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Bday Prang

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Everything posted by Bday Prang

  1. "Sex Tourist" do normal people actually use that term, or is it reserved for sexually repressed bigots ? is there actually an official definition ? For example how many times would one have to have sex whilst on holiday to be considered a sex tourist,? Would enjoying a holiday romance result in one being labelled as such ?
  2. Many of these "doctors" ceased to practice medicine years ago (probably when it dawned on them they were useless) they seem to make a living by being "affiliated " to various organisations and uttering public statements like this, as and when required,
  3. Indeed reasonably priced weed is easily available, There's no need to spend a fortune, however this thread is primarily about tourists who normally pay a little more for most things especially here
  4. They don't, but serious matters like this have to be seen to be treated with the gravity they deserve , and one well tested way, of adding a bit of gravitas to an argument is for a statement to be issued by a high ranking (albeit clueless )official Ideally a General or somebody who is perceived as extremely wealthy. Looks like whoever commissioned this article could not (unsurprisingly) find any of those that were prepared to get involved. Doctors are quite fashionable these days, as the excitement of covid provided them the opportunity for a bit self aggrandizement. Their freshly renewed sense of self importance and a bit of social media "fame" makes them a natural second choice for all occasions
  5. You mean to tell me that your "highly educated" Thai friends actually do not understand how important tourism is to the Thai economy as a whole. Sounds to me they are a little out of touch or maybe not that well educated after all. Thai's can also be a bit two faced when they want to be, and if they don't like tourists they probably don't like you much either
  6. I have no idea how they split it, but I don't think it should cost any more in Phuket than in Pattaya
  7. I fully expect long covid to become the most commonly mentioned medical condition,used for the purpose of fraudulent benefit claims. Totally eclipsing "stress" and "back trouble" which I believe are the current favorites. I also expect the majority of these claims to come from public sector employees I might even have a go myself I know a few in the uk with either one or both of the above "medical conditions" and they easily fulfil the financial requirements for a retirement extension
  8. The last sentence being particularly relevant to the Uk where, as for one example, passport waiting time has been reported to be around 11, months Staff from this and many other government agencies have , backed, by their unions, basically just refused to return to their workplace, Health and safety (due to covid 19) being the original reason, but now that excuse has ceased to be valid, they are arguing that there is "no real need" for most of them to return, as the work is online based therefore they can work more tirelessly and efficiently From the comfort of their own homes. The aforementioned waiting list being a perfect example of just how efficient they actually are. I don't think its anything like that here, and I doubt that it would be tolerated, thankfully The symptoms that the overwhelming majority of people experience would not even be considered a valid excuse to take time off for all but the most "delicate" of people. I'd be very surprised if there aren't a lot of people still taking advantage of covid 19. especially in the public sector, all over the world.
  9. I find the concept that you "don't understand " why tourists wish to behave any differently on holiday than they would at home to be deeply disturbing too , especially the fact that you would seek to limit their activities and bring them into line with restrictions in your home country, Where ever that might be Would you agree if a Saudi Arabian made such a statement ? To suggest that allowing night clubs to open to 4am is akin to Thailand "selling its soul" is indicative of your ignorance of Thailand and nearly as laughable as your assertion that the revenue from tourism benefits only a minority <deleted>. ? Obviously you would prefer that Covid restrictions are reintroduced and that "other" people should generally be discouraged from visiting in order that your "friends and family " may feel less uncomfortable, MIght I suggest, that rather than allowing or hoping for the continuing decimation of the tourist industry here, your friends and family might like to consider visiting another country more appropriate for their sensitivities North Korea springs to mind, not to many farangs there I would imagine How on earth is being Thai in either Pattaya or Phuket equivalent to being "second class" (whatever that actually means)
  10. These "prominent" doctors no doubt also agree with charging tourists a premium for the second rate medical treatment they may require. They were probably involved in the proposals, Another "great" idea that may not guarantee "the boosting of the economy" or indeed further their desire to become a medical hub
  11. Feeling that way when leaving a bar alone could be symptoms of sex addiction, maybe one of those "doctors" could help you
  12. Not to mention a few members of this forum who seem obsessed about placing restrictions on other peoples activities,
  13. I have never been asked for any letter from the embassy, but I'm curious to know what they could or would write, that would influence an immigration officers decision regarding the granting of an extension for covid , Particularly as one of the forms has a box to tick when such a letter is not available
  14. Some people who visit Thailand may include a trip to one or two "famous" wats as part of their itinerary. but to suggest that people come here solely for that purpose is pure fantasy. There may well be 30000+ wats in Thailand however 29990+ wats are totally unremarkable and are not worth looking at. The closing time of nightclubs has no bearing on people who wish to visit wats If lack of beauty sleep is your concern suggest you try sleeping in a hotel close to a Wat and see what time your beauty sleep gets interrupted. You may start to think that wats should be restricted from banging gongs and chanting and wailing , until a more civilised time, to enable people on holiday to enjoy a lie in
  15. Well the first Quack is "secretary of the don't drive drunk campaign" so he is just justifying his position and his no doubt generous fees, The second Quack is trying to continue scaring us whilst at the same time highlighting his continuing "covid concerned" status media profile in the mistaken belief that anybody cares anymore
  16. If you have High limescale content in your water avoid Black tiles, try to find a colour that is not spoiled too much by a bit of limescale staining which will happen , no matter how hard you scrub them , and no matter what cleaning solution you use
  17. no problems in Surin at Kapchoeng last week, service with a big smile and 60 days added on the spot They even filled the forms in for me I actually quite enjoy going there
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