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Bday Prang

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Everything posted by Bday Prang

  1. lol it would appear that they are in fact pretty stupid as it is all the same price I wonder how he will explain that.
  2. I defer to your superior knowledge. I have however smoked copious quantities of both Red and Gold wrapped brickweed over the last 40 years (in Thailand) and in my personal experience there is no discernible difference. There is no difference in price either furthermore, I have never heard of one being described as better than the other I have however heard of many "newbie" smokers being told all sorts of stories by dealers in an attempt to justify charging over the odds Now perhaps you will be so kind as to let us into the big secret, which do you think is the higher grade ? and how much "extra" were you conned into paying for it ? Otherwise people on here may start thinking your "knowledge" has been learnt by watching videos on "Vice" or "U-tube" oh by the way the "golden triangle" would not need to "export" to Thailand
  3. Slow down bert you may be jumping the gun and it could cost you dearly i'm going to order both red and gold and wait till the informed member tells us which is the best (in his opinion)
  4. notable absence of Thai language too !! that test could have been done anywhere by anybody
  5. I doubt it , due to the easy availability of wrapping paper. But you could have told us which one is supposed to be the best (in your opinion)
  6. never heard of this character, but like many others on here he just can't get his head around the 0.2% rule for extracts, he quoted .0.02% several times despite the written article clearly stating 0.2% I for one will not be watching anymore of his inaccurate rubbish
  7. farang think too much, I was complimented on my healthy thriving plants by a policeman just the other day, His had recently died from lack of care ,due to him being assigned temporary duties away from home. I mentioned registration and he just laughed. As far as I am concerned that is clear enough
  8. so somebody who is considered an expert , presumably by their peers . can also be considered as an "international laughing stock" when their views contradict the "narrative" Very interesting.
  9. However they are considered experts. They must be on to something or they would be classed as "deniers," the current dismissive adjective used by people like your self against others with whose views you disagree , So why are they silenced ? As I said in the post you partially quoted I just don't care. Those who wish to, can run around like chicken little for the rest of their miserable lives, it is a waste of time and it won't change a thing I personally intend to enjoy what time I have left ,
  10. What on earth are you talking about this has nothing to do with "enoch powell" or black people being allowed to live in the UK. The Uk immigrants are from many different countries and consequently have no common agenda There is a sinister agenda on the part of China that you seem unable to understand. There have been many examples of what the chinese are upto mentioned on this thread I think its time you stopped listening to your elite Thai / Chinese in laws and opened your eyes The chinese have set their sights on most of south east asia in the short term and a lot further a field in the longer term , If they succeed in their objectives life will become a lot more miserable for a lot of people your self included if it happens soon enough. I have never said it is any of my business who poor people sell their land to...
  11. Strangely we don't ever get to hear what the other 3% of experts have to say ! But that is not part of the narrative is it. The human race will no doubt one day become extinct, Possibly by a nuclear armageddon , possibly as the result of a virus, possibly due to an asteroid strike or some other natural phenomenon ! The extinction of the human race will be a somewhat insignificant event in the great scheme of things just like the extinction of the dinosaurs. It will not be prevented by electric vehicles, "bags for life" "eco lightbulbs" or hurling insults
  12. Is it obligatory to like the chinese here? Not yet thankfully,
  13. No reason to be smug , I doubt that will help you when the <deleted> hits the fan
  14. unbelievably some posters on here fail to understand this
  15. And with affiliations to the Thai elite at the highest level also
  16. You obviously have no idea what you are talking about, in such circumstances it is normally considered better to say nothing
  17. anybody with a strong / heavy "farang" accent would be difficult for a Thai to understand" even when counting 1 - 10
  18. It is not a vegetable but it is a very common herb Every one is allowed to grow it.
  19. Too late they have been here for several generations and many hold influential positions,
  20. Unlimited Cash and and a lot of influence are two that spring to mind
  21. Well done "sherlock" They are "Thai" However their extended families may not be and who knows where their loyalties actually lie. A little like muslims that are born in the UK
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