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Bday Prang

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Everything posted by Bday Prang

  1. As usual there is a lot of the usual, predictable anti Thai comments; bad parents, bad schools, useless police. One could almost be forgiven for thinking that this sort of thing has never happened and would never happen in any western country.
  2. Some are probably reasonably sane when they first arrive here, but if there was a regular check say every 90 days, the ones who are losing it could be quickly identified and humanely repatriated,
  3. "ranting and raving" ?? It's not me who said "you need to wind your head in" (actually the phrase you were looking for I believe is "wind your neck in") May I suggest that you calm down, before you break another keyboard.
  4. If there was such a machine it would make sense to have them situated at immigration offices up and down the country too, as I'm sure mental health "issues" are not unique to tourists , A "mad guys out" initiative would send a shiver down the spines of a few expats
  5. NO! I choose not to believe him because he is obviously a meth head nut job who has thrown a fridge out of the window, I would not believe anything he said ! The fact that, despite the headline and his claims, there are no reports of cannabis in his system is also a strong indication that he was not smoking cannabis, As to why he claimed he had ingested cannabis, well as you said yourself one is legal and one is not, that would be a pretty good reason for him to lie, which he did , but he got caught out by a blood test. Had cannabis been present in his system do you really think that would be overlooked ? It is you, who is trying to further your own anti cannabis agenda by completely ignoring the facts, why else would you do so I hope you are never selected for jury service , you appear to be incapable of analysing the evidence and facts as presented to you. Descending predictably into your own "reefer madness" fantasy
  6. catapult is equally effective and much cheaper
  7. but no cannabis was detected so it obviously was not cannabis laced with meth it was just meth ! Your belief in the words of a fridge throwing mad man is astonishing
  8. An actual, genuine, real expert and well worthy of the title,
  9. Well it would theoretically be possible if "your friends" ladyboy knew the right people and "your friend" had enough money to pay them off with ! And your "friend" trusts the ladyboy enough to send a <deleted> load of money from France in order to bribe an official or two ( as it would not be cheap). But its all absolute rubbish isn't it? The fact is , there is no "friend" is there ? and you are the victim of blackmail from a ladyboy that you hooked up with and have somehow enraged. I don't blame you for inventing an imaginary friend I would also be highly embarrassed firstly for what you have been doing , and secondly for making such a pathetic attempt at hiding it You need to level up with us and tell the complete truth or maybe on second thoughts don't bother
  10. Spot on, most peoples aversion to drugs is purely as a result of various governments anti drug propaganda, For those on this forum It was formed in their brains long before google was invented, and any non drug user who claims their aversion is due to any sort of " peer reviewed research " is spouting absolute rubbish. The only research they have ever done is for the purpose of providing links to further the promotion of their anti drugs views during discussions like this I personally find it quite worrying that so many people unreservedly believe everything governments tell them
  11. The addition of methamphetamine to cannabis ? what would be the point? Cannabis users are not looking for a meth experience and it is not so cheap that it would be worth using to increase the weight , The only reason I could see this happening would be as an incredibly malicious, stupid and dangerous prank akin to spiking someone's drink with something like rohypnol . I'm not saying it has never happened but it would be extremely rare and hardly a way of engendering repeat business or increasing profit I am certain it would never happen at any cannabis dispensary . Perhaps a particularly unscrupulous and sadistic person might consider doing it, maybe to one of their "mates" as a sick joke, but to a stranger? what would be the point unless they were going to stick around and see the effects?
  12. Well not exactly, but 200 years for petty theft is taking things to a whole new level, even for the TVF hang 'em high squad
  13. around 300 bt/ gram equivalent in the UK, (its still illegal there) although one can pay more if daft enough
  14. Well done you managed it. It is patently not that easy for everybody The inability to quit may well be a symptom of mental weakness, You can probably see from my posts that I'm not exactly a paid up member of the woke club, but even i don't think the mentally weak should be exploited , vilified or denied some sympathy. in this day and age. Do you?
  15. And just imagine how much more dangerous they would be if they were "illegal" and uncontrolled, supplied by criminal organisations , and not subject to any form of quality control, yet all too readily available to anyone stupid enough to want one The argument for the legalization and subsequent control of drugs by the responsible authorities, coupled with some serious education is actually overwhelming
  16. Having been addicted to tobacco for nearly 50 years, my personal experience is to the contrary, Totally opposite to my experience with a whole range of other "recreational" drugs Have you ever smoked ?
  17. as confirmed by the number of unemployed who seem to be able to find the money
  18. Of course you are correct, and it is a very good reason why the supply of such pills should be entrusted to the pharmaceutical companies and not left to criminal organizations. Powerful cars are also high risk, especially in the hands of people who have not received any specialist training and as such are unable to control them. It would be interesting to know which of the above are responsible for more deaths. 1 person died in Thailand as a result of a very rare reaction to an "illegal" drug on the day in question. How many died on the same day as a result of a "legal" vehicle being operated in an illegal manner ? Answers on a post card please
  19. Well done for managing to kick the habit, many never manage to do so. £400 per month is a very realistic estimate of the cost of smoking , but, in my opinion it is not actually technically unaffordable, especially for an addict who will economise in other ways to enable them to feed their addiction. I would say that the number of people who still smoke confirms this
  20. Yes in my book taking drugs and having fun is perfectly acceptable provided it does not affect others negatively, legality in its present form should not come into it at all. However I cannot see any fun at all in driving a powerful car whilst adhering to the legal speedlimits. Are you suggesting that BMW drivers and those who drive other ridiculously over powered cars never break the law or negatively impact others ? The ones who insist on tailgating me and others regularly , often inches from the rear bumper, blowing their horns flashing their lights and gesticulating wildly , along with the ones who regularly wrap their sports cars around trees and innocent pedestrians would indicate that is often not the case In that scenario the legality is, as you say a key issue, as the law in this case is primarily to protect the innocent victims and not the mindless idiots who put the lives of others at risk by their behaviour
  21. Well i can't really answer your first point, Other than to say that many people take heroin and live to tell the tale often avoiding addiction, the euphoria it can produce is profound and well documented so i suppose there is always the " it won't happen to me" philosophy. People are more than capable of doing many "stupid" things how on earth can unwanted pregnancies for example still be an issue in this day and age Obviously as you say addiction is not an issue for the terminally ill but a quick look on google tells me that it is not available in the USA at all and has actually been declared "of no medical value" That seems a little bizarre to me as it is a common component of end of life care in the UK As regards to your final point, I think its a case of follow the money (as is virtually always the case) the tax revenue from the sales of tobacco and alcohol is immense, governments cannot afford to give it up A decision has obviously been made that any resulting deaths are acceptable collateral damage in other words they just don't care. In my opinion its actually somewhat immoral that in a country like the UK the tax levied on tobacco is exceptionally high but always just about affordable for the average person even if they have to economise in other ways, Considering that many "experts " consider nicotine to be almost as addictive as heroin this to me looks like a clear case of exploiting vulnerable people, something that would normally be considered morally unacceptable I always find it a bit strange when following a major drugs seizure, the authorities are always very quick to state the often wildly exaggerated "street value" of the drugs recovered which as far as I can see is of very little interest to the average person. Its always about the money
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