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Bday Prang

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Everything posted by Bday Prang

  1. I am aware of what people "Ciswoman" refers to but I honestly have no idea what the "cis" bit actually refers to or stands for grammatically. and I have absolutely no intention of looking it up
  2. Oh dear, apologies, hope I haven't offended any of "them"doubt if I have as there are none on here. But I can't keep up with what all these minorities consider right and wrong, it seems to change on a daily basis, My personal thoughts on the subject however will not change...... Calling somebody with a penis anything which includes the word "woman" is just wrong, that's a biological fact, and considering them as such (for example sending them to women's prisons) has proved dangerous I would however the term "man "woman"" to be a little more accurate And who am I to "judge"? Well today I identify as a judge, a female trans judge of mixed ethnicity, at that, and as such I cannot be argued with, right? I will be changing my user name to "bapuan prang" to reflect this new identity. Sounds ridiculous does it not?
  3. I see that the LGBTQ.......has had AI added to it what do those letters stand for? surely not Artificial Intelligence? although the way things are these days, I can't for one moment imagine it would have been programmed to identify as straight.
  4. hahahaha a profession are you serious ??? what's the job description What about a trans man who identifies as a eunuch or a trans woman who identifies as such stop making me laugh
  5. As far as i am aware the current ideology means that a trans woman can indeed have a penis you need to get with it you transphobe
  6. Good point, to be honest I cannot believe that is a permitted option. Would any doctor be prepared to do it ? Considering where we are the answer is probably "yes" if there's enough money offered
  7. Almost fits to the tune of the "house of the rising sun" (which I can't get out of my head now dammit!)
  8. If there are so many different genders these days, how is it that gender reassignment surgery, as far as I am aware, only offers 2 options
  9. Why cat food? its perfectly fit for human consumption, and considered a delicacy by some
  10. Rum, bum and concertina whilst at sea, wine women and song when ashore , which bit are we not allowed to mention the concertina??
  11. The brat of a kid seems to have a history of tormenting this dog, this time whilst armed with a stick and a plastic bag. The kid was known to be responsible on two previous occasions, this time it would appear that nobody knows who was responsible, as the others were inside the house whilst the attack happened outside. But , predictably. responsibility this time seems to have been decided based on the need for medical treatment. What a surprise (not) Hopefully the dog has now taught the kid a lesson that the others seem to have been unable to The mother is 23 but she has a sister of 5 years old, the same age as her son ? Ok possible I guess, this is Thailand after all. Her eldest son ( the one demanding 200,000 baht) appeared to be at least 15 years old from what i saw of him on the TV news last night so i need a bit of help getting my head around that !! I found the following even harder to understand... Is that even possible?? who would the father have to be to make that possible And then this... Was that Mr Den narong, the 25 year old relative who was in the house at the time and describes the kid as his "nephew" ?? The plot sickens Now we are getting closer to the truth I fear, all in all sounds like a pretty dysfunctional family to me and hardly surprising they are all with holding their surnames One can only hope that brat of a kid and its mother have finally learnt a valuable lesson if not a bloody good hiding for the kid is due and possibly a firm spanking for its mother which i would be quite prepared to administer as she looks half tidy This appears to be one of the worst, possibly rushed, translations I have read for a while! but if it isn't, then the whole story really deserves further investigation, If it had happened in the UK, social services would be having a field day It is worthy of the Jeremy Kyle show ( or Jerry Springer if your from USA)
  12. Absolutely, Two subjects guaranteed to get the "pearl clutchers" all worked up , Drugs and Prostitution, the ensuing hysteria and virtue signalling is generally inversely proportional to their knowledge of the subjects, To the rest of us, it is , as you say "No big deal"
  13. Spot on, as you will have noticed, there is a "foundation" involved, and this will be an opportunity to garner fresh sponsorships as well as reassuring existing patrons that their money is being well spent. As usual follow the money
  14. and in some cases pure and unadulterated greed. Those who consider them all to be victims also suffer from a level of stupidity or are at best very naive
  15. No not except me at all, where did I say or imply that? I'll answer for you I did not
  16. I'm not in denial about such things, but I rather imagine that the false promises of big money are much more common in relation to "working" overseas, where, once the promises have proven to be false, returning home can be difficult, if not impossible, especially if passports have been confiscated. If they only ended up in Pattaya and things turn sour it would not be that hard for them to jump on a bus and go home. I doubt many are chained to a bed in this day and age As regards to Pattaya, i may be wrong but I can't imagine there are many Thai girls over the age of say 14 who don't know exactly what goes on there, along with Huahin, Patong etc etc 20+ years ago there was a couple of girls in our village who travelled the well worn path to Pattaya completely of their own volition they were treated like heroes (maybe not strictly the right word) when they occasionally returned to the village displaying their mobile phones, gold, and all the other evidence of perceived wealth. Other girls were understandably keen to join them, one of them used to charge 500 baht to allow them to accompany them when they returned to pattaya and expected 1 baht of gold from them if they successfully got themselves "fixed up " with a farang , I'm pretty sure a similar situation continues to this day with the current generation Only a few weeks ago a girl returned to the village from Huahin, and invited nearly all the guys and girls in her age group to join her on a free night out in Surin city, she payed for everything, the mrs's son went along, came home the following day in a right mess lol The two girls I mentioned eventually got themselves married off to english guys and moved to the UK one to Doncaster and one to Southampton, both marriages eventually failed , but both of them have remained in the UK and seem to be enjoying themselves living off benefits and the black economy, whilst staying in their respective council houses. Living the dream ! They still return to the village about once a year. where most of their extended family enjoy living in their "western style" houses, but have no intention of returning here permanently until old age so they tell me As I said , I'm not in denial , and I don't doubt that some are pressured into that line of work , but I think the days of fathers selling their daughters and dragging them screaming and kicking into the minibus are pretty much behind us, don't you ?
  17. I was not doubting that a house was built, but I was and remain sceptical of the job title. "massage therapist" Even if there is such a thing, I strongly suspect that she was "servicing" as opposed to merely "serving" the chinese tourists , especially with the claims of earning "hefty" money as you put it 2021-2022 was Covid time, was it not ? how many chinese tourists were there at that time?
  18. Sounds like "your friend" could do with a wake up call if he believes that
  19. There are indeed many "thick" foreigners around who sponsor these women, it is unbelievable for sure, but are these predominantly western "sponsors" are they all just stupid with more money than sense? or are they also victims of circumstance? Many believe they are in some sort of bona fide relationship, for some it maybe the only relationship with a woman they have ever had. The houses and cars are not exactly paid for by the proceeds of "short or long times" directly, the "short times" set the trap, once the guy is drawn in to what is basically an illusion, the big money is generated by what I would describe as "additional voluntary contributions" often the result of some form of emotional blackmail. Those who eventually wake up see the reality of their situation are often in too deep to stop. others may continue "live the dream" some spend the rest of their lives in denial I would bet my pension pot that one common factor all these people share is a complete inability to speak Thai at even the most basic level. Prostitution always has the potential to provide a better income than many if not all jobs available, but that hardly forces people into it. If that was the case the overwhelming majority of Thai women would be prostitutes, but contrary to what many on this forum believe, they are not. For many, it is a career choice, and like all careers some enjoy more success than others. I don't doubt that some unfortunates may have been forced or sold into prostitution against their will and whilst anybody would agree that this is unacceptable, it is a tiny minority,
  20. Spoken like a woke feminist, For many of these women it is a career choice made of their own volition, There are a few in our village who have been quite successful in their chosen field of "work" several houses and cars provided by multiple "sponsors" I wonder how "degraded" they feel when taking family and friends out on shopping sprees to "Robinsons"
  21. Nah they didn't believe it either, but they thought they would be able to hack it , unfortunately in reality they could not. There will be many "working" there who are quite happy with their situation
  22. Plenty , in fact the majority of uneducated women here, manage to eke out a modest existence without turning to prostitution, Employment is always available, that is the nature of a developing country. Construction sites, factories, are always hiring. Plenty of uneducated Thai men too but they don't all head to boy's town
  23. desperation??? Do you honestly think there is no "normal" work available in Thailand ? Of course there is. Thai women are all to aware what kind of work awaits them in places like Myanmar , Korea, Dubai, Singapore etc. Far more aware than anybody posting on here. It is purely greed that drives them there, There will always be some who can't cope with the realities but for every 140 that are " begging for assistance" there will be many more who are more than happy with the arrangements
  24. Shouldn't really be news at all, people make complaints all the time about problems with noise. Only got a mention because it was an excuse to mention "cannabis" ....again Cannabis, A gift that just keeps on giving and giving
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