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Everything posted by mikebike

  1. Macs can be funky with formatting. Give it to a friend with a PC and they should have no issue stripping it back and formatting. They must format as exFAT
  2. From your screen grabs it LOOKS like you can erase and format the "Toshiba" drive.
  3. What a dumb thread, unless you are a Floridian, no one knows who the heck she is. Or cares, she's not running for office.
  4. That's why I don't read threads that don't interest me. Then I don't have to complain about something I don't care about ????????????????
  5. Wow. The comments above validate why I did not attend my uni grad ceremony. What a load of sanctimonious, petty, stodgy, tradition. Who cares.
  6. They're all puppets to their donors.
  7. ???? I hear echos... "Those Japanese cars will never overtake American cars for reliability, Japanese cars are cheap fo a reason". Now substitute Korean. Now substitute Chinese.
  8. It does not only eliminate "bad weeds". Chemicals are indisctiminate., ????
  9. But... We did elevator pitch ideas on how we could get to remote areas if and when shizzle kicked off ????
  10. If u r "hiring their company to do a job" u r not "manufacturing", u are a "client". Peeps are very weird.
  11. Not sure if your reply has anything to do with mine. If yes, please enlighten me ????
  12. No just decades of hearing the same scare-mongering. Khrushchev, Putin, Un, etc... All cut from the same cloth. Nothing new, nothing changed. Panic, worry, or go on with life. We figured that out possibly before you were born.
  13. OK. Just give me a hint of which colour pill to avoid ????
  14. Depends on the phone. Check the max charging capacity.
  15. Well... I must confess I had retarded friends who would chuck stuff off overpasses onto cars. Seemed psycho at the time. Not at all like throwing snowballs at busses or other vehicles. ????
  16. There was no "new regulation". There was a delisting, the typical chaos. Everything was on the table. What are you on about?
  17. Maybe you r younger than the general demographic on AN... Most of us lived thru the cold war and we are more than a wee bit jaded by the decades of unfulfilled threats. Got anything else?
  18. Uh, no, we don't "all know that" ???? It starts in different months in different places around the country.
  19. Yeah, they should have been way more concerned about properly engineering the rebuild. Not like there was anything else going on at the time... ????
  20. How could "enthusiasm" for Biden be anything but low. The dems saving grace, as in 2020, is that he will not be what drives turnout. SCOTUS, the economy, indicatements, disappearing rights, etc... will be the driver. I predict a higher turnout than 2020.
  21. Yeah we are. It was captured from multiple angles. I was going to compare it to "crying wolf", but a better analogy may be a child who didn't know the nanny-cam was on telling porkies to mom n dad, we know better...
  22. 50 yrs of daily puffing. Still play 60+ football - lungs OK. Brain cells functioning at least as well as yours. When's that stuff gonna happen? 90+? ????????????
  23. I don't know if it is worthwhile going down this road but... A "jury of your peers" is considered by legal philosophers as an average cross-section of society. Every society has individual biases. By trying to filter out "political bias" you are no longer reflecting the opinion of a representative cross-section of society. YOU have actually introduced the bias.
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