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Bday Prang

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Everything posted by Bday Prang

  1. Your obsession with obese men is a bit bizarre . But I am genuinely sorry to have to disappoint you . For your information I am 5"10 and weigh around 63 kilo's which is probably less than you, and hardly obese. In my case at least, however 60+ kilos for a woman is never a good look even 50+ kilos is too much I can understand that it must be rather disgusting for young Thai women to have sex with smelly out of condition western men, but a jobs a job and all that. and nobody is forcing them I can also understand that it must be at least as unpleasant for them to indulge in unnatural sex with old western women of a similar calibre, but then again nobody is forcing them, I hope
  2. publishing stories like this every single day.
  3. i would say there is definitely a Yingluck connection to all this, especially in view of her planned impending return to here ( and politics presumably)
  4. These people don't concern themselves with trivial minor details like "votes"
  5. I wonder if the rice actually even exists, did it ever actually exist? Anything is possible here in matters such as this
  6. did she buy it from Surin by any chance? 17-18 baht per kilo perhaps? Make sure she washes it well, 15 times is recommended
  7. Nothing that requires washing 15 times beforehand should ever be put anywhere near ones mouth, there are No exceptions. How can anybody say that this requirement is" not unusual" How many times has the minister himself eaten rice that needed to be washed 15 times? The poorest of the issan poor would not think of doing so, and probably would not even feed it to their pigs or chickens The scheme has cost the taxpayer 500 billion but the rice even by their own estimates is worth only "up to" 400 million. The Shinawatra "clan" are claimed to be the creme de la creme of business people what kind of businessman or woman would consider paying 50% over the market rate for anything especially perishable foodstuffs? The answer would clearly be unscrupulous crooked one's who were using other peoples money to fund a scam that they would personally profit from. As usual a few token members of the "relatively" low hanging fruit community have been hung out to dry and received jail terms, in this case a former commerce minister and his deputy. So i am sure the current commerce minister would be very keen to put this scandal to bed, as , presumably he is more than a little concerned about his place in the firing line, Also i'm sure he has received instructions to sort it out and bury it permanently prior to Yingluck's return , to save her any inconvenience or embarrassment One could not make this sort of stuff up, sadly its not necessary to
  8. The bizarre thing about cannabis prohibition in the US is the fact that it was immediately deemed to be of absolutely no medical value whatsoever, despite the lack of any research regarding that. In fact if I recall correctly I read that even such research was effectively banned at the time. Hardly a normal approach to medical research, to my mind those responsible for such legislation are guilty of a crime against humanity and should be vilified, posthumously, where appropriate and an apology to the rest of the world who were forced to adopt US policy would be well in order. Again, out of interest , what are you suggesting will be released within 6 months that we don't already know ?
  9. I like where you are coming from, we all know its about money and control, what lies will be revealed within 6 months?
  10. "several times over the years" you will need to be a bit more specific than that , how many times over how many years ? Your original statement was ... Many foreigners go with girls/ladyboys who drug and rob them. Many of them are too thick to get the dosage right, and the poor mark ends up dead. I think you need to review your sources for your "Thailand related news" and also your personal interpretation of the word "many"
  11. Everybody thinks "theirs is different" I see a common theme starting to develop here don't tell me,.... she's younger than your kids
  12. a common misconception, but somewhat refreshing to know that western women who are over here for basically the same reason as the majority of blokes are just as easily played by the professionals
  13. And how often does that actually happen? When was the last time it appeared in the news? Think you have been reading too many airport paperbacks
  14. I think its pretty clear what I meant, save the misery and the false concern until they find the body, and until then resist what appears to be a common temptation to indulge in morbid speculation
  15. So one would expect somebody to check with airline to see if he changed his flight, one could also be forgiven for expecting to see the result of that simple exercise in the OP Has anybody even contacted one of the hotels he stayed at to find when or if he checked out. TM 30's and all that, plus its probably one of the less sordid details of his holiday that he would be prepared to share with his daughter Is it it a sign of the times we are living in that nearly every body commenting on this thread is assuming the worst ! Only a handful of people considering the odds on favorite explanation which would be that he's had enough at home and is just trying to disappear and start a new life here possibly with the encouragement of a woman he's met here Which is not a rare occurrence certainly not as rare as people getting killed I just re read the OP and there is no mention of a wife. so he's a single bloke over here on is own, he'll be balls deep in a bargirl and probably about to make a life changing decision the fact that she's probably younger than his daughter is probably the reason for his silence. Why think the worst when there is absolutely no evidence to suggest it, and the above scenario is far more likely.,It seems its far more fashionable these days to express concern and show empathy with the family (whom none of you have ever met ) rather that to wish him well with a "give her one for me" or a "don't anything I wouldn't do" type remark Why not save the virtue signalling until the unlikely moment that something negative is confirmed there will be plenty of time for all the RIP's and the "my thoughts are with the family" type comments then . Until such time assume the best and wish him luck
  16. in this case I would estimate at least 10 times more than it normally costs
  17. That would require an element of common sense and efficiency, not their strongest points
  18. Tons of ten year old rice saturated with rats urine, Not for me thanks Nothing that guy ate was 10 years old probably bought a bag from tescos that morning for the demonstration Apparently its gonna be sold to the Africans , not surprising as no Thai would touch the stuff He said it would fetch 17 - 18 baht a kilo if sold, not a chance 400,000,000 baht if sold to africa ? wonder where the money will end up
  19. As I remember he didn't come out as gay but was caught with "images" on his computer, he tried to say he was researching the banks complicity in these matters by seeing if he could pay by credit card. He manged to get away with it , But there are rumours that the song "behind blue eyes" was actually a veiled confession due to the nature of the lyrics, Nobody knows what its like to have these feelings etc etc I used to like that song but it does sound a bit weird now having heard that. He also admitted to being abused as a kid
  20. No surprises there, as long as you keep paying her, you will be fine, she will love you "longtime" or at least until you "dry up" But she'll probably grow out of it before then , most of them do
  21. Do any "confused" Thai school kids visit this website? If not the OP is a complete waste of time, ah yes Pete Townsend, very appropriate, another one who "got away with it" as I remember. No smoke without fire and all that and His sort are never far from the alphabet community. LGBGTIA+ etc etc or whatever it is these days, sooner or later there will be a "P" in there somewhere or may be an "M" for M.A.P. the new " acceptable" euphemism for fiddlers
  22. Weed farms are not actually illegal anymore , or did you not know that? So why should he worry about drawing attention to it?
  23. How long would it take you to realise somebody was speaking German , or French ? takes me about 2 seconds when did I say I walked past a bar and when did I say it was only once? And maybe its not the same people that who are there every day , but the people who are there everyday are pretty much the same. Drunken losers with no better way to spend their time and money, but I guess you know that all too well. I don't find it funny at all , just sad to be honest. And the saddest of all are the losers who "own" the bars, or think they do, especially the ones who have never had any previous experience, doomed to failure, every one of them, and quite rightly so. Farang type bars have no place outside of the usual tourist ghettos.
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