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Bday Prang

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Everything posted by Bday Prang

  1. Best of all there was a popular TV sit com in the UK called "love thy neighbour" I would imagine most people have heard of it, surprisingly it is banned . I say surprisingly because the very essence of the program was to highlight how ridiculous the racist attitude of the main character was He was never portrayed in a positive light and always ended up being shown up as a narrow minded bigot. No other TV program at the time was pouring scorn on racists , often the best way of attacking bad attitudes is to laugh at the perpetrators . Yet years later it was "banned" despite it having been discontinued and pretty much forgotten about. Yet another example of misguided and ignorant wokism
  2. In Holland part of the Christmas festivities used to involve a street parade featuring a popular folklore character called "Black Peter" He was one of santa's helpers, he was portrayed as having a black face due to his imaginary work requiring him to enter peoples houses in the traditional christmas way ie "down the chimney" so he was covered in soot as one might expect. Obviously this charming tradition could not be allowed to continue Only the most twisted of minds could connect this to racism, and I would be very surprised to hear of any black people being involved in that decision Like wise the word "blackboard" has also been "identified as Racist" and its use discouraged, Another "enlightened" soul in the UK put forward the possibility that Covid 19 was a "racist virus", How can people not see how ridiculous it all is.
  3. I don't see that anybody's travel documents are any business of yours, What is your problem? Why do you consider it appropriate for you to decide what others "should really do" Oh pardon me I just noticed your name, that explains it , "Teachers" a bit like police really, in that they can't help telling people what they should do, and appear to be "never off duty"
  4. 30 years ago out in the sticks here in Thailand I was regularly visited by locals who would bring their kids round just to see the "farang" many had not seen a white man before. They were very often terrified and usually broke down in tears, as it was common for their parents to tell them that white people would eat them given the chance. lol Was I offended ? of course not. But then again I may have thought differently had I been brainwashed by woke Thais constantly telling me I should be offended and apologising on behalf of Thai society for the appalling "racism" to which I had been subjected To this day it is not uncommon for kids (and some adults) to point at and giggle amongst themselves when encountering a "ferang" Am I offended ? No Strangely I don't hear any wokies taking offence on my behalf either.
  5. I had a Golliwog when I was a kid , it was just a doll, nothing more, 4 year old kids are not inherently racist and to allege possession of one was evidence of a racist views is ridiculous. I never considered it was supposed to represent a black person, As I said before, to me It was just a doll Why haven't I heard of any wokies complaining about cabbage patch dolls misrepresenting white people when given to black kids
  6. Scottish people do not hate English people per-se , that is clearly an over exaggeration , however a minority scottish people may feel that way, I doubt that it has much to do with the events of 300 years ago, It is a result of the rantings of a few politicians a lot more recently than that , Politicians who , in attempting to promote their agenda seek to encourage a form of toxic nationalism by attempting to place the blame for all of Scotlands "problems" on the English The result of the last referendum is evidence of that. The referendum its self was not really conducted in a fair manner, and as far as many English people are concerned, should there be another, It would be far more "inclusive" if English people were given the chance to express there feelings too. The result may well be affected in a way not to popular with the Scots
  7. I am not so sure it was "horrible" but as I was only a kid at the the time It was not exactly my favorite programme. But to describe it as racist is once again an example of people looking for something to be offended by, however their protests have only served to draw attention to it, If it wasn't for them it would have been long forgotten about, Every Christmas in Thailand we are presented with Thai people on TV dressed in Santa Clause costumes sat around Christmas trees. even on the news ! Personally I am not "offended" and I have never heard of anybody who is, devout christians have never complained as far as I am aware, and even the wokies have been uncharacteristically quiet regarding this. BUT, can you imagine the outpouring of shock and outrage, not by Thais or Buddhists, but by the white wokies, if the likes of Piers Morgan, or Richard Madeley were to dress in orange robes during any of the Thai religious celebrations . The offence taken by the "woke" would be palpable and there would no doubt be calls for them to be hung, drawn and quartered at the least.
  8. It did not portray blacks as inferior, it was showcasing there musical abilities, nobody thought it was racist at the time because it was not. My grandparents had several black friends and they often watched and enjoyed the show together. It was declared racist by woke white people who judged it based on their own twisted standards which were conceived 30 or 40 years later
  9. My grandmother loved that show too, It was very popular, It was not banned or even criticised at the time , the series ended as it had run its course. The "ban" occured 40+ years later and not after complaints from black people. But as a result of wokies desperately looking for anything they could take offense at on behalf of others
  10. Cilla Black ! A good enough reason to hate scousers too
  11. I don't need to look it up , I can speak and read Thai , I know exactly what it means, However I have not chosen to play the part of an offended victim of racism / stereotyping "Sticks and stones " is the phrase that springs to mind. I learnt that when I was about 4 years old Maybe the perpetually offended "community" should just be told to grow up a little
  12. Couldn't agree more but there will be something on the list that applies to what you have just said, Its that kind of list. LOL once he has outed you as a racist you will never hear the last of it ( until you get "cancelled")
  13. I wasn't accusing you or anything, I was just showing you his (Thunglom), amazing 3 min "racism test" as in a previous post you indicated that didn't know about it. I haven't been following your discussions with him purely an informative post I think he wrote it himself
  14. this one:- never really considered myself a racist but I think i tick most of the boxes, I wonder if any other members have failed "The racism test"
  15. should still be neutered of course, we don't want any more, as if we cant find homes for them, they will have to be put down
  16. I imagine he said it in a German accent does that make me guilty of stereotyping germans ?
  17. I'd call them virtue signallers I have stronger words for the clergy WoW
  18. A lot of people pretend to be christians I cannot understand why
  19. we've gone off topic a bit but It's surely worth mentioning that there are many wokie christians who have issues with certain things written in the bible, but don't seem to extend their sense of injustice to any of the writings within the quran
  20. Depends whether you mean celebrate in the true sense of the word or do you mean by drinking to excess and wasting money on consumer goods? The latter being in the majority but I'm not sure that actually counts as "celebrating christmas" from a theological point of ]view the person who celebrates the most would probably be Jeff Bezos
  21. Probably less than 5% in the Uk judging by the number of cars parked outside the local churches in my area, That would be 3.5 million people on the move every sunday and I just can't imagine that is true. Might be a higher percentage in southern Ireland Catholics are the fundamentalist branch of christianity after all
  22. I did too actually , and coincidentally I thought of two words, the second word was "off" I personally have no need for an imaginary friend , and niether would any rational person if they weren't brainwashed from the minute they can speak
  23. Do you think you are qualified to contradict or even question my personal experience. I am pretty choosy who i associate with , obviously i make exceptions for this website
  24. Just finished looking at your little list of racism, looked very comprehensive at first glance, a bit like something the Spanish inquisition would have dreamed up. Is that what you personally base your everyday accusations of racism on. If that is the case you no doubt consider just about everybody on earth a racist (with the obvious exception of yourself of course) who compiled the list for you " trigglypuff" lol https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/trigglypuff you'd get on well with her haha she's on you tube too you could cover your ears for the offensive stuff and just listen to her outrage if you'd rather play safe I've highlighted a few of the more ridiculous ones I could easily have discredited all of them 9 what pronouns should be used (a very touchy subject for the woke and not just regarding race) or could you advise on an acceptable "level of use" regarding 3rd person pronouns ? 19 "did you hear the one about" what kind of jokes do you like, interesting question isn't it ? I don't think it will take long to list them, and I doubt laughter is a common expression for you 21 using the word racialist (as opposed to racist) I never considered a basic grammatical error possibly the result of a limited intellect or speech impediment could be construed as evidence of racism 23 "woke" is actually a derogatory adjective, now that we ("the unwoke") have reclaimed it 27 "all lives matter" not as far as you are concerned I'm sure 30 "micro aggressions" shocking stuff I'm sure we all agree after the "disgusting|" example you gave us what could be more "offensive " than suggesting that anyone has the chance of success if they work hard enough, particularly in the UK the most racially tolerant and accommodating country in the world would you really like me to continue ? Do you ever post on Thai related subjects or is this the sole purpose of your membership here I've long suspected this site to have been hijacked by social justice warriors.
  25. Well i don't know any "christian " my self included that gives religion a second thought but I'll take your word for it, However I don't consider it cause for concern, Its not like they practice female or male genital mutilation and I haven't heard of any beheadings as a result of the increase, have you? Although I must admit the child abuse issue is something that needs to be addressed. But am I offended? not particularly.
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