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Bday Prang

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Everything posted by Bday Prang

  1. Kind of predictably ironic isn't it The wokies overcome with outrage on behalf of a group of people who have been advised that they may be at increased risk of contracting a disease. Presumably they think that becoming infected with this disease is preferable to being "offended" What is concerning is how quickly what was effectively sensible public health policy advice was cancelled purely in response to the virtue signalling of a disturbed and vocal minority What would have been the outcome following the outbreak of AIDS had wokeism and social media existed in the 80's Further evidence in my opinion that Wokeness needs to be stamped out at least as much as any of the prejudices it claims to stand against As another example, the wokies were outraged when they found out that in the UK police had stopped and searched slightly more black people as part of an anti knife crime crack down. The cries of racism were deafening, even though the majority of the perpetrators of stabbings were black, as indeed were the victims So again it seems to their way of thinking, better to have a black kid stabbed than to offend the feelings of others. (namely themselves)
  2. So he was "british" or a "british national" or whatever, judging things by the legalities or by the standards of wokeness, or skin colour or any other parameters seem a pit pointless The main thing is, as was mentioned in the head line, his killer is "safe" Thank god for that? but safe from what exactly, justice perhaps ? and is that a good thing for anybody other than him?
  3. There is probably more vocal opposition on this forum than in the whole of the rest of the country. Not really surprising when one considers the average age of the people who post on here, Change is never received well by those ripe for the nursing home Fortunately their views don't count here and the generations that still believe everything governments tell them is getting thinner on the ground and will continue to do so
  4. why ? would that be cheaper than 49 baht? would it confirm infection too ? why even bother if you have not been out?
  5. You weren't expecting much of a response to that answer were you well sorry but.... Some might say there are adequate grounds for both to be banned thus depriving you of what you consider to be harmless enjoyment. Golf is somewhat addictive from what I've seen, and thousands of "golf widows" would back me up on that, there is also a strong chance of suffering personal injury, not to mention the disproportionate number of golfers that get struck by lightning So "Dangerous and addictive" your words I believe would be a perfectly appropriate description Ripe for banning isn't it ?? Football well need I mention the extreme violence that can occur amongst both players and spectators ? The terrifying spectacle of thousands of fans often intoxicated with alcohol and armed with knives or even guns running wild in the streets? Or the proven dangers and health and safety implications of allowing 50,000 or more people congregate together in a very confined space? Or the extortionate cost of blackmarket tickets, the proceeds from the sale of which could be used to fund organised crime? Or the shame suffered by the parents of young girls who have been spit roasted by some of these Ridiculously overpaid animals ? I could go on but I won't "But but but I only watch it on the telly" that's no way out , you are still supporting it, without the money they raise from TV it would stop tomorrow Lets ban them both now ,how would you feel then?
  6. Its been considered an "oldies habit" by the young for ages bit like smoking a pipe, taking snuff, or a sweet sherry/ milk stout for granny or chewing "Maak" in the case of a Thai granny. The young don't really have that much interest. its never been considered cool to copy ones parents maybe some on here can remember that far back "Young people" get up to all sorts of things that many of the generation who predominate this forum know absolutely nothing about and would seek to put a stop to if they did ("cos I say so" being the usual response when asked "why" or more likely "why not") I guess there may be good reason to worry about the headstrong independant ways of hormonal adolescents and its probably instinctive of them to feel the need to interfere "for your own good" being another popular response But these interfering busybodies(to put it politely) have to realise that their perceived moral authority cannot be "self extended" to include lecturing other grown adults in the same way and that there will be plenty of opponents who will indeed "answer back" Why they put themselves in the firing line, leaving themselves wide open to (justified ) criticism as they repeat the tired old reefer madness lies that they were fed 60 or more years ago is a mystery to me, especially as they would be a lot more comfortable having a game of bingo or bridge with a cup of milky tea in the day room "Amazingly" plenty of people take all sorts of drugs and have never touched cannabis. The myth of the "gateway" drug has long been discounted. Has anybody ever wondered why was that incorrect "gateway" status was never not afforded to alcohol ? after all its just another drug. and I can guarantee that whilst there are many users of other substances who have never smoked cannabis there will be none who did not try alcohol first,
  7. If in that situation would you elect to drink your own or someone else's?
  8. It probably is , did someone tell you otherwise ? Maybe when you were younger , have you just been "triggered" The use of capitals implies some angst. Come on tell us all what they made you do I'm sure you'll get some sympathy
  9. Urotherapy, jesus they have even made up a name for it to make it appear normal lol
  10. Is there anything you are tolerant of ? How do you relax or enjoy yourself ? Prayer? or onanism? bet its one or the other
  11. What's wrong with people like you ? people who only read the headline and get so triggered that they have to resort to capital letters to express their "outrage" You need to calm down and actually read the articles. In neither the OP nor the linked report does anybody warn anyone "Not to interfere" certainly not in the way you are dramatically implying The rest of your post is equally , well, just wrong to put no finer point on it The law may well be "vague" but your acceptance of it or otherwise is of no consequence Some Thai voters may be in favour some may not, but none of them now have any more "sway" in the matter than I do, unless it comes to a referendum, So cannabis has "been available here since "even" before the vietnam war" have you just discovered that and feel the need to share it? for your information its been here an awful lot longer than that millions of years possibly Medical users though, will have let out a sigh of relief, comforted by the fact that you are ok with that aspect of its use. Recreational users in the meantime however are able to fully enjoy the "vagueness" in the law that you apparently dislike, even though, as a non smoker it does not apply to you, and as adults are currently able to interpret it as they see fit within some very reasonable guidelines. Ie not available to under 20's or pregnant women What is your problem with that?. Just live and let live or are you one of those who just can't keep your nose out
  12. This would be the "social collapse" that people like you have continually predicted will result from the change in legislation? The same "social collapse" that has not only conspicuously failed to occur a whole year after decriminalization and still shows no signs of starting anytime soon ? Surely it's time to change tack that argument has lost all credibility
  13. He's "not speaking for everybody" he is stating a fact. What specific issues actually are there for you and your "Thai " wife is her nationality relevant ? Would you and her have more or less problems with this if she was foreign
  14. Alas you are correct, it does sound somewhat self centered although in reality its not exactly what I am actually hoping for. Think of my comment as an attempt to look on the "bright side" of what I fear is a sad possibility. I'm all in favour of a more liberal approach and fully aware of the huge benefits that it would bring, that surely has to be evident from all my previous posts on this matter But if the misinformed and brainwashed who decide these things either don't care about or choose to ignore the obvious positives and wish to drag things back to the dark ages what can I do ? Despite being a long term user of cannabis I don't tend to suffer from depression as some would suggest I should, so my only option is to try and put a positive spin on things from a personal perspective In an ideal world the current situation would continue as it is but if that is not allowed to happen it will be every man for himself again
  15. And doesn't it sound so dated referring to drugs as "cr@p" a bit like a victorian parent I bet he's a heavy drinker
  16. I wouldn't be too quick to push for taxation, It may well be a price we have to pay , but I don't think we should be volunteering for it. Especially considering where a lot of the money raised will probably end up To be honest I'm starting to think that "recriminalisation" might actually be a lesser evil There will only be one "regulation" as before, and as somebody who generally only smokes discreetly and mainly at home that was never really an issue. The added bonus will be that all the vocal opponents will quickly disappear under their rocks and I am sick of reading the rubbish they write
  17. of course not as it was not mentioned and therefore is of no concern to the experts, (they were paid extra not to mention that)
  18. But but but this is from senior doctors it must be true...and accurate ,,,and totally unbiased ????
  19. and just exactly how have they conducted any valid long term studies on this currently banned activity How could they morally even ask for volunteers to act as guinea pigs in order to test this theory of such a "deadly threat" do they use inmates from death row ? Or are volunteers paid to embark on this "suicide mission" "connected to" "linked to" carefully chosen words by carefully chosen doctors who will have been paid to write this in order to add some weight to somebodies agenda ( a common occurrence) and if its not doctors its "experts" No mention of cigarettes at all ! how surprising , considering it comes from " Assoc. Prof. Sutat Rungruanghiranya, Secretary-General of the Medical Professionals Network for Tobacco Consumption" they must be considered to be relatively harmless then. The admitted inability of doctors to diagnose bronchitis and pneumonia is clearly a worry though, regardless of what allegedly caused the condition but there was no mention of addressing that problem. Further evidence that this "report" as well as many others of a similar nature belong in the bin. How much longer will people continue to believe everything these quacks spew out have the last three years taught us nothing?
  20. Thailand needs ???? You should have typed "I want" instead Now explain why you seek to restrict the choices of grown adults? People like you should learn to be a little more tolerant!
  21. You need your eyes checking, He is not promoting drug use he has merely outlined some of the benefits of a liberal policy regarding cannabis,and It's pretty clear from what he wrote, that the benefits outweigh the disadvantages. There was no "promotion" of drug use at all,
  22. "A bad reaction" always sounds a bit worse than just using the correct term "A whitey" !!!! lol Well that's what we called it. Nothing worse I'm sure you'd agree, I'd describe it as sea sickness x 10 not had one for years lol
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