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Bday Prang

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Everything posted by Bday Prang

  1. Exactly, It is somewhat naive to think that Prayut orchestrated a coup and installed himself in position completely off his own bat, It was clearly deemed necessary at the time and sanctioned by a much higher authority. People seem to have forgotten exactly how close to civil war the country was at the time. From what I saw, Prayut performed a a vital function at the time, as well as anybody could have been expected to. Although I tend to think that he has now ( indeed long since) outstayed his welcome Taksin is a very divisive figure and that he is heralded as some sort of hero and champion of the impoverished is firstly astonishing and secondly a prime example of the benefits of keeping a large section of the population pretty much uneducated. It was clearly necessary that he and his clan were removed from Thai politics and it is clearly necessary that he should not be allowed to return under any circumstances Anybody expecting him to face any serious jail time is nothing short of delusional
  2. Before salting large amounts of money away in any bank account, it would be wise to establish how much (if any) would be guaranteed in the event of the banks collapse In the UK It used to be around £80,000 in Thailand I have heard a figure of 1 million baht mentioned, but never got round to checking that out
  3. Perhaps this explains the absolutely astounding popularity of alcohol free beer ? Your post is absolute rubbish, you clearly have no idea! "Always consumed to excess" " sole purpose is to get stoned" absolutely unbelievable, One could not make this up
  4. I'm pretty sure the "prescription drugs " issue was indeed an embellishment , the lack of specifics points to that , also the potential consequences of his being deprived ( if indeed there were any )would have been capitalised on to add weight to the story.
  5. which kind of indicates that draconian drug laws have little to no effect
  6. But he was not in jail for 10 months read the OP again
  7. Not really true. Cannabis in holland is available nationwide not just in Amsterdam and as regards growing ..... "The authorities won’t charge growers with less than five plants. " https://www.royalqueenseeds.com/blog-growing-cannabis-outdoors-in-the-netherlands-month-by-month-guide-n1293#:~:text=The bottom line%3A Cannabis possession,radar and are rarely prosecuted.
  8. What he deserved ? according to you maybe, but even by the medieval standards of "an eye for an eye" he got a bit more than he deserved on the face of it.
  9. The treatment. on the face of it, does seem a bit barbaric if what has been reported is actually true, I mean he was wearing clothes in the OP photo, how long was he actually naked for ? They probably took his clothes to prevent an embarrassing reoccurrence of the events that took place a couple of weeks ago when that Aussie guy allegedly hanged himself. And what was the exact nature of the prescribed medication he was deprived of, I was once prescribed medication for athlete's foot ! hardly life threatening to be deprived of it There is , as others have mentioned probably a bit more to this than meets the eye. THe OP implies its not the first time he's been in trouble abroad My money is on him being a bit of a spoilt brat with a rich and famous father, throwing water or whatever in some sort of temper tantrum , ) his clothes may have been removed because they were soaking wet) and then possibly getting a bit mouthy or belligerent when told to behave "do you know who my dad is" sort of thing I find it hard to believe that the police gave him a hard time for no reason, they can be cruel but normally would require at least some provocation, especially when dealing with a foreign national from a developed country like new zealand. What I find rather" comforting" is all the self appointed "responsible adults" and "retired schoolteacher" types who invariably use events like this to repeatedly preach their "stay away from drugs in Thailand " To other grown adults, Why do they do that , is it to help others or to make themselves feel smug in a sanctimonious sort of way ?
  10. Perhaps UK border force could arrange a fact finding trip here. in order to find out how things should be done. Although what would be the point, they are not allowed to deport those that they catch, and are expected only to make a hotel reservation for them
  11. I think you need to read my post again, but a bit more slowly My first point was that if people choose to take drugs, it would be a much safer option if the drugs they choose to take were manufactured under pharmaceutical conditions by a reputable company, as opposed to being mixed up by criminals in a filthy makeshift laboratory.. Nothing in my past actually supports the taking of illegal drugs, but if people are going to take them, as they do, is it not an indication of a civilised society that as much as possible is done to ensure their safety ? A side effect of which would be to deny the organised criminals involved the huge profits they currently enjoy Any right minded person would consider that a win win situation regardless of their moral stance regarding drug taking, yet you consider it demonstrates a disrespect for the law! As you appear to disagree, you presumably also think those who have taken drugs should also be deprived of any medical assistance to teach their " ill informed self entitled selves" a lesson they won't forget ? My second point did not "condemn" any "legal" practice at all ! but addresses the dubious logic of allowing anybody who has passed a very elementary driving test ,basically proving only that they can perform a hill start , emergency stop, and reverse around a corner, to have access to high powered sports cars which they are incapable of handling. Taxed or insured or not, the fact is that many of these cars, driven in an illegal manner, end up on their roof or embedded into brick walls.trees, electric poles etc etc, and are often the cause of death or injury for innocent people. This itself would be proof enough for most people that my concerns are not totally without foundation No car driven within the speed limits would ever end up on its roof or in a ditch ! It is the illegal operation all vehicles that I condemn, not just the ridiculously overpowered penis substitutes, driving at speeds over the limit, racing, tailgating, undertaking, etc etc and it is this illegal operation that causes a significant number of deaths probably more deaths on a day today basis than illegal drugs. Nothing wrong with my judgement but yours is as suspect as your reading and comprehension abilities, lol I just noticed your avatar, it says a lot. you're a wannabe boy racer aren't you ? you need to find a safer way to deal with your mid life crisis, I suggest you slow down a bit, excess speed is difficult to deal with when getting older, imagine Joe Biden in a Ferrari this applies to reading too in your case So i'll ask again How many have died in Thailand today as a result of illegally operated vehicles would you say? i'll go with 30 but maybe more, there is at least 20,000 per year How many have died as a result of legally operated vehicles would you say ? ill say less than 30 perhaps 10? who knows Finally how many have died from taking Ecstasy or any other drug ? i'll say well less than 10
  12. I always wondered why they don't build the villages nearer to the water supply ? seems like common sense to me
  13. Totally agree except i would not limit it to "poor" countries. There are way to many people on this planet already
  14. A lot of posters have mentioned regular health checks as a benefit of revising legislation. In reality there is nothing stopping sex workers having regular health checks at present if thats is what they want. It's hardly forbidden. Likewise if a change in legislation made health checks compulsory it would not be impossible for somebody to avoid them if they so wished. The current system seems to work ok for all concerned , if it aint broke don't fix it, these lot need to be a bit careful what they wish for, none of them will be wanting to pay any tax for starters I strongly suspect that these demonstrations and demands have been whipped up by some western "woke" charity, look at the pictures in the OP why would their placard be written in english ?
  15. Not the first such story either, There seems to be a strong tradition of "monks behaving badly " and not just in Thailand Most of these religious types prefer to lead by dictating what others should and should not do, and not by example, Bunch of hypocrites
  16. Could not agree more The original concept of a buffet was intended to be " eat as much as you want" but it was altered by Americans to "eat as much as you can" Its quite disgusting to see people piling their plates to the absolute limit and then eating only about half, leaving the rest as waste Chinese style I am all in favour of the practise exercised in some establishments were the leftovers are weighed and the gluttons charged accordingly
  17. I suggest you first learn to speak some Thai, then attempt to make some Thai friends, it will open your eyes!
  18. Of course it would be protected, why would/ should it be treated any differently than any other occupation?
  19. Adhere to Buddhist teachings ? are you having a laugh. Lying is second nature to them , and sexual misconduct is a way of life for many, and there is a huge drug and alcohol problem in all levels of society, oops I nearly forgot about how they plunge themselves into debt in order to buy things like large 4x4 vehicles, not out of necessity but as an ostentatious display of imaginary wealth and status, Hardly inline with the teachings of the Buddha
  20. I would expect that many or even all people are hoping that their lives will improve as a result of the election, I also expect that they will all be disappointed
  21. from what i just saw on the news it appears that the police have arrested a guy who has confessed to killing the boy but denies killing the girl , claiming he never saw her
  22. Look at the photo in the OP not a single grey hair ! in the unlikely event that he finds himself a bit short of cash, I'm sure the guys at "grecian 2000" would employ him as a model
  23. If he wants to come back then why does he not just do it, instead of making countless public announcements. Obviously he won't be able to quietly slip in to the country unnoticed, but why the big build up beforehand and just prior to the election ? "to raise his grandchildren" what kind of rubbish is that ? People like him don't even raise their own kids, its done by nannies and servants and boarding schools in foreign countries, The raising of grandchildren by their grandparents is a burden undertaken out of necessity normally by the poorest members of society in Issan Although maybe he is hoping that the parents of his grandchildren will be fully occupied in government as that is the only way his return will be painless for him. All the bleating about how he is "prepared to do his time" actually makes me want to puke if he thought there was any chance of incarceration he would stay exactly where he is
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