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Everything posted by Pravda

  1. Hey Mike, can you post sometimes without writing 10 paragraphs? This is about the 50th time I read about your friend from Pattaya getting a rental bargain in Jomtien. Do you copy and paste this stuff? Btw, there's not going to be a total condo collapse. While it's certainly bleak there was a major printing press working overtime printing money. You can trust US government to keep the worldwide real estate going. I thank Ben Bernanke for pioneering this trend.
  2. I'm surprised the posters who are apparently 30 years older than me know very little about the laws of the country they are born in. The same thing exists in Canada. CRA can take your passport if you owe taxes. I spent only 19 years in Canada and learned this in year 2.
  3. Interesting....I've never seen this before. Times must be really tough. https://www.scmp.com/business/article/3148446/after-rebates-and-freebies-thai-developers-auction-flats-online-bid-shake
  4. You may laff at the op, but I often think how far would I've gotten in life if I didn't have a dck
  5. Just don't go to those websites
  6. I am fully against lockdowns and hell let Thailand allow all vaccinated tourist in without quarantine. I just have issue with numbers. They are a lie.
  7. He said dusit project. I checked one of them in Pattaya on fazwaz. Probably not the same project, but same developer. 200sqm Selling for just under 5 million, asking 25,000 a month ????. You could probably negotiate rent to under 20k. It looks very far, which means limited rental opportunities....which means low price. Buying a property in Thailand is like buying a car in USA. As soon as you drive it from dealership you lose 25% of the value. Of course people in the past made money. They sold it at the perfect time.
  8. As expected the you're too poor to buy guy shows up. I own real estate in one of the most expensive cities in Canada and while I lived in Thailand the tenants in Canada completely paid off my mortgage. I would do it again, but unfortunately as non resident I am not allowed to buy second property without heavy tax implications. I also started another thread where my wife owns a condo for the past 11 years. She did well renting it out before covid but now can't sell it for 20% loss. Meanwhile my Toronto condo doubled in price and had zero months without a tenant in the last 8 years with bidding wars all over the place Why would I buy in Thailand? It makes zero sense whatsoever. Perhaps you are a bitter owner?
  9. The funniest thing is that people like op think they are fully protected. Once you do something even remotely dodgy your actions will attract a certain kind of undesirables. Just Google Ian Rance and or Jonathan Heed as I'm not sure links are allowed.
  10. Nice story, but lets stick to the facts. I never said property in Thailand is worthless. Please, show me the property that sells for 5.1 million baht and rents for 35,000b. A few links would be nice...it's as simple as that.
  11. They are not made up. They are painfully realistic. Notice how I didn't call you a troll for putting false rental prices? I
  12. It seems like you call everyone a troll who doesn't agree with your ridiculous valuation. It's probably not your fault...you just fell for the sales pitch.
  13. Your caparison is ridiculous. First of all no Thai will pay 9000 a month for a run down house with a broken furniture. That's Farang price. Secondly everyone knows the market in Thailand is broken. You can ask any price you want it's what you get is that counts. It's comparable to a lazy taxi driver who refused to put a meter. Eventually he will find a couple of fools who will use his service. How about this? You give me a link of any 6 million baht house in Pattaya that rents for 40,000 a month and in a year we will revisit this post to see if it's rented?
  14. I'm just stating facts based on price. Currently in Bangkok a 6 million baht property rents for 13,000 baht.
  15. Sorry, no way a 5.1 million house will rent for 35k, not now, not pre covid. Is this something a sales agent told you?
  16. 5.1 million house doesn't rent for 40,000 a month especially these days, so you need to be a bit realistic about that....unless you extremely overpaid.
  17. What's positive about this story? You paid for house (probably overpaid) and they sold it to you. You still don't own a house. I went to McDonald's and bought a burger. Overall it was a positive experience.
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