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Bday Prang

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Everything posted by Bday Prang

  1. your response being... Utter chaos, another fine example of just why this whole thing on June 9th should not have been rushed through before appropriate laws and regulations were in place. "officials jumped the gun by insisting on licenses that don’t actually exist nor were required by law." “That’s exactly the point,” he said. “Welcome to Thailand.” There is no "chaos" you are being melodramatic . The only thing this is a "fine example of" is " lily livered politicians " who having made a brave and forward thinking decision have now lost the courage of their convictions when faced with opposition from a very vocal minority, who's voice has been amplified as usual by mainstream media, This has been exacerbated by opposition MP's who , naturally, think they have spotted an opportunity to discredit the current administration, and have jumped on the bandwagon regardless of their personal feelings towards the legalisation. You and your fellow prohibitionists are well outnumbered on this forum and this reflects the current views of society in general. As usual the politicians are well out of touch with how people really feel, mainly due to them forming their opinions on matters like this by listening to the aforementioned vocal minorities and mainstream media, If they bothered to actually meet, talk to and listen to all the members of their constituencies they would see things as they really are. That applies to all matters. not only cannabis.
  2. Oh dear ! you seem to have fired off a little "prematurely!" (cannabis can help with that, along with may other problems, lol) and before you ask here is your link... https://coconuts.co/bangkok/news/weed-whiplash-arrest-order-for-dispensary-operators-revoked-after-spreading-confusion-fear/
  3. not easy to find one of those in our village ......anyway what exactly did you mean by "again" has somebody been talking
  4. And if I was in his position I'd do exactly the same, as would anybody else, if only they were honest enough to admit it
  5. Seriously , Who is Anutin? and what if any is his connection to the cannabis industry ? What is the main reason that the current government is in power? Is it not due to the results of the election?
  6. I guess that could be true, but once my own grow is ready the only chemicals involved were a good dose of traditional N . P and K with a modest dose of secondary nutrients and trace elements. come to think of it I could have made use of the huge amount of b/s available on here then it would be truly organic
  7. Nobody should be lobbying anybody to ban anything, If you don't want to smoke then don't, but please keep your nose out of other peoples business Although in all honesty a ban on muslims would not bother me at all
  8. I'm guessing they were Thai marines and more than likely conscripts, in which case even without being intoxicated they are incapable of even tying their own shoe laces
  9. I'm not doubting your expertise, but I have never concerned myself as to % of THC and have managed fine for the last 40 odd years. Checking of THC % to all intents and purposes is not an option for anybody, bit like checking the % alcohol in ones beer. Even if it was possible I don't think you would become very popular. Setting up all the equipment required prior to paying 100bt for 10g of weed would soon get on peoples nerves
  10. I was going to disagree, but i couldn't find the motivation
  11. Well I'm certainly not confusing you with somebody who knows what they are talking about nor somebody wishing to make any sort of a positive contribution
  12. How would you know? How would you know anything about this subject? I'm surprised you haven't been banned for trolling. Well actually, come to think about it, I'm not surprised at all
  13. "Doctors" controlling cannabis use! are you out of your mind hhahahhahaha exactly how would that be done? will they roll joints for people and limit how much weed is used ? or would they atempt to prevent inhalation? unbelievable
  14. Its up to you how much you want to smoke, but paying 800bt per gram is a major expense, when consuming 68 g per month Personally I have overindulged at certain times in the past and have found that its quite easy to become immune to the effects especially with the newer high % thc strains. ( I never had the same problem with brickweed though) Just an Idea but have you considered a "tolerance break" just for a few days ? It would save you money of course, but even if that is not an issue, much more importantly it would give your cannabis receptors a break and enable you to experience the effects better when you resume, works for me, but its entirely up to you,
  15. The alleged concern by some regarding the "youth of Thailand" is nothing more than misplaced virtue signalling and people grasping at straws . "ban it if only for the sake of kids and the mentally ill" etc etc Kids ( and everybody else) have always had easy access to cannabis regardless of regulations. Something that the prohibitionists don't seem to be able to grasp is that its always been available and always will be. I haven't heard any of these "concerned" people voice any opposition to the legal status of alcohol for the same reasons, Their "concern" for the youth of Thailand seems to disappear when they realise that it may impact their own consumption of the legalised and dangerous drug that they happen to like. They also complain on here frequently regarding any restrictions regarding the availability of alcohol that were put in place to protect kids Bearing that in mind , its (almost) understandable that objections are voiced from teetotallers, for obvious reasons ! but for anybody who enjoys alcohol to object to the cannabis legalisation is absolute hypocrisy and based entirely on fear and ignorance. After all 100 years of U;S funded "reefer madness" will not disappear over night They smugly post links to any anti cannabis propaganda they can find on the internet whilst dismissing any other relevant facts as worthless. However they all choose to ignore the fact that there is at least 100 times more information available on the internet highlighting the problems of alcohol consumption Realistically how can cannabis be illegal, and, along with its users be vilified when alcohol is legal and embraced, to the extent that abstainers often need to explain themselves and are often viewed with a mixture of suspicion and disdain? Surely If one is banned the other should be banned also As they say ...."people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones" but I prefer "live and let live" I'm not advocating a ban on alcohol or anything else for that matter but in the interests of "fairness" maybe its the only way forward hahahahaha
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