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Bday Prang

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Everything posted by Bday Prang

  1. The behaviour you refer to is , in my opinion just plain childish , Emojis and or comments should reflect only the content of the specific post they are directed at and not the person who wrote it. I can go at it hammer and tongs with anybody regarding the debate of a specific subject. but can also find myself in total agreement with the same person regarding other matters and always comment in line with this. Although I never bear grudges there are a few on here, less than half a dozen, with whom I find it impossible to find any common ground whatsoever. I imagine most members share a similar experience and probably in regard to the same half dozen posters
  2. not sure about that but there is a definite and increasing lefty ideology starting to appear, mainly amongst the ranks of the university educated enlightened types, If the rest have not noticed the dire situation prevalent in western countries it does not bode well for the future here. These universities have an awful lot to answer for, and its sad to see it starting here
  3. As long as they are subject to full military type discipline and are never , under any circumstances, allowed to ever come into contact with firearms
  4. Doesn't matter they can still be dealt with, in the same way a young bull can be "treated" to ensure it won't grow horns before the horns appear, Or simply remove their empty scrotums, removing the future potential for aggression and the ability to further their flawed genetic lineage, that's got to be a win=win situation
  5. Be honest its anytime after 11 am which it always is , somewhere in the world
  6. Is it not a rather worrying concept , that merely the absence of some parental discipline means that this is the sort of behaviour a disproportionate number of kids these days revert to as a sort of "default setting" Are they all just inherently evil until taught otherwise ? Could be time for a cull
  7. Regardless of what it said in the OP it just doesn't happen. Don't believe all you read in the papers, Furthermore, "Investigative police" do not undertake routine patrols
  8. Completely agree, grandparents are generally out of touch with the activities of kids and often pretty much incapable of administering any sort of effective discipline, It is clear that kids can understand , and should be taught, the difference between right and wrong at relatively young age pre school even , but, a bit like a vaccine, a booster or three is required around the time of adolescence. If they are out of control to the extent that many of them are by the age of 14 , what will they be like at 21 ? the future is rather worrying for those of us approaching old age.
  9. What "nearby police patrol" that does not exist here , even as a concept
  10. Considering the number of police, and the nature of extended families here the is a very good chance that at least one of them will be related to a police officer somewhere along the line. and that is all it takes
  11. These sort believe all foreigners to be rich and somewhat beneath them and as such all are legitimate targets
  12. You are a "progressive liberal" ? If so you should take this opportunity to apologise , as its the lily livered liberal policies that are pretty much responsible for this sort of behaviour
  13. Somehow I doubt it will remain this way, recent events in Sa Kaew and elsewhere have received extensive media coverage highlighting a common issue with out of control feral teenage gangs, many of their own "promotional" "tik tok" video clips have been broadcast on national TV. Effectively giving them the fame and notoriety they seek and indeed feed off These gangs, all basically bullies, have no reservations in attacking elderly and other such vulnerable members of their own communities, and it is doubtful that foreigners would be afforded ot treated with any more "respect" A senior police officer in Sa kaew even said that it was wrong to call these groups "gangs" as they were merely groups of disorderly youths that was on TV a few days ago. With that attitude, and the usual "conflicts of interest" there is little hope of any effective police intervention, so until some sort of vigilante action , Ie somebody kicking the $hit out of a few of them (and getting away with it) is made public, I fear we will be hearing plenty more stories like this one especially in the short term
  14. Its far worse than that, they learn that their actions are considered worthy of a twisted "respect" from their peers, and will garner them much coveted "likes" on various social media platforms, Not to mention the financial rewards from robbery. All pretty much symptomatic of society in general failing due to modern "progressive liberal attitudes"
  15. As opposed to starting a thread to show how much smarter one is compared to rest of the knuckle draggers, The OP deserves all he has received on this one Although I do agree the use of the confused emoji is a bit pathetic and evidence of laziness
  16. "opportunity for what? was he wearing expensive jewellery? was he flashing a fat wads of cash around?. Have you ever heard of a lone person flashing cash around or insulting a gang of thugs? "Just wanted to know what was the reason/s those youths have attacked the man, not blaming anyone..." Not even the scum involved it would appear ! No it would not be interesting or even relevant to know anything of the sort. But I will put you out of your misery anyway. He was alone, a foreigner, and being a kuwaiti , is probably not built like a brick $hithouse so he was (mistakenly in this case) identified as a potential victim by this gang of feral scrotes. You subsequent posts appear to be attempts at mitigating the actions of these scum, you should be ashamed of yourself. It is this liberal progressive attitude that is the main reason reports of this nature are all too common, coupled with a complete lack of effective punishment.
  17. There is no words for he or she in the thai language so the incorrect use of the pronoun "she" is purely the result of a sad woke "journalist" or translator. Who ever is responsible for it, I doubt they were concerned at offending the thief , so it can only be a nauseating attempt at virtue signalling. This almost unnoticed practice of sneaking this pronoun rubbish in at every opportunity. needs to be called out for what it is...bu££$hit
  18. What's all this "transgender" cr@p, It was a man dressed as a woman He is nothing more than a female impersonator a transvestite at best This politically correct woke rubbish makes me want to puke
  19. Personally I regard these photo's with the same suspicion that I apply to the photos of hotel rooms on Agoda etc. The saying "the camera never lies" is a bit of a fallacy, there is obviously plenty of cosmetic work that can be done to alter appearances, not only that but many of the pics I have seen look a bit "familiar" to me , especially the one where the weed is held in black latex gloves, And there is no guarantee that what you see is what you will receive through the post. as they say " you pay your money and you take your chances" At least at present we are not gambling with a fortune
  20. I fully understand what you are saying, but the purpose of my post , really was to illustrate how lucky we are here , at present al least, should the regulations change significantly, it would effectively turn back the clock. It will possibly be brick weed for everyone, and it may well be more than 30bt / gram not a nice thought
  21. just to put things in perspective Here's a page from an online, "something or other" which I used a couple of times in the UK during covid The prices are in dollars but you have to pay in bitcoins so it worked out that something priced at $10 actually cost £10 Don't forget its still illegal over there. They send it via royal mail and from what I read on their forums there seem to have been very few problems , this one was $10/g for 7g and they were offering 140g for $900 I remember some of the Exotic californian imports were twice that price So I wouldn't worry too much about the price at 40bt/g there's loads of other weed stuff on there here's a link https://littlebiggy.com/wall/items?shipsTo[]=TH if anyone can be arsed lookin Its a bit more expensive than "street prices" but it was a godsend during lock down And if it all goes tits up over here, I'm sure something like this will emerge to maintain the supply we've become accustomed to , I m sure if it can be done in the UK it can be done here
  22. "Don't worry sir there is no need to be embarrassed many get an erection during this kind of procedure" The nurse said " but I don't have an erection" I protested " But I have " "She" replied hoarsely
  23. are you sure she wasn't referring to the stitches?
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