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Bday Prang

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Everything posted by Bday Prang

  1. But anybody, with a modicum of intelligence would naturally assume that the steps belonged to the property they lead to The fact that they were on public land was only established later. So as far as the presumably degree educated saintly doctor was concerned, the steps would indeed have more than likely been private property, but she still decided to sit there in the full knowledge that she was probably trespassing Whilst Kicking her was obviously unacceptable , to claim post traumatic stress as a result of what happened, really makes a mockery of those people who are genuinely suffering that condition as a result of a real traumatic experience , Like those who have been "misgendered" for example ! I shudder to think of the living hell those poor unfortunate souls must be going through
  2. I'd say it was an irrefutable fact, Is it not a matter for the Thai authorities? Is there a reason( that I'm unaware of ) why elderly expats are getting so worked up over this, ?
  3. Well that would be a matter for the Thai authorities, Its hardly something for the elderly ex pats to get themselves all worked up about,
  4. "Deport and ban" nas now become the virtue signalling war cry of the saintly geriatric keyboard warriors on here. Personally I find it rather pathetic.
  5. You are only calling them scum and screaming for deportation because you have assumed they were white and straight, if they had been identified as black or LGBGT you would have remained silent.
  6. No shortage of speculation in your post either, One thing I will concede is that the number of short term tourists smoking it has obviously increased dramatically, as they undoubtedly form the majority of customers in the over priced weed shops that have sprung up in the tourist areas. The population of Bangkok is if I am not mistaken around 10 million, but how many of those are "middle class" I have no idea, and how many of those middle class were just waiting for the legalisation before becoming full blown pot heads is even more difficult to ascertain but I can pretty much guarantee its nothing like 10 million Personally out here in the village in darkest Surin I have not seen any evidence of kids or youths or anybody else for that matter openly smoking weed in public or staggering round wacked out of their heads. Any article claiming that 1 in 7 of the Thai population are regular cannabis users is in my opinion totally incorrect but if it is true then from what I have (not) seen they must all be doog it responsibly in the privacy of their own homes, If that's the case then really , what is all the fuss about
  7. A lot of guessing and estimating going on, How was the number of people using cannabis before legalization arrived at ' did they knock on doors or just accost people in the street and ask them to answer truthfully regarding their use of cannabis, bearing in mind the potential punishments for using cannabis , its a wonder anybody admitted to it. would a similar survey regarding Pedo's or wife beaters also provide accurate results? Of course not, i don't think anybody has a clue how many people are or aren't using it. They are just pulling statistics out of thin air
  8. If we all stopped responding to items like this maybe we would see a lot less of them
  9. And due to the peculiarities of Thai law they could still be sued even if their wild allegations turned out to be true
  10. Have there been any reports of cannabis use being the proven sole cause of, or even a contributing factor of a traffic accident, I certainly have never heard of one,
  11. The two don't mix well at all, however the side effects of mixing the two do not include an urge to indulge in any physical activity and are generally confined to a short episode of nausea and vomiting
  12. It is indeed absolutely pathetic but the uninformed prohibitionists will of course fully embrace this as the truth, we will hear a lot more incredible reports like this over the next few links, In the lead up to any proposed changes in legislation. If this is the best they can do, they really are clutching at straws This regurgitation of reefer madness should be called out for the b/s that it is. It really is an insult to (most) peoples intelligence
  13. And as I predicted the choreographed media assault on cannabis has started again, Fake news without doubt, I'm not saying the incident didn't take place, but I am pretty much certain that cannabis was not responsible for him sinking, If losing buoyancy was a side effect (which it is not) this would not be the first time this has happened, and as there is no evidence that cannabis was a contributory factor why was it even mentioned?
  14. Makes one wonder why anybody would want to smoke it at all. Or the other way of looking at it is,...... Makes one wonder if we can believe anything that these so called experts tell us. And that refers to everything not just lies about cannabis
  15. bottle of cannabis, are you for real? is it your birthday today by any chance?
  16. Nah the first brush with corruption is at school
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