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Bday Prang

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Everything posted by Bday Prang

  1. I think his hostility to westerners has been well overplayed, Translators enjoy a lot of license as to how they interpret things that get said, and many translations can and are skewed to promote an emotional response, especially on here. and even more so when controversial subjects are involved, Having said that his comments about some farangs' lack of personal hygiene are actually not far off the mark as far as some individuals are concerned I don't know why you felt the need to cite Donald Trump as an example of political malpractice, It only serves to highlight your blinkered bias, The tactic you refer to is commonly used by All politicians and if you think otherwise you are completely deluded
  2. I thought you were probably joking no worries lol I think we are all a little concerned at the moment
  3. Hardened drinkers generally are from the mis informed "reefer madness" generation , They can not see through the propaganda due to the prescience of the alcohol induced haze . Any of those who have been tempted to try it may well have suffered a "negative experience" if they indulged after drinking the equivalent of 8 bottles of Chang These hardened drinkers are always very keen for others to join them in imbibing there drug of choice and are often quite aggressive to those who don't want join them " Go on pal have a drink with me I'm buying " "no thanks I'd rather not" " Go on what's up with you" " nothing I just don't want one" " Why what's your problem my money not good enough for you " " nothing like that I'm just not thirsty" " look pal I've ordered one for you , you'd better drink it or I will take it personally" " really , no thanks " " call your self a man ? get out side and I'll show you " etc etc etc I'm sure we have all at least witnessed such altercations if not been directly involved
  4. Your previous posts indicate you are not anti cannabis, is this just your Idea of a worst case scenario? I sincerely hope so. How could it be proved that that ones usage was "recreational" even if it was only available on prescription there are many "tame " doctors who would prescribe it for a fee . The way I see it, the worst they can do is try to control who supplies it, and that will be impossible when people are growing at home. I doubt very much that draconian punishments will return , although i can see some further restrictions may well be issued to quell the concerns of the uninformed . How keenly these will be be enforced also remains to be seen . Its probably best not to think too much at the moment and to continue enjoying the current situation while it lasts
  5. The chinese often get their hands on land by Thais defaulting on loans ,, Many "chinese" hold Thai passports / citizenship as they were born here!
  6. I didn't think they still issued multiple entry non o visas in uk that is definitely a result,
  7. Afterwards I started having memory issues and anger problems a few hours later. It was similar to the last time I smoked ages ago. Pre-existing condition I admit. But now I know not to touch the evil green stuff again. Unfortunately its just not for me. how can you remember having memory issues ?
  8. oh dear somebody is posting total rubbish on the cannabis forum what a surprise
  9. That was "till death us do part" not sure if it is outright banned but I imagine some episodes will be
  10. Why use bricks at all ? the larger grey blocks are much quicker ( and just as bad ) non of them are used as structural components anyway as the house is a concrete frame. Some form of industrial type cladding with integral insulation would be much much better, It doesn't have to be grey any colour or pattern would be possible.
  11. Yeah you can't beat a 3 skinner some times a king-size skin just isn't big enough in my opinion, and after 40+ years of smoking sticking 3 skins together is all part of the ritual
  12. Me too, I was not born with x-ray eyes or my own built in mass gas spectrometer, smoking is the only way to judge it A ,couple of weeks ago my missis noticed a new guy selling weed at the local market 70 bt for around 10g she bought me 2 bags when i saw it I nearly threw it in the bin, but she insisted that she would use it for cooking That, as it turned out would have been a mistake, as I was very pleasantly surprised when I eventually got round to smoking it. It is now safely bagged up in my stash box and will not be used in the kitchen
  13. As if lol if that was the case everybody "would take the knee" before starting work what better way could there be to publicly express their wokeness ? Even in the UK , the least racist country in the world , "taking the knee" seems to be the preserve of a few virtue signalling footballers, Normality hah Wokeness may be normality for you, just getting on with life and dealing with day to day issues like making ends meet is the normality for most people
  14. I did not write anything whatsoever about it being a predominantly left wing trait neither did I imply it anywhere! You really are a piece of work. What I actually said was that certain members of the UK labour party , which considers itself "more woke" than the others have been exposed as having anti semitic views . That is a fact, you can whinge and protest and misquote me all you like. It does not change the facts The demise of their leader Jeremy Corbyn was in part due to his anti semitic beliefs and sympathies I suppose that is far right gobbledigook too? Like the jewish labour MP's who have complained about anti semitic comments and behaviour directed at them by other members of their party, More far right gobbledigook ? I think not Accusations of anti semitism against the right of center conservative party who do not claim to be, and are not exactly renowned for being particularly "woke" are very rare in comparison Perhaps you should read this twice before you write your reply
  15. could be a possibility, maybe certain "bricks" are selected to be used as samples when selling wholesale
  16. The fact remains it was first used by people to describe themselves in a positive light, it has since been used sarcastically or ironically. So you consider woke "lefties" to have a normal deposition based on education and enlightenment ? I would consider neither extreme left or right to possess a normal deposition, A normal disposition is that of the majority, of normal people who have no extreme views one way or the other,
  17. So are you trying to tell us that the word "woke" was originally coined by the non woke and used as an insult, that is absolute rubbish . The lefties in the UK consider themselves "woke" but many have been caught out with there anti semitic views !
  18. Gold or Red you pay your money and take a chance, there is no "official" grading based on the colour of the wrapper. The last lump I bought was Red very nice too not a seed in sight,, Prior to that I got the Gold one pretty much the same but a few more seeds. Its all outdoor gown, in very large quantities, I don't think in general anybody has the time or the inclination to sort it or grade it before it goes into the compactor, There is good and bad in both colours but generally its pretty much the same, you would be unlucky to get very bad and lucky to get very good.
  19. I get what you mean but i don't think its evidence of my motherinlaws malicious racist nature for example
  20. I don't know I am completely ambiguous as to whether the word is used or not ,could not care less ,its not a word I use generally, but I imagine some still do Those that consciously don't use it for woke reasons probably "think" it first as its an established way of saying mixed race then instead of actually saying it they they utter a different word That's generally how things work , a bit like when they censor words like f++king h*ll to avoid causing offence if you get my drift
  21. I think we all have lol,,,,,oh by the way I would value your input I said in a previous post that the phrase "look kreung" is not generally used as a derogatory remark by Thais, that's based on discussions I have had with friends and family, but some non Thais on here would disagree just wondered what your take on it is?
  22. No i do not think all foreign teachers are qualified to teach English at all , quite the opposite actually, and I have never said that, I am also fully aware of what you teach. My reply was quite straight forward and I will repeat it for you :- I am not qualified to teach you the subtleties of the English language you are a teacher work it out for yourself if you can. You don't need to be an English teacher to do that , any native speaker with a secondary education should be able spot your grammatical inconsistency
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