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Bday Prang

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Everything posted by Bday Prang

  1. The only thing that has started is the inevitable media frenzy, don't you think that its strange that this never happened before it was legalised
  2. And who exactly is "we" and how exactly do "we" intend to deal with 5 million mega stoned potheads. A good strong talking to ? or maybe a damn good thrashing ? Or more likely a strongly worded post on here expressing your outrage hahaha Chill out pal you won't be "dealing" with anyone
  3. "mega stoned potheads to deal with" Yoy have absolutely no idea what you are talking about do you . People like you base all their incorrect fears on the misinformation spewed out by governments. Do you believe everything they tell you ? If so you really are beyond help
  4. My guess is that just maybe somebody with a spark genius realised how ridiculous the whole prohibition thing was.
  5. "Accidents , violence and self harm" Another example of the ignorance regarding cannabis, pretty much straight out of reefer madness . Amazing how many self appointed "experts" crawl out from under their stones to spread their doom and gloom prophecies, not just about cannabis either, Covid had plenty of experts too and I don't remember any of them ever predicting anything positive, or any of their doom and gloom predictions coming true! Some people seem to get a kick out of trying to scare people, Why is that ??
  6. Absolutely, and most UK citizens fully support this. Just think of all the additional Ukrainians that could have been helped if we weren't burdened with the Illegals. For that matter just think how many hospitals we could have built and the improvements we could have made to the UK. lower taxes spring to mind .If only we didn't have to fund not only every aspect of their presence but also their continuous legal fees when they appeal time after time after receiving their deportation notice I doubt very much if any of the bleeding heart liberals who support the small boat arrivals actually live in the areas where these people are relocated to, pending the results of a never ending, appeal after appeal asylum application. Ask anybody who does, especially young females and I'm pretty sure they will tell you that their quality of life has not been improved significantly in any respect
  7. None of them have visas they don't even have passports, as one of the first things they do is to destroy any evidence of where they come from (so they can't be sent back) Apparently it costs thousands of pounds for them to get to the UK so they are not exactly destitute are they? Most of them that get taxied in by the coastguard or even worse by the RNLI seem to have smartphones 99.9% of them are young males and nobody ever mentions what the eventual social impact of importing so many unaccompanied young males will be! The fact of the matter is that no right minded UK citizen wants them in the UK. those that claim to welcome them are limited to the usual collection of human rights lawyers, who are no doubt making a good living off the back of this, and a very vocal minority of leftie "activists" If it is illegal to send them to Rwanda, then the law needs to be changed, simple as that as Rwanda is the best place for them. Prince Charles would be better occupied trying to control his ginger haired "son" and his pedo brother
  8. I have mixed views on the latest "hybrids" , I find that I soon develop a tolerance to each particular strain the highs become shorter lasting and leave me with the urge to smoke more (and more) probably an intended consequence given the commercial nature of the cannabis business these days. The first few spliffs of the ounce were strong then it tends to wane into mediocrity. I never really found this to be the case with grown in the ground "brick weed" I think it may also be a consequence of the obsession with THC content above all else, as there are many other psychoactive compounds involved and some of these have been lost in the quest for more THC. I've smoked pretty much daily for over 40 years and I can honestly say that some of the best gear I ever enjoyed was what is referred to as "brickweed" Probably a bit like comparing "real ale" to super strength lager
  9. And never should it have ever been classified as such, those responsible should be punished , posthumously if necessary !
  10. Thai pot doesn't get you high ????? are you another one who has never smoked it ?? or maybe you thought you had but they actually sold you oregano or something, in which case I advise you to change your dealer
  11. Thai pot doesn't get you high ????? are you another one who has never smoked it ?? or maybe you thought you had but they actually sold you oregano or something, in which case I advise you to change your dealer
  12. Thai pot doesn't get you high ????? are you another one who has never smoked it ?? or maybe you thought you had but they actually sold you oregano or something, in which case I advise you to change your dealer
  13. The level of ignorance regarding cannabis is astounding, those who have never smoked should be forbidden from expressing their views, starting with you.
  14. Yes that appeared to be the case but I managed to talk my way out of it at the time,.... eventually! I was more interested to know if anybody else had been asked for financial details when applying for a covid extension. Personally I doubt it, and am more inclined to think that the document checklist form I referred to was a generic form used for various kinds of extension and not just for covid extensions. Anyway I guess I'll find out when I go next week, fingers crossed in the meantime
  15. One further thing, they gave me some forms to take home to fill, in there was the usual TM7 and a specific Covid extension form along with the form that warns of the penalties of overstaying in Thailand The last form was all in Thai was a check list of required documents Strangely it included all the documents given to me but also listed statement of deposit and bank book showing "sufficient funds " or "money enough" as my missus put it And it also mentioned a copy of a tabien baan and Id card too. There was two areas for the Official to sign his name indicating either a pass or a fail Im guessing , as it was all written in only Thai ,it was meant for "office use only" and given to me in error (looked like she was a newbie possibly an Intern) Bit hard to read what it said but it was along the lines of " list of copies of documents required by persons requesting a temporary extension of stay " so hopefully its a generic form and not everything is required for a covid ext ! Sayin' hopefully because my bank passbook has been full for years and I live 400 km from my original branch and its Bangkok Bank and they can be "awkward", and I really can't be bothered, with the hassle, Last time i was there there was an issue with me having a new passport and the woman couldn't accept that i didn't take my old one everywhere with me . Has anybody else needed to show a bank book ?
  16. Maybe its just me but this whole thread seems surreal ! The OP's "english" seem like a mixture of google translate and Jacob Rees Mogg
  17. I was a little surprised when i went to my local immigration office to ask for a covid extension. My current permission to stay expires on June 23rd I went on June the 9th. However the extremely helpful officer suggested that I return nearer my current expiry date as according to him the 60 day covid extensions start from the day one applies and I therefore if he had processed the application there and then (which he was quite prepared to do ) I would have forfeited 14 days. I had assumed, obviously incorrectly that the 60 days would be added on to my current expiry date, so it was nice of them to help, and no problem for me as i live only 5 minutes from the office
  18. Absolutely right, but to be honest I've always been of the opinion that the illegality of cannabis (or any other drug for that matter) had very little bearing on peoples inclination to indulge themselves. That's the main reason that the "war on drugs" has been such an abject failure. However I do find the thought of the Thai Visa anti drug stalwarts suddenly deciding to indulge themselves highly amusing. Can you imagine them "all fingers and thumbs" as they try to knock up a "3 skinner" Or even better, watching them fall off their barstools as they experience a "whitey" when smoking for the first time after 6 bottles of chang ! Unlike alcohol its pretty much unregulated (so far) so there are no standardised strengths or measures or opening hours to guide the "newbies" could be a lot of fun indeed. Best stock up on chocolate too as there may soon be a national shortage
  19. The "brick" weed referred to tends to vary in quality, some of it can be very strong indeed and would hold its own against some of the modern strains in my opinion, particularly regarding the length of the high. Modern commercially produced strains seem to me to produce a rather short lasting high leaving the user wanting more, especially when grown hydroponically. Whereas I generally find traditionally grown brick weed produces a longer lasting more "rounded" high and without the desire to smoke one after the other, Although due to the inherently hermaphroditic nature of Thai "brick" weed there can often be problems regarding the excessive amount of seeds, so its best to find a regular supplier you can trust regarding quality A couple of years ago a kilo was available for 20k baht and we regularly scored smaller amounts of around 25 gram for 1000 baht
  20. This seems to be a perfect example of (as the Thais say) "farang think too much" No Thai people that I have spoken to, including a couple of police, have gotten their knickers in such a twist over this. If you want to grow it , then grow it, If you want to smoke it then smoke it, just be discrete, there's no need, or reason to walk down the high street blazing away (and as such creating a public nuisance for which you may receive a small fine) Like wise if you grow it, how on earth will anybody know the % of THC with out carrying out a "mass gas spectrometry " test? Just behave "normally" use a bit of common sense and all will be fine Regular users know this already having smoked it for years regardless of its legality, it seems to be the "newbies" who are getting themselves all worked up.
  21. I guess some people are really disappointed that is all over, The fear mongering has been on another level since day one, and not only from the authorities and the self professed "experts" One particular "tall" guy on here was posting every day , every time some official "statistics" were released he felt the need to dutifully publish them on here along with a few cut and pasted charts to verify his efforts, and the same terrified people dutifully "liked" his declarations. and often added a few of their own figures to further fan the flames of fear, I wonder if these people always blindly believe government statistics without question? It would appear that its not only the authorities that seek to control the behaviour of others. The same people also seemed to delight in vilifying anybody who dared to question the official "narrative" I also found it a bit strange that the death of 80+ year old people from covid was suddenly a "tragedy" whereas, a few years ago, if they had died from Flu, or anything else for that matter it wouldn't have raised an eyebrow. There's going to be a few people with nothing to talk about now, but then again there's still monkey pox........!
  22. Sorry, tried to upload a photo from the net but was somewhat unsuccessful, here is an actual photo of the unit in question.
  23. My consumer unit is fitted with a RCBO as shown in the attached photo, my question is regarding the small on / off switch in the lower right hand corner, when I press the "test" button with the small switch set to "off" it appears to work normally I.E the breaker trips out However when I press the "test" button with the small switch set to "on" nothing happens ! To me this implies that the small switch should be normally be set to the "off" position for the RCBO to work normally. To my simple way of thinking this appears strange,and the more I think about it the more worried I get, can any of our sparkies shed any light on this ? Thanks in advance Ckle2p-65-Earth-Leakage-Circuit-Breaker-ELCB.webp
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