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Bday Prang

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Everything posted by Bday Prang

  1. It is not misleading at all, all one needs to do is read just the first sentence of the OP
  2. Another "TV doctor" type character trotting out the same old untruths, to further the agenda of his paymasters. I won't be wasting my time watching him thank you very much. heard it all before a thousand times , just a slightly more sophisticated and modernised version of reefer madness,
  3. and all the people you know and all the people that they know we must be in the millions already
  4. Good post. Any body smoking copious amounts of cannabis or would soon become aware of the law of diminishing returns and require a "tolerance break" in order to enjoy the effects they are looking for I think the past 12 months has clearly demonstrated beyond all doubt that people almost without exception are capable of behaving responsibly regarding cannabis, Users have indeed been under the spotlight and very few reports have been received ! The same cannot be said for alcohol which features on the news daily as a contributing factor in many incidents some of them fatal As with all things, education is key , but as far as cannabis is concerned , the removal of all the misinformation spewed out by governments etc is also required as some people unbelievably seem to still believe it
  5. I was forced to learn french at school for 13 years ...can't speak a word of it either! just sayin. But i've been "immersed" in the "cannabis community" for over 40 years and continue to be so! therefore i must have a bit more of a clue than him then wouldn't you say? As I have said before I don't know anybody who has become schizophrenic, paranoid, or psychotic or indeed a heroin addict dabbling with angel dust and mescaline as he now claims . Nor do I know anybody who knows anybody that fits those profiles, and that's quite a lot of people in total Before cannabis unfairly takes the blame, I think the constant, never ending, bad news that we are subjected to, day in day out, might have a bit to do with sending a few people over the edge. The rest of them , well, they're just nutters and were heading that way with or without weed
  6. I am pretty certain "synthetic cannabis" is not being sold anywhere in Thailand and certainly not in any of the weed shops, Due to the effects it has on people it would be headline news if it was It bears no resemblance whatsoever to natural cannabis It made the headlines in parts of the UK a year or two ago The tabloids front pages were awash with "zombie apocalypse" stories and to be honest, having seen first hand how it effects those who use it, they weren't far wrong ( for a change)
  7. Just doing something for "about" 15 years does not mean you have the slightest clue as to how it affects everybody else. How many other cannabis weaned ex heroin addicts like you are there posting rubbish on this forum ?
  8. And your response of "That is not what I asked though is it? " implies to me that you don't consider my answer to be relevant to your question? I didn't realise that you expected me to reply using your exact words? Is that an american "thing"? Are you really having difficulty understanding my reply due to that? Or is this a really pedantic attempt at "Grammar policing" remember you are american so not really a native speaker of English The answer to your question was obviously "yes" as that was the first word I typed. OK so far? The text afterwards, simply, (or so I thought) explains why, and, I thought, reinforced the reason for my answer. Obviously not and I wish I hadn't bothered The rest of your post, that you appear to have deflected from successfully, was rubbish too by the way
  9. Reformed smokers are the worst . Never (knowingly or intentionally) met an AA member but its probably part of the therapy, not blaming themselves and all that. Glad to hear about the health benefits though,and i genuinely dread to think what the medical establishment would have prescribed for your condition
  10. well my original reply to your ramblings is now a "popular post" so you had better hurry up to clarify your question or you might lose whatever credibility you thought you had. Come on all eyes are on you and we are all waiting
  11. So, here we go again , Tell me now, what do you think you asked, ?? below is cut and pasted from your post that certainly looks like your question does it not? And my reply which i think answers your question quite directly and to the point , was Obviously by personal experience I mean "use of" So I fail to understand your response of I never claimed that reading comprehension was my strong point, so you will have to help me and everybody else out. just explain what you asked, rather than wasting my time with your failed attempt at insulting me
  12. More rubbish, how many habitual users do you know ? I know plenty, and have never encountered any suffering from the above. Although I will concede that heavy smoking could lead to respiratory problems With regards to the other ailments you and others never fail to mention How about a bit of lateral thinking for a change ? Is it a possibility that certain people in general are susceptible to those conditions ? Well of course it is , as not every inmate of the asylum is an ex cannabis user. Most people who smoke don't end up there, The paranoid, the psychotic and the schizophrenics could quite possibly and in all probability have been heading that way regardless of whether they used cannabis or not Very difficult, if not impossible, to prove one way or the other regardless of what you have read "on the internet" or on mainstream media
  13. As you can see above that is exactly what you asked and my reply was,,,, So what do you think you asked ? Non of the anti-cannabis propaganda has proved true at all. Men don't die for it and women don't cry for it, I won't mention the disgusting racist implications that were also used during the initial calls for prohibition, but needless to say, any right minded person is fully aware that it was a work of fiction, as indeed is all the rest What has happened is the original reefer madness propaganda has been used to form the basis for this particular battle in "the war on drugs" Statistics and research has all been manipulated to promote the resulting narrative Looks to me like you are "victim" looking for something to blame for your addiction to Heroin, the blame lies solely with you, trying to blame it on weed is nothing short of fantasy. Millions of people enjoy cannabis and never move on to anything "stronger" The "gateway effect" has been proved to be a myth, have you never wondered why it was only ever applied to cannabis and not to alcohol ? On your own admission you have used mescaline and Angel dust, and more than likely several other substances, you just need to accept the fact that you are predisposed to indulge in psychoactive drugs , in other words "A druggie" nothing wrong with that, and no need to blame it on anything, Just accept its part of your DNA . No point in trying to blame cannabis, and after all it wasn't the 1st thing that ever passed your lips was it, not much support for the unproductive here in Thailand I have never heard it called a welfare state before are you sure you are "clean"
  14. Yes it is my opinion that those with no personal experience are absolutely unable to provide any sort of unbiased assessment. What is their "unbiased assessment" based on other than agenda driven 3rd party "reports" Could you imagine "wine tasting" where the tasters don't actually personally taste the wine? but give there opinions based on what others have told them ?? I have never used "Mescaline" or "Angel Dust" I cannot possibly give an assessment of those drugs unbiased or otherwise, but all I could do, if I was that way inclined, would be to repeat what I have read "on the net" hardly an unbiased assessment. The "Reefer Madness" film was never produced as a "joke" but its entire narrative is indeed laughable. The comedy effect, however, can only be appreciated by those who have actually used cannabis, non users, by description, have no way of knowing that it was a hideous work of fiction and as such their judgement is somewhat tainted. It was endorsed by the government at the time and forms the very foundation of a vocal minority of society's aversion to cannabis use, My reference to "reefer madness" was not only directed at that film but at the ensuing hysteria it started, and the ridiculous anti cannabis propaganda that followed, both of which continues today The fact that you consider yourself now "clean" , which is a term generally used to describe an addict recovering from addiction to heroin or other addictive substances, is to me quite hilarious and suggests to me that you never actually smoked it at all. Even if you actually did smoke before, what makes you believe that others should not be allowed to do so, and form their own opinions . Just because it was "not for you" 30 years ago is not a valid reason to advocate its prohibition. I don't like cigars and I don't like the smell of cigar smoke, but I feel no need to suggest that cigars should be banned. Maybe I am just a bit more tolerant than you
  15. Posted 53 minutes ago What part of "not for sale to children" is so difficult to understand ?
  16. not much chance of an unbiased assessment from you or anybody else either thanks to "reefer madness" etc
  17. Hmmmmmm myocarditis ? I have heard that mentioned quite a lot recently, although not in relation to cannabis. I seem to remember a certain vaccine was suspected as a cause
  18. is the unofficial Cambodian charge for a same day return to Thailand still 300 baht or has it increased, Its a few years since I visited Chong Chom / O'smach
  19. I dont think thats strictly true. I have found there is normally little to be gained by trying to negotiate aka. "arguing" especially with Thai women.However there is no need to allow oneself be walked all over. A flat refusal to their demands and a flat refusal to discuss the matter further is the way to go. In my experience this stops matters escalating to the stabbing level. By all means stand your ground but negotiation (argument) is normally pointless I would not leave the house unlocked, but I generally leave my car unlocked as I keep nothing of value inside it, and if somebody really wanted to get in It takes only a second or two to smash a window and its a pain to get it repaired Probably a result of originating from Liverpool but these days its almost impossible for an opportunist thief to start a car with out the key / transponder
  20. a result of the Uk's demise and little to do with the Thai military
  21. its not our democracy and we have not voted
  22. so how do you account for the tourists that come here ? Did they get lost on route to somewhere else?
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