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Bday Prang

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Everything posted by Bday Prang

  1. killing off an occasional mosquito could never be described as a "good job" they would have to have a much better kill rate before they were welcome in our house, My cat is generally uninterested in them until the numbers increase but once he gets to work he can decimate their numbers in a couple of days How exactly have you informed the tookays that they are not allowed in the house, I doubt they respect your wishes
  2. "Reefer Madness" is alive and kicking,and not just on this forum or amongst the Thai authorities,It is responsible for pretty much every scaremongering report that has ever been commissioned or published. Personally, having been a regular user for over 40 years I remain somewhat unconvinced as to its claimed pain relieving properties, as I have never needed to put that to the test, but In my experience it does little to relieve toothache. Tramadol does indeed relieve pain but I genuinely dread to think of what the consequences of ingesting tramadol, or even paracetamol, regularly for 40 years would be
  3. I wouldn't bother, Every single study or piece of research or indeed any "official" information regarding cannabis use has been commissioned or published for one reason and one reason only.
  4. yeah, after the vikings abducted the best of the population , the British quickly set about sorting out the remainder, The bad ones were sent to Australia and the stupid ones were sent to America
  5. Why, were does he indulge in his sex pest activities? is he in the Philippines
  6. Let him do some of the time then hang him one day , completely by surprise, no advance warning, no appeals, just a knock on the cell door at 6am one day. Same goes for the rest of them
  7. You were not "gaming the system" Any suggestion of such, is a strong indication that the system is just plain wrong. In my opinion NO Uk citizens should ever be denied NHS treatment when there are non UK citizens and illegal immigrants who are receiving it.
  8. To me it seems very unfair, to put it mildly , that a pensioner who has paid into the system all their lives, can be denied treatment purely because they might have spend time overseas, Lets not forget that nobody is liable to pay National Insurance once they reach retirement age. I see no reason why somebody who has paid 35+ years of contributions ( the minimum required for the state pension) might be denied treatment, especially when "new arrivals" seem able to bypass any such requirement. As indeed do the unemployed. Its also not that certain that one automatically remains registered with a GP either. During covid I tried arrange my vaccination via my family GP with whom I had been registered since birth, only to be told that i had been taken off the list and was no longer registered there, as I hadn't seen a Dr there for years. They would not tell me how much time needs to pass between appointments for this to happen but other people have suggested it could be as little as just 5 years, I had no reason to visit a DR for over 20 years so I had probably been taken off the register a long time ago without being told. Throughout that time I did have reason to visit A&E hospital departments on several occasions, the only question I was ever asked was the name and address of my GP. naturally I gave the name of my original GP. with whom I was probably , unbeknown to myself at the time, no longer registered, but I never had a problem. They obviously don't check there and then. Admittedly turning Up at A&E with a minor injury is somewhat different than seeking treatment for a chronic disease,for which I think a Gp's referral is required except in an emergency, but at least in the above instances it would appear that no further checks were made It will soon be 5 years since I registered with the new GP so I'm guessing I will be de registered again soon, I'm wondering if they will have the courtesy to tell me this time?
  9. Normally I would think that 30 years would be long enough to ensure that this savage no longer poses a threat to anybody, But with the ongoing islamification of western countries who knows what might happen in the future? A future muslim government might even pardon him, Therefore he should have been dealt with "permanently" as should any others
  10. Always plenty of people blowing money in those duty free shops though,, I have never understood anybody buying anything in duty free shops with the possible exception of tobacco
  11. The actual extension was officially rescinded ? or was it just the application for the extension that needed to be resubmitted with a more recent photo?
  12. And another predictable pathetic comment
  13. Why would anybody even write such rubbish?
  14. unfortunately that is generally the opinion of the courts here as well 97% + conviction rate if I remember correctly
  15. Yet when it became a banned substance it was placed in a special category of narcotics, reserved for "drugs" that were officially considered to have no medicinal properties at all. even using them for research was forbidden.
  16. You "don't have a problem with that" Glad to hear it, I mean even though its "your " village it's really none of your business how often people leave their houses, likewise their language skills and their level of community involvement is also nothing to do with you. So why even mention it?
  17. You appear to live in a parallel universe, Your posts are a mixture of fantasy and fiction, "The one thing that beats me is the number of farangs that don't understand the level of competition for good village girls is through the roof. You rarely see the prettiest girl in the village in Pattaya as she has been snapped up by the landowners son" I 'm starting to wonder if you have ever actually been to Thailand
  18. I think the onus is on you, you said "nobody understands Thai women as well as Thai men", I asked "what about other Thai women ?" you failed to reply, preferring to accuse me of trolling. Your "clear and coherent" reply was nothing of the sort. and offered no evidence whatsoever in support of your assertion. 1) A woman's ability (or lack of) to judge a man's character or the percentage of marriages ending in divorce has absolutely nothing to do with the matter in question, 2) many divorced women actually do live fabulous and fulfilling lives, some of them even remarry, but again what has that got to do with your ridiculous assertion that Thai men understand Thai women better than they understand themselves Do you think you understand women better than other women do ?
  19. Bday prang is not going to waste anymore of his time attempting to explain anything to you. Although it might be worth bookmarking this thread,as your posts are as usual comedy gold
  20. Actually, no please explain what you find hard to understand, but please limit it to the context of my post, I don't have all day and I'm guessing there is quite a lot you struggle with You said "nobody understands Thai women better than Thai men" I asked "what about Thai women? And the above is your barely coherent reply? I'm not quite sure where the "trolling" accusation comes from, do you seriously think that Thai women do not "understand" what other Thai women are like ? You are either suffering from learning difficulties which have prevented you from understanding my comment, or you have had little meaningful contact with Thai women or any other women. In fact It would be true to say that women generally understand the way other women think far better than any man could Read slowly before replying this time to save any further embarrassment
  21. so why did you mention it ? Do you think others are interested ?, they are not
  22. I call b/s on this "She went on to say how Thai people are ashamed at how their country is portrayed and it makes them look to be an impoverished sex-riddled land of no laws and corruption. It doesn't portray the joyful sensitive side of Thailand and the land of a million smiles. She also said it was disrespectful how they caught a speed boat from Bangkok to Phuket at the end without even a gps to navigate." The fictional "girl friend" would appear to have either no sense of humour, which is unlikely considering her choice of partner, or she comes from an ultra conservative high class family, which is even more unlikely, for the same reason. As for the bit about it being disrespectful catching a speedboat with "no gps" What on earth is all that about ? I've watched that film with my mrs and several other Thais, not one had any problem at all, in fact they thought the film was hilarious, and if anything were surprised that I was not a little embarrassed at the behaviour displayed by the lads I cannot begin to understand the thought processes that result in somebody posting this OP its a bit worrying that its from a grown man
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