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Bday Prang

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Everything posted by Bday Prang

  1. wrong tense, the word should be "surged" why some people cannot let this go is simply evidence of how easily some were terrified by the propaganda, and how infectious that fear was
  2. first lefty pensioner reveals himself, go home and take your woke outrage and virtue signalling with you
  3. Absolutely true, there is no need for any of that woke rubbish here, Nobody wants Thailand to go down that messed up road, other than a few leftie pensioners on this website
  4. I think you maybe paranoid., who do you think is watching you and the other foreigners ?
  5. The sense of tension in the air is palpable, I can confirm that it is also 2 days back to back, let the panic buying begin,! and they say cannabis is addictive lol
  6. My missis says most of the kids in the village can't swim and a good proportion of the adults too; one guy recently had his application to join the police refused because he couldn't swim, I asked her "how come the kids can't swim ? her reply was "there is nobody to teach them " So I said" there must be some one in the entire village that can swim", she replied "probably is but there is no swimming pool to learn in" "So why don't they teach them in the ponds where they spend a lot of of their time playing in the school hols" She gave me one of her "don't be stupid" looks "Can't be done in a pond , not the same, waters not the same, and there's no steps to get in and out" All this dialogue was in Thai, but she then turned to face her mother and an animated conversation took place in Khmer which ended in them both laughing whilst looking at me and shakin their heads So that's one reason why many don't swim
  7. Cats have spent millions of years not only developing their amazing instincts and honing their skill set, They have also put a lot of thought into developing the perfect lifestyle, We were merely lucky enough. to be chosen as their "enablers"
  8. See, all along the answer was staring them in the face, they could have hired the services of a local girl probably for around 1000 bt.( paid by victim) to provide hand hand relief or whatever relief the victim requested, that might of reduced the swelling , surely worth a try, before steaming in with a hacksaw?
  9. nice one, lol you got me. ...but somehow I just can't imagine that any female doctor has ever put herself in that predicament,
  10. one would expect a doctor to know better than to be anywhere near a fruit bowl when naked, especially when drying his hair. considering how common these "accidents" apparently are.
  11. I knew that was coming, doesn't make it any more bearable though lol
  12. When i first came here also about 30 years ago I hardly ever saw a cat, I remember a travel book I had that even explained why "Thai cats survive mainly by keeping out of sight" or so it said. There seems to have been a surge in popularity recently, coinciding with covid, but i don't know if there is a connection I also wondered about the tail, at first I thought they were botched amputations, but I can happily tell you that it's a genetic thing, I read about it online, but whilst I am as skeptical of online stuff as I am of what I read in newspapers, the wife's sister's cat confirmed it for me. That cat has a classic short tail with a hooked end, and recently had 4 kittens , 2 had short hooked tails, One has a short tail with no hook, and one has the longest "normal" tail I have ever seen on a cat The deformed tails do not seem to negatively affect the cats at all, and they have no problem jumping up on tables or anywhere else
  13. Care was required when cutting it off, had they slipped they would have got the sack !!
  14. Consider yourself lucky that you didn't have 1.6M in the account for her to steal, Worth bearing in mind for the future
  15. looks like thats the end of it then , shame really
  16. There is science on both sides, that's the nature of science , especially when there is a lot of it, its not difficult to cherry pick the internet and find graphs and statistics to support any theory, and when the subject in question is as complex as the climate, its even easier to do, there is an immense amount of pretty much useless information out there just waiting for anybody to latch on to. in order to further their cause or win their argument whatever their viewpoint. Comments such as yours are a perfect example of why rational discussion will never be possible, on this matter, anybody who dares to even question the "narrative" is immediately labeled a denier, or a troll, or even bizarrely a right-wing extremist !. Purely to shutdown any further dialogue This is not a rational way to discuss anything, And it inevitably descends into a verbal battlefield Does this sound familiar? it should do as it is exactly the same situation we had with threads about Covid. people again often labeled as deniers, (again) anti vaxxers, granny killers, even right wingers (again)!! Its all a complete waste of time but quite entertaining
  17. 50k seems a bit steep, is that for a repair or a reconditioned gear box, including the fitting ? Then again i don't imagine there are many breakers yards where you live, Also in my experience scrapyard's are not shy about racking up their prices, for us lot. I bet a Thai could get a box for less than 10,000 and fitted for around 5000 ? but I'm pretty sure you've already checked it out
  18. not much more, but even 5000 bt is not exactly a king's ransom is it anyway once you have replaced the plugs most likely unnecessarily, and with little change from 2000 baht what will you do next? locate and change fuel filter? more expense, and then what plug leads ? ignition coils? ECU ? etc etc all the time the price is increasing and the problem will in all likelihood remain. Might be something as simple as a bare wire shorting out, and Hondas diagnostic equipment and factory trained technicians will find it a lot quicker than you can. A mate of mine makes a living buying and repairing malfunctioning cars from people, who thought they would have a go at fixing things themselves, He considers amateur home mechanics as a gift from the gods, that just keeps on giving. You have already started off in the wrong direction by worrying about fuel octane ratings, this is obviously not your forte, I reiterate my original advice take it to honda , it will be cheaper in the long run
  19. No, he has not been convicted of any racial hatred crime. You are just making things up, Unless you can provide proof of this you should retract that statement, Put up or shut up is a phrase that springs to mind. And the link you provided in a later post about a few woke snowflakes whinging about a poster that "offended" them will not suffice I'd be a bit more careful If I were you, not only have you lost any credibility that you may mistakenly have thought you had, But you have also left yourself wide open to legal action by Farage, for posting such a bare faced lie, just imagine if he was to find out. Its not only woke banks that have a right to protect their reputation
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