another colour on the rainbow too?
  13. No its not "perfectly normal" everybody raises their eyebrows when they hear that imaginary word as a term of address
  14. it is total crap, but its true. https://www.spiked-online.com/2023/01/03/minor-attracted-people-is-an-attempt-to-sanitise-child-abuse/ see , I even supplied you with a link and there's plenty more where that came from, open your eyes, there is a lot going on under the guise of wokeness and none of it is good' Ask yourself why anybody would want to sanitise child abuse and why those doing so are the same people who are obsessed with pronouns and the rest of that "krap"
  15. predictable response, in so much that you have omitted to add your opinion on what is effectively the sexualisation of children, I had no idea about any of this rubbish when I was a kid, and as far as I and all normal people are concerned that is how it should be. Young minds are easily corrupted, that is why religion is forced on us at an early age, what grown adult would believe in an imaginary friend if they had not had the fear of god put into them at a very young age. So just to clarify matters, what is your opinion of transvestites preaching to 5 year olds about unnatural or indeed any sexual practices
  16. you seem to be getting a bit triggered lmfao
  17. its not even that he doesn't like what is being said by us, it is because he feels "others" may take offence and he is taking offence on their behalf, pure unexpurgated virtue signalling to one or two other vocal members on here, He probably feels safer aligning himself with them, and gets a warm smug feeling when he receives "likes" from them. He also mistakenly feels he occupies some sort of morally superior "high ground"
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