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Bday Prang

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Everything posted by Bday Prang

  1. Totally agree, I'd even go as far as to say any crime committed under the influence could warrant a more severe punishment like driving offences for example, 35 in a 30 is no big deal unless you blow 180 They should all be legalized, if only for the reason you gave above, but the health benefits to users as a result of access to pharmaceutical quality drugs would be a worthwhile bonus. Also removing the allure of "forbidden fruit" when coupled with some real education and not just the usual "just say no " "drugs are bad" rubbish, and there would probably be a huge reduction in usage. In my opinion its the only way they will ever succeed, It needs to be instilled in young minds quite early though, when peoples brains really are receptive to what they are told by adults, afterall that's why they ram religion down kids throats from just about the moment they are able to walk. only a minute number of idiots start believing that stuff in adulthood and it seldom works out well when they do! , but 99.9 % of the world's population take some religious guidance on board and moderate their behaviour positively as a result of being indoctrinated as a kid whether they realise it or not
  2. For absolutely no other reason whatsoever? That's absolutely astonishing, A full blown cannabis "addict" driven to slaughtering his own family, solely due to the intensity of the psychosis suffered during withdrawal ? That's probably a "world first" I have never heard a report of that nature, ever if it was true it would probably occupy a more prominent position in a news paper than the social and lifestyle section of the Bangkok Post. Its no surprise that its readership would easily fall for such a ridiculous attempt at anti cannabis reefer madness rubbish
  3. somebody said Donald Trump, I would say Tony Blair set the bar considerably lower
  4. But surely with kids involved they can't just allow anybody to set up a nursery employ a few strangers, and have total control over other peoples kids! I'm pretty sure there are plenty of kiddie fiddlers out there who would be more than capable of abusing a loophole like that
  5. I'm usually wrong ,but It doesn't look very big for a commercial tour boat , looks like the sort of boat a wealthy long stayer might own There may have been no tour operators involved, Possibly no Thais on board at all. No doubt every detail will be revealed as the latest shock horror headline hits the news The media will be delighted at this latest incident which will help them feed the current frenzy I think they are in danger of contributing to some possible anti social reprisals if they keep up this campaign. The Thai population is conditioned from birth to have a healthy disdain for foreigners, the younger generation are very influenced by the crap they read on their smartphones there's plenty of nut jobs and general wronguns amongst them, who invariably hang around in gangs with a pack mentality, it doesn't take much to set them off at the best of times I think there is a heightened possibility we will soon hear some good old fashioned stories of 5 Thais kicking the $h1t out of a few foreigners on the news, doubt it will figure as prominently. I don't think this will be over for a while yet, these netizens can sulk for weeks and will be scouring the internet for further horrors, and the media will be perfectly happy pumping it out
  6. So its been bit by a shark or chopped by a propeller fascinating eh?
  7. and presumably different ticket numbers and booking references ? Not a good look for EVA air
  8. isn't it perfectly normal for wild animals to die , often before reaching the end of their natural life expectancy.? I thought it was called "natural" What is to be gained from the "authorities" getting involved, and what is the point of performing an autopsy ?
  9. approaching retirement after successful careers, why do you ask?
  10. I can't think of a better example of all that is wrong with the UK, who ever is responsible for this disgusting travesty of justice should be publicly hanged for treason
  11. in the context of entertaining customers in your own bar , it obviously is, or it was for him even emptying an ashtray is fraught with danger as a bar owner
  12. If i remember correctly the definition of work by the immigration authorities is very broad and pretty much all encompassing, something about "exerting your self physically or mentally" you don't even have to be paid. as with most laws here it is applied very subjectively, tourist areas generally take the brunt of it , but if you upset the wrong people, cutting ones grass etc could be risky There have been several light hearted reports on TV over the years of various foreigners personally indulging in rice farming and the like. I doubt there will be many documentaries of that nature in the near future
  13. Apparently its perfectly possible to cancel them. Just not possible to prevent them getting set up in the first place. In my case on both occasions the money was taken before the direct debits were listed in the account details, although to be honest it was not a detail that I regularly checked
  14. "The Thai Sexwork Challenge" Sounds like the title of yet another "Reality TV " show
  15. I'm sure he will be travelling under "full medical supervision" His personal team of consultants must think all their birthdays have come at once,
  16. knew of a Belgian guy in Pattaya who owned a popular bar, he fell out with his missis and she ended up with a Thai cop who obviously had intentions of becoming involved. one day they "caught" him talking to a customer, the charge was "entertaining"
  17. Whatever he called it , it appears he was doing very nicely out of it
  18. businesses are not charities, but many charities are big business and pay their senior staff eye watering salaries, Its actually quite laughable how they can keep a straight face when begging for money
  19. indeed those are commonly misused words just like "charity" their purpose is to imply totally altruistic intentions, "foundations" are another In reality nothing is further from the truth
  20. i very much doubt it , A survey of 2 people is hardly a representative sample
  21. so it might be that a few pre existing conditions could disappear with them , not a bad thing for those considering insurance for the first time
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