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Bday Prang

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Everything posted by Bday Prang

  1. as usual a pretty much incomprehensible reply . Designed to divert attention from your original incorrect comment, You said" the police do not seem upset " I said they are not supposed to get" upset" and are" EXPECTED to remain professional" To which you replied , in an attempt to discredit my statement "so whats professional about smiling and holding a sword" ? Obviously nothing professional about that Which is why my previous comment contained the word "expected" Is that so difficult for you to understand ? Maybe I am not so good at this game but I am clearly better at it than you you need to recognise your own failings before attempting to denigrate others. No goalposts were moved as a result of any of my comments,
  2. Well I'm not the one who had to refer to an online dictionary in order to define "proactive" its elementary Watson
  3. Handled what? the knife gang ? find them arrest them and bring them before the courts Or were you referring to the grammar pedant arguing the toss about the definition of proactive? in his case I think an official warning would be in order, followed by deportation of course Personally I think a 10pm curfew for under 18's should be the norm
  4. Another one who appears to be unable to read what has been written in plain english Firstly I didn't say they were professional I said they were expected to be professional when carrying out their duties. read it again
  5. In this respect then the curfew was not a proactive measure as it was implemented after the events took place, so it was in fact a reactive measure. Although it could be considered proactive in so much that they sought to prevent any recurrence. No internet vocabulary guide required
  6. He is not carrying out his law enforcement duties, he is posing for a photo opportunity.
  7. They are neither filthy or disgusting in my opinion
  8. would it be best to leave the engine of an electric car running to avoid draining the battery too ? lol
  9. The police are not supposed to get "upset" They are expected to remain "professional" when carrying out their duties, emotion should not come into it
  10. How things are done in ones own country are of course irrelevant, likewise the penalties for noncompliance in EU countries. "But hey" you got one thing right, this is indeed Thailand, They do indeed have their own laws, and those are the only laws one needs to concern oneself with. It is not you who dictates who should or should not stay here,
  11. Considering modern diesels are all fitted with catalytic converters it could be a very very slow death
  12. The guy was merely asking for advice, is that your usual reply to a polite question . Or just the one you use when you don't know the answer but would like to indulge in a bit of virtue signalling? Apparently a self appointed D.I.Y. "expert" perhaps you should limit your replies to questions relating to that subject.
  13. A bloke in a frock and high heels, what else? Clothing does not alter ones gender , only ones appearance. It really is as simple as that
  14. Are you seriously saying that you would call a bloke in a dress a woman?
  15. Sorry to have to inform you , but a light year is a measure of distance not a measure of time,
  16. plenty of so called experts have had to retract their doom and gloom predictions on climate change and especially the misinformation about places being underwater in the future. Even the "great doomberg" has had to swallow her words. Yet the climate change disciples continue to attempt to spread fear
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