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Bday Prang

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Everything posted by Bday Prang

  1. I'm sure there will be plenty of both but I don't like the idea of the big corporations moving in, although I guess its inevitable
  2. It would stop you posting rubbish on here and maybe remove your misconceptions about it Thus removing your irrational but understandable fear of the unknown ! That would be a good start
  3. Again. displaying a lack of knowledge regarding cannabis, a common trait amongst people whose limited knowledge is gleaned from the reefer madness school of thought. (which is the the common denominator amongst the puritanical prohibitionist zealots) It absolutely has to be true, as when your "education" or rather brainwashing took place, that was the only accepted narrative regarding cannabis wasn't it? Not unlike several other schools of thought in existence at that time but due to pressure brought to bear by the various minority groups who were on the receiving end of the accompanying prejudice that flourished, those views are now considered unacceptable in fact actually illegal
  4. A kick to the head isn't very compassionate, but where does it say he is an alcoholic? It only said he was drunk
  5. Other than keep out of the reach of children what more could you possibly want? Do you object to it being sold on budda days for example ?
  6. I can guarantee 100% that regardless of legislation, personal recreational use will continue, as it has for thousands of years. Anybody hoping it won't will be bitterly disappointed
  7. The legislation is already in place for mandatory helmets, if some people choose not to comply then that is up to them. As long as helmets are available for those that choose to wear them then there is no need for anybody to get upset
  8. I never suggested that you did, only that your links are also to articles written or produced by people and organisations with their own agenda and as such are equally meaningless
  9. Well I had an inkling that might be the case, but actually, I was waiting for you to confirm it for me with one of your "!inks" of course
  10. what mess?? all looks fine from where i'm sitting, everything continuing pretty much as normal, just a few people getting all worked up over nothing. Certainly no need for any "medical experts " or "law makers" to get involved. and for the benefit of all concerned politicians should not be anywhere near
  11. like all the so called studies that you keep posting links to, all funded by people with an agenda and all of questionable impartiality
  12. I wasn't aking a question, i was highlighting how easy it is to find so called "evidence" on the internet to support ones point of view or to contradict others. And regarding your last sentance , I absolutely agree, in fact everything is pretty safe if used responsibly, illegality actually helps nobody in that context as was proved in the USA with prohibition
  13. are you for real? the gateway drug rubbish, is just that, rubbish, It won't make negroes rape your daughter , or turn you into a communist either. Some people die from peanut allergy would you ban peanuts too ?? Unbelievable just unbelievable
  14. really ? https://www.caffeineinformer.com/harmful-effects-of-caffeine see anybody can find a link to some negative reports on anything if truly doesn't prove anything
  15. There are only a few of you having nightmares,, you should try smoking cannabis It will help
  16. I doubt the senior or indeed any members of the medical fraternity would bring anything of any use to the table, they are all looked after by big pharma, and they are all aligned politically one way or the other and as such are incapable of being independent or even honest
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