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Bday Prang

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Everything posted by Bday Prang

  1. I I merely posted a bit of info regarding the results of urine tests certainly not an aggressive or inflammatory comment, I think my response to his smarmy, condescending and sarcastic remark was quite appropriate
  2. I think you'll find that is not exactly a test for intoxication, it is just the lowest level that can be positively detected, It is effectively zero tolerance. conversely alcohol users are given a generous lee way of 50mg Although having seen my misses after half a glass of chang that seems overly lenient to me However these were urine tests which cannot detect actual THC and there was no mention of blood tests
  3. The concept of marriage is well known and can be summed up in the following words " find someone you hate and buy them a house", most people change as they get older and what worked years ago might not work so well in the present . People would not mate for life if they were to follow their natural instincts. Rather they would be inclined to stay together long enough to give the off spring a chance to survive., which some anthropologists estimate would be around 7 years which kind of explains the "seven year itch" Marriage has been forced/ inflicted on people for perceived religious and societal reasons and is not really the natural way of life Your romantic fantasy about people wanting to share everything and spend the rest of their lives together is straight out of a mills and boon novel
  4. As far as I am aware most if not all of the mass produced urine tests for cannabis do not actually test for THC . They actually test for "metabolites" of THC which can be present in the urine for , as others have stated, up to 90 days The metabolites detected are not psychoactive neither are they "controlled substances" in the rest of the world (although that might not be the case in Malaysia) The Urine test is in no way indicative of intoxication, it merely indicates that cannabis was used some time during the previous months Its use is somewhat controversial in work place settings as It really is only a check on somebodies lifestyle. Why is it that with all the world renowned medical minds desperately trying to find more and more reasons to restrict the availability of cannabis, not one of these "geniuses" has managed to come up with a valid test for intoxication
  5. The Uk pension is absolute disgrace I think its the lowest in western europe
  6. not a bad result compared to how it would have been if caught in the UK. for example,The system over here has its advantages, despite the almost continuous criticism it receives
  7. people can say what they want about the RTP but they are certainly not stupid. In fact I would say they are perfectly suited for the job they are assigned when you consider where they are and who they have to deal with. Most of the naysayers on here will have had very limited interaction with them except for traffic violations . when they were inevitably in the wrong but probably allowed to walk away in return for a very small "tip" some people don't know when they are well off
  8. "taken to Immigration the next day to have their passports stamped, or they could pay 20,000 baht each and be free to go! " They must have had "newbie" or "gullible" stamped on their foreheads, whoever falls for that one almost deserves it, What exactly were they told would be stamped in their passports? assuming the story is true, which i doubt
  9. why would he be concerned what his name meant in a foreign language ? could be worse, what about people called Jim ? do you think they care what their name means in Thai ? lol
  10. Most people would go out of their way to avoid dealing with the police of any country I think that is normal
  11. And not just the "met." and to be honest there's plenty of reason to fear the uk police
  12. excellent post and I still cannot understand why some posters on here will never be happy until they have, by their constant whinging. changed this place into a carbon copy of the places they have chosen to leave
  13. why would you wish to cause problems for yourself, I can assure you that would be the most likely result of such a stupid act. unless you were already out of the country with little intention of returning. I suppose you could make an anonymous complaint but that would probably end up in the bin (where it belongs)
  14. I'm not so sure about that,I know quite a lot of Thais in various provinces and most of them have at least 1 policeman somewhere in the extended family In the case of my misses as an example there's her two brothers , two brother in laws, and two uncles all living within 50 meters of me, can't say I've ever had a problem, quite the opposite to be honest.
  15. A 20 year strategy !! says a lot about the perceived loss of confidence in the police force. ie that it ie to all intents and purposes irreparable ! Most of the "bright sparks" who came up with this Idea will be long gone in less than 20 years
  16. I see were you are coming from but the victim didn't die at the scene and there was no obligation or reason to accompany her to the hospital, Once she was in the care of the medics there is nothing more he could have done "|Carrying on as normal" might not really be an accurate description, I am sure the MP and the guy who was actually driving would have been as shaken as anybody else contrary to what other on here seem to alledge, most people MPs included are not cold blooded killers. As a general point and not directed at you, isn't it only in Saudi Arabia where the passenger in a taxi is held responsible for any accidents that occur? Most civilised countries put the responsibility on the driver and in my opinion that is the only logical way to go
  17. maybe so but that particular detail was notably not preceded by "he said" as were the other remarks , and neither was it in quotation marks so that makes me question whether or not it was an assumption on behalf of the author or even the journalist that wrote the original story. Do you not think that could be possible? especially considering the reason to publish that story on this forum.
  18. Not in the North West they don't I can assure you of that
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