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Bday Prang

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Everything posted by Bday Prang

  1. To think Great Britain once virtually ruled the world with its empire, and now it is reduced to skimming money off the elderly, Whilst its socialist leaders shamelessly trouser hundreds of thousands of pounds in freebies Where did it all go wrong?
  2. I'm no expert by any means , but a previous poster uploaded this ..... Sanctionable benefits The following benefits can be reduced or stopped if you commit benefit fraud: Carer’s Allowance Employment and Support Allowance Housing Benefit Incapacity Benefit Income Support Industrial Death Benefit Industrial Injuries Disablement Benefit Industrial Injuries Reduced Earnings Allowance Industrial Injuries Retirement Allowance Industrial Injuries Unemployability Supplement Jobseeker’s Allowance Severe Disablement Allowance Pension Credit Universal Credit War Disablement Pension War Widow’s Pension War Pension Unemployability Supplement War Pension Allowance for Lower Standard of Occupation Widowed Mother’s/Parent’s Allowance Working Tax Credit I am hoping, that, if you are correct, and I have no reason doubt that you are, in saying that the state pension is classed as a "benefit" Just maybe as per the above list, the state pension is not classed as a "sanctionable" benefit To be honest I don't have a clue anymore
  3. but the end of the letter states...."lf you are receiving benefits and the amount you have been overpaid has not been repaid within one month of the date of this letter deductions from your benefit will be taken to repay this. So that reads to me that if the person has not settled the over payment of any pension payments and associated fine within a month, they can seek to recover money by reducing their benefits ,( if they are receiving any) however not from their pension
  4. Corbyns leadership of the labour party was a set up, 1000's of conservatives signed up as labour party members in order to vote for him, His presence effectively rendered the labour party unelectable
  5. The majority of the media is indeed left wing as are the majority of those employed in education, primary , secondary and tertiary have all been infected. In fact so has anybody who spends most of their time in a protected environment. Those of us living in the real world do not have time for such luxuries
  6. further proof that you are indeed "special"
  7. well prove that you are not talking out of your a$$ and give me some examples of people receiving custodial sentences for failing to inform the DWP that they live in Thailand If you cannot then you were indeed talking cr@p
  8. Which ever way one reads it , he has only just moved here, he has not been due for any rise yet, nor will he be. now Your advice to "say nowt" is sound enough but this idiot is doing the opposite by broadcasting it on social media
  9. I have no idea, I think it was because somebody dared to use the words "illegal" and "immigrant" in the same sentence Two attempts to spell racist ? switch your spell checker on if its that difficult
  10. It generally depends on the sort of ticket , some can be cancelled , and some cannot
  11. Which is more than likely influenced strongly by the dollar.....technically
  12. I doubt its a mis quote, and don't call me shirley
  13. We are constantly warned about the "far right" but never the abhorrent "far left" There has long been a campaign by the left to make "right wing" a stand alone insult. There is nothing inherently wrong with being right wing, in the same way that there is nothing inherently wrong with being black, or white for that matter There has been no similar campaign from the right that I am aware of
  14. it won't be an issue for future generations as they will be "happily" confined within their "15 minute village" Pensions will be a thing of the past. as will unrestricted travel and a whole host of other freedoms we take for granted
  15. I have a small private pension due to me when I reach 65, I receive a statement/ projection annually there is also normally a form attached which can be used to inform them who will be the beneficiary of any benefits due if I die before 65. I recently filled it out naming my missis as the sole beneficiary of any such benefits Their reply astonished me , apparently I cannot rely on the nomination of my misses to be honoured . It is not my place to make such "demands", the decision rests with the pension funds trustees. How messed up is that? Next move when i eventually return to the UK is to cash it it in , take the money and run seems to now be the best option
  16. Regardless of the rights and wrongs I see no chance of things changing for the better. this already well established "two tier "system can only to be expected to continue under Starmer
  17. He has already made the first basic mistake, ie opening his big mouth
  18. Have you been drinking? or are you just "special"
  19. Things are getting more f+ck%d up as time goes on. I don't know where it all went wrong but I have a bad feeling about where this is all heading. To the extent that , if l were to consider life to be a book, I am happier that I am halfway through the last chapter. as opposed to just starting the first
  20. So what are the implications of this "social security bi lateral agreement" ( or lack of it) for Thais or Filipinos living in the UK ?
  21. probably hasn't touched his salary for years anyway,
  22. I don't think they are that switched on, especially now that 1000's of them are still "working" from home. There is of course the possibility that he was "grassed up" perhaps by a jealous ex missis. If this is the only example of such a letter on this forum, then it is, in my opinion, evidence of how rarely this actually happens. Most people seem to grass themselves up , intentionally or otherwise. Considering the number if UK pensioners living here and active on this forum it would be fair to expect many examples of people in the same situation , and that does not appear to be the case.
  23. For some poor souls there just isn't enough racism about these days , They feel the need to see it everywhere and mention it at every opportunity as part of their virtue signalling regime. After all there is not much fun in being outraged alone. Same goes for those with the anti Trump obsession
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