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Bday Prang

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Everything posted by Bday Prang

  1. I don't even think there are many "mentally weak" that claim to be addicted The fictional claims of addiction are, in the main, made mainly by people who have never smoked it but have either"read it about it somewhere on the web" or "heard it off a bloke in a bar"
  2. Harry Anslinger told plenty of lies in order to get it banned the problem is some people still believe him "Men die for it and women cry for it" lol
  3. no visa required for the low quality arrivals Hotels provided free on demand along with mobile phones and spending money Albanian Mafia particularly welcome
  4. The Thais that do visit the UK don't generally thrash round on hired motorcycles with no helmets on whilst drunk.so a reciprocal agreement would never be "fair"
  5. I think most viral infections cause some fever, it's the body's own defense mechanism. I totally agree that a dose of covid is going to provide as much protection as a vaccine. Since my last bout around a year ago I have been in close contact with several people who felt unwell and later tested positive for covid and I did not develop any symptoms I also tested myself and was as I fully expected negative.
  6. "so much damage" you are kidding right? "As for mankind? We are the 'wild animal' that is killing all other fauna and flora," So you are suggesting that cats are not wild animals, and that we are And what the cats don't destroy we will Its a very interesting theory Will the cats also kill themselves?
  7. well I'm all for the extinction of mosquitos looks like you don't agree, you probably lament the end of the smallpox virus
  8. So are you having any doubts about the efficacy of the vaccines you recieved,? will you be having any more? To be honest your symptoms cannot be that bad if you can be bothered posting on here. I have had some unpleasant bouts of flu were the symptoms were genuinely really horrid and there was no way I would have been able to play on a computer or infact do anything at all other than lie in bed sweating shivering sneezing and aching Infinitely worse than any of the times I had covid ( I've had it 3 times too) I won't be having any more vaccines
  9. wild animals killing each other ?, it's called nature get over yourself As for Mankind? well that's different matter I suggest you start your own thread
  10. Cats and Dogs do indeed kill other animals in fact it's fair to say that all carnivorous animals do It used to be called nature when I was at school. "that's what dogs do"? well what else could you say, it's absolutely correct, although as a dog owner you are held somewhat responsible for its behaviour and that excuse would not cut much Ice if your dog killed a kid would it? No matter who's land it happened on If your dog killed my cat on your land, there's nothing I could say about it, it is what it is , all part of nature Cats are independent creatures and it's impossible to control what they do or where they go. Keeping a cat inside is nothing short of inhumane However if your dog ventured on to my land my dogs would probably kill it and if they didn't, rest assured I would. In the meantime the cat would have simply run away To suggest that cats are responsible for the extinction of other species is absolutely ludicrous. and even if they were, well again it's just part of nature There is only one life form that hunts to extinction, I wonder if you can guess what it is ?
  11. Almost worth getting sick just to experience a stay there, assuming its covered by ones insurance
  12. Siriraj Says All Beds For Critical Covid Patients Full The article is actually not referring to Siriraj Hospital , which happens to be the largest hospital in Thailand and one of the busiest medical centers in SE Asia The article is actually referring to a much smaller private hospital which is actually called SIRIRAJ Piyamaharajkarun Hospital can you really not see what they did there ?. It is clearly hype, Just one relatively small but rather exclusive private hospital has reported that an undisclosed number of beds reserved for critically ill covid patients are now fully occupied however no numbers were mentioned. Of beds available or Covid patients occupying them It also goes on to say that the reason for this is an overflow from the emergency department but conspicuously does not mention if this overflow includes additional Covid patient or not In fact it appears that it is technically not full yet but awaiting the arrival of further patients who have not arrived yet, It does not specify that these are Covid patients either , Nobody is saying that covid is not serious, but just because people do not fall for the "hype" everytime, and dare to call out deliberately misleading headlines does not make them "covid deniers"
  13. normally do and sleep like a log but usually wake up with a bangin head and its all( beers except Guinness ) not just chang, My usual tactic is a couple of para ( or Aspirin when i can get it), last thing before i sleep, seems to work. 5 is about my limit these days (changs not para) Worst is when drinking with the Thais it's impossible to keep track when they are continually topping up your glass
  14. Well it seems as is usual with this topic the truth must never be allowed to spoil a good panicky headline !
  15. And what exactly can you tell from my last sentence ? Perhaps Sherlock Holmes might have deduced that: I am a straight talking, no nonsense sort of a guy , from the Northwest of the UK, who, consequently does not waste time uttering totally hollow and insincere "Americanisms" like "have a nice day" to people he does not know. especially somebody who accused me of being "entitled" and of using "canned comments" I would not expect you to care whether I agree with you or not neither would I expect you to care whether I have a nice day or a terrible day
  16. I find this all slightly surreal and a little nauseating, your gushing support is a bit premature and a little over enthusiastic too
  17. According to their website its a private hospital and according to Wiki it caters for High income patients .with only 345 beds in total and 20 different medical departments there surely cannot be that many beds set aside for Covid cases. According to the OP the emergency department are "awaiting referral patients" so how critical can their need be if they are on some sort of waiting list? In my admittedly simplistic view, people genuinely requiring emergency treatment need it there and then, and would be taken elsewhere, presumably next door to the "Real" and much larger (6x) Siriraj hospital The headline and some of the comments again seem designed to cause unnecessary concern why would that be?
  18. I have no issues with recreational drugs, but after 7 large changs I would be worrying about my required paracetamol intake
  19. I read your post again and I'm pretty sure I got your drift correctly the first time. I don't feel "entitled" at all . I like this place the way it is, any "canned comments" I made were only intended to reflect that. I don't feel required to agree with anybody but I am prepared to agree to disagree I wish you no harm, but i really don't care if you have a great day or not to be honest
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