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Bday Prang

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Everything posted by Bday Prang

  1. Yet he didn't suggest that should you become divorced you could simply change your extension to one based on retirement, and that you could do that at anytime prior to the divorce being granted. With friends like that........
  2. Even when old and single with a small pension it would be possible in theory at least to live a relatively happy life, but if bitterness creeps in then its a completely different story and no amount of money will help,
  3. yet 35 minutes ago you wrote... Those who have something positive to say about Thai women is: Either stupid or Blind Or both in combination So you won't complain about Thai women , but have a very low opinion of those who have something positive to say about them.
  4. And how capable is he of discussing the intricacies of the female Thai psyche with them
  5. So the essence of this thread, is that OP has heard some reports that some Thai women are good and some Thai women are bad, and that some Thai / Western couples are happy and some are unhappy. He has "seen first hand" some successful relationship's but feels the couples may have been merely "acting" for the benefit of others and has heard anecdotal evidence of others not so happy in their relationships. Remaining confused, he has decided to seek confirmation of all this on here That seems a bit weird to me, am I missing something?
  6. What were you saying about "uneducated opinions"?? Perhaps you could tell us how exactly how his anti drugs campaign was successful ? A few "low hanging fruit" Yah bah street dealers were made an example of by being summarily executed by the police. At best this may have caused the minor issue of some very localised short term minor supply problems, but the equally short term resulting increase in price however will have more than compensated those controlling the drugs trade for any minor inconvenience. On a similar note its probably best if you refrain from giving advice on taxation until either (A) you know what you are talking about, and (B) somebody asks you for it The 2024 tax return is not "the only important thing right now" for anybody, especially as we are only just half way through the tax year, and if your reference to "perjury" and "jail time" was supposed to strike fear into everybody then I'm sorry to tell you that at least in my case you failed miserably. Likewise if it was intended to send worried expats scurrying desperately for expensive advice to the shady online "international accountants" that you later claim to be connected to , I wouldn't bother holding your breath whilst you wait for the phone to start ringing (assuming they have a land line) I was going to suggest that you left marketing to the advertising people and that you should stick to accounting, but as , on your own admission you "luckily" pay 56% income tax, you clearly are not an accountant but should probably think about engaging one.
  7. Had "True" internet for around 10 years, never had an issue. No idea what the customer service is like, or even how to contact them as I have never needed to. Hopefully I never will
  8. well that's the most polite way of describing him
  9. what exactly is a sustainable solution for the drug problem, come to think of it they haven't come up with a non sustainable solution, as far as I am aware no government has
  10. You could have saved yourself even more time by simply ignoring and not replying to my post. I was neither quoting nor even addressing you. I cannot understand the thought process that results in comments like the above
  11. What statistics would these be? I personally know several Thai women that have remarried with westerners after divorce and a few more who married again with westerners after being widowed,
  12. Some may like to keep a check on the number of bottles they have drunk if they are driving
  13. Normally I would agree with you, but compared to drinking Chang, or any of the others, at anything approaching ambient temperature I'll go with the ice every time
  14. I stopped using those towers years ago. I always seemed to be able to drink a lot more without getting drunk compared to drinking from bottles. The draught Chang often tasted particularly weak I'm sure many places water their draft beer down
  15. I don't think they even try these days , I reckon they just talk rubbish into the microphone and some computer software does the rest, a lot of the tuneless monotone noise that the algorithm creates sounds exactly the same as indeed do the "singers" voices. its almost as if they all sing the same song,
  16. Awful song. Is the number of views really of any interest whatsoever to anybody on this forum?
  17. Its a bit of a pain but its what Thais do and what they expect, When a group of Thais are drinking together, at somebody's house for example, the responsibility for topping up the glasses generally falls on the youngest or least senior member of the group, and that responsibility is taken quite seriously. What I also find a pain is when , in restaurants, ones beer and Ice is placed on a seperate remote table or trolley which is annoyingly, often just out of reach.
  18. Well my recollection regarding what you posted is somewhat different than yours, I actually replied to your comment at the time, stating how irresponsible your actions were, and asking if you would do the same if they were drunk. But nice try at wriggling out of it I am almost inclined to trawl through my post history to find a few quotes, not only to confirm what you wrote, but also to debunk the myth that cannabis adversely affects ones memory, but, unsurprisingly I couldn't be arsed I find it very difficult to believe that anybody who has spent 20 years in the hospitality industry has never encountered any problems with a drunken guest, where were you working? at a teetotal temperance retreat ?
  19. but he's used the Dr. prefix in his username to imply a sense of superiority.
  20. Nah they feel better later in the day once they have publicly frowned on everybody else
  21. Yet sometime ago on this forum you posted a comment regarding some guests you evicted from your resort for smoking cannabis. You proudly stated how you personally chucked them out of their room and directed them onto their motorcycles and off your property despite them clearly being intoxicated (Stoned out of their heads was the phrase I think you used) Weren't so concerned about health and safety then were we?
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