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Bday Prang

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Everything posted by Bday Prang

  1. The actual likely cause of death from over consumption would probably be some sort of digestive complication as opposed to the toxicity of cannabis So not an "overdose" in the accepted sense
  2. The symptoms you describe could indicate a serious medical issue, How are you so certain its from weed ? There is no way of proving that and its highly unlikely I had a friend many years ago who always seemed a bit more spaced out than everybody else we thought it was all part of a big act, Turned out a later he had MS he's dead now
  3. True enough, I'm not well up on this sort of thing but I believe there's money to be made on U tube etc I'm sure he'll be doing ok
  4. No need for conscripts or anybody else to be using real weapons, just give them wooden imitations
  5. Half of the population are quick to run to their mothers at he slightest excuse, ! Not a big fan of the military in general but I have seen a few wasters turn them selves around after having been dragged kicking and screaming from their mothers and done their national service? Seriously ?? best of luck with that lads, its ok singing about it in the national anthem, but don't kid yourselves eh?
  6. it's his comfort blanket he's only 47 and misses his mum
  7. I doubt it has cost him 1 baht in fact i would bet on him being paid for his outbursts . The guy does not have an altruistic bone in his body. And he's as bent as the rest of him The question is who is paying him
  8. Well done for kicking the cigs To give up, what some would some call chronic and heavy alcohol use, overnight is to me pretty conclusive conclusive evidence that you were not actually "physically addicted to Alcohol" you had by the sound of it developed a taste for Hong Thong and fallen into a habit Not everybody becomes physically addicted to alcohol , You didn't mention any withdrawal symptoms so I assume that either there weren't any or they were so mild you didn't consider it relevant ? I'm guessing you must have felt something? even just a bit bored ot "at a loose end ! as they say ? Habits can be hard to break too especially as we get older. But the absence of unbearable symptoms and craving is a pretty good example of an absence of physical addiction As indeed is your ability to chose to drink one at new year and leave it at that basically alcohol is not physically addictive for you I guess you are a bit lucky but quite a lot are not so fortunate Most im guessing 99.99999% of cannabis users enjoy a similar relationship with their weed; some smoke more than others some even to excess, whatever that means, some just now and again, and due to its inherently non addictive nature, a far greater percentage, close to 99.9999% suffer no problems of physical addiction There may be a few crawling out from under their rocks claiming to be physically addicted but this is only a very recent phenomenon Im sure there will be research and studies etc claiming otherwise but one has to understand that it's all by nature "agenda driven" Not only that, we have also raised a generation or two of "snowflakes and victims" these people are offended at the drop of a hat, brought to a tearful rage when there sensitivities are triggered and in the case of America aren't considered normal if they don't have a therapist by the time they are 14 years old ! do you honestly think they are capable of displaying any old fashioned stoicism when faced with a bit of discomfort ? of course not A quick whinge on social media and then off to rehab just like their internet idols
  9. the suspense is killing me, I even asked a few Thais before in the local shop and they don't know either
  10. Just tell him you don't. I've already primed him up and I'm dying to hear his response I've just told him I do, and he's hopefully going to tell me his other answer
  11. Establishing whether he indulges or not is hardly going to help you prove one way or the other if cannabis is addictive and or dangerous. Or may be it is But as you two seem to have reached some sort of an impasse ( and I'm dying to read your answer) let me help move things forward, Lets assume he answered that he does not smoke cannabis you can now continue with the rest of your answer to him based on the assumption that he does not smoke I have already admitted that I smoke it so If I ask you the same question Ie please prove to me that cannabis is dangerous and addictive, you can provide your alternative answer to me , based on the very correct assumption that I do indeed smoke it Are we getting anywhere now?
  12. For me its the quality that counts every time ! I generally drink just one in the morning but I do miss it when I occasionally run out but its not going to spoil my day Regarding your take on the effects of weed, are you speaking from personal experience? the use of "for some" implies you are not In my personal experience, I have never felt unable to function without it , and I cannot say I ever felt any performance enhancing effects, or even the illusion of such, I can't think of anything I can actually do any better after smoking Certainly my perception seems heightened resulting in a deeper enjoyment of music books or films for example in fact even mediocre offerings of the above appear better, which for me at least, hints that any claims regarding benefits to creativity are questionable I can't say thai it makes food taste any better but It certainly increases my appetite Whilst I can certainly vouch for its value in aiding relaxation and promoting a mellow feeling of general well being, I have never been that "relaxed" that I was unable to snap out of it easily when required, its not a tranquiliser as such Neither does it particularly help me to forget any problems as it does'nt black things out in the same way that alcohol can. although it does provoke a deeper thought process , and may consequently help one arrive at a solution. However its not the first thing I would reach for If I'd just found out the mrs had run off with my best mate for example As far as addiction goes, its nonsense I miss my morning coffee more, and I have quite an addictive personality I've smoked cannabis for along time over 45 years although not always every day, I often, although ( admittedly not exactly voluntarily) go months with out smoking it at all with no withdrawal issues whatsoever Other than that no signs of depression , lethargy, anxiety, paranoia, schizophrenia,violence, progression to "hard" drugs or indeed suicidal thoughts So bearing all that in mind I can't help but wonder what on earth all the fuss is about! In reality, for me its not that much different to having a nice cup of tea What gives anybody the moral right or even a valid reason to attempt to make a criminal out of me and others like me?
  13. Better off with blinkers on than listening to Eco nut job Chris Packham you might as well post links to Benny Hill
  14. I was wondering who his paymaster is, Obviously not Anutin , but go on give us a clue
  15. Too late I've already had my 3 unremarkable doses of Covid one of which was before the vaccines were even thought of, and have made up my mind about further vaccinations I won't be having any more. Not for me, thanks all the same! Other people must of course make their own decisions Bearing in mind what you have just posted : "most deaths occurring among the " entirely" vaccinated or "under" vaccinated " and no mention at all about deaths amongst the "unvaccinated" I now regret being vaccinated in the first place, even more than I did before I read that So now it's a shot in the arm every 3 months ??? for everybody in the world ??? Or just in Thailand ?? either way forget it Not only is it effectively a logistical impossibility it's a sure sign, in my very humble opinion, that something is just not right Every Thai I know has a huge box, somewhere in the house, full to the brim of different coloured pills, mostly out of date , allegedly capable of curing every ailment under the sun. my Mrs now uses a old beer chang box as her original container was not big enough ! Her older sister is a "medical professional" so the Mrs has a never ending supply. Her doctor recommends amoxicillin for a cold !! It is a nation of hypochondriacs and with government advice like the above I can see why
  16. It's not uncommon for Thai teachers to silence kids whose english proficiency exceeds their own. I have also been "corrected" on several occasions by Thai teachers who considered my English to be substandard lol They seem to waste a lot of time trying to teach them about tenses, syntax and grammar,etc. things which many if not most native speakers would struggle with. Surely conversational English would be the way to start off, at least then they may have a chance of making it enjoyable The thought of being forced to sit there conjugating verbs brings back some very bad memories from my school days But is it even necessary to teach all Thai kids English? considering the % of the population who never ever use it in their day to day lives. the atrocious standard of english teaching generally, and the lack of interest from the kids themselves really what is the point Having been forced to attend lessons in french and latin at school I can confirm it is a complete waste of time if there is no real perceived reason to learn and no opportunity to put what one learns into practice on a daily basis You can lead a horse to water but you cannot make it drink, is a phrase that springs to mind
  17. None of your business but since you ask , considerably less than the tobacco I smoke
  18. And you think others should behave in exactly the same way? So are you actually a virgin ?
  19. Absolutely agree, perpetrators of extreme crimes such as those you mentioned should be disposed of , and once guilt has been confirmed it should happen as soon as possible incarceration should be reserved for those who need to be removed from society for the protection of others I see little point or benefit to society in locking people up for non payment of fines , drug possession etc and due to the current nature of prison it's unlikely that many will emerge from their sentence as improved characters The fear of prison should act as a deterrent and it normally does for those who have never experienced it ,it is based on the fear of the unknown. Career criminals on the other hand regard prison as an occupational hazard, or inconvenience and for these people it holds little if any actual fear I don't know what the answer is , although one common denominator that many of these criminals share is a fear of doing an honest days hard work , maybe there could be an effective way of exploiting that, perhaps supplemented by a bracelet to impose some sort of curfew
  20. Interesting post which should provide food for thought for the "reefer madness morons" Have you considered why you were amazed at its non addictiveness . Or what originally made you think it would be addictive ? The answer can only be that you were misinformed, I doubt you have felt the need to progress to "harder" drugs either, and how about depression , anxiety, schizophrenia, general insanity and suicide ? Of course not
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