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Everything posted by easydoor

  1. Again one who doesn't know anything of the immigration rules. A VISA you cannot extend. It is the PERMISSION OF STAY you extend. What kind of NON O do you have? Non-O Single Entree? Non O Multiple Entree? They are complete correct at Immigration: A TM30 is required in all cases you handle with Immigration. A NON O SE visa you only can extend with ONE YEAR, not with 60 or 90 days. A NON O ME you cannot extend at immigration, you have to make border run to receive an extension of 90 days. And, what you HEARD about Bangkok is not correct as almost everything you hear at the bar.
  2. In case you want to know why Immigration was calling you, you don.t ask it here. Nobody knows it. If you wanted to know why they called you, you had to answer the call. Now they have two unanswered calls and you don.t know at all why calling you. You make Immigration even suspicious, without any proof, they want tea money. Even, I don't believe one word of what you are writing here.
  3. There are RULES and you have to know them. In case you don't agree with those rules or you cannot fulfill them you have the freedom to change from Marriage to retirement option. Don't complain, it will not help you. rules are rules.
  4. Looks like something is going wrong again. I also do 90d reports online. This months I received 2 the same mails to do the report online. First time I receive 2 of then. I will complete both of them. I made my 1 yr extension 2 weeks ago, maybe this is the reason?????
  5. 'Feeling' like a Thai can go very fast. Living like a Thai also, special when you 'survive' with 15.000THB/m. But being as a local Thai: you do in 3 steps: -Not now -Not tomorrow -Never ever
  6. I also had a rejection of my 90d report, for the same reason, after successful completing it for some years before. . I completed the form without using the date window. The second time I used the date window. The arrival date was exact the same as the date I gave in myself. NO REJECTION. So, always use the windows to complete the form for everything you have to complete on the form.
  7. Anyway, for a new passport you have to go to the embassy. They need your fingerprints. At the Ambassy from the Netherlands, don't they take a digital picture yet? Are they so far behind the modern time? 10 years ago you needed a picture yourself, now ..... Not in my embassy. Possible the shop at the embassy is gone because you don't need a picture yourself???? So an advice: ask first at the ambassy what you need to renew your passport. The questions are FREE and that is very important for a Hollander.
  8. Get a real visa. With your history it is possible they refuse you to come back again. But then you have a reason to complain and to write Thailand is a difficult country for tourists.....
  9. And then we don't speak about all the people who are using VIA AGENTS.... Many of them are people what doesn't fulfil the financial requirements for a one year extension of stay..
  10. Almost every day we read about drunken British men. All over the world they have the same bad reputation: getting drunk and make trouble and fight. Once off they island, they have no limits. We had in the past the same problem with them: they came to Belgium, did get drunk and made trouble. Strange people I say..... I live in Thailand for many years, in a non touristic area with no real bars. When there is a problem, you can witness: it is with a BRITISH.
  11. I also don't receive it anymore since 31 Dec 2022. Reason?????
  12. First off: it is not very clever waiting till the last day to extend your permission of stay. Maybe you are stille one of those thinking and being afraid to lose some days, what is not case at all. And about your question you have to wait 3 days now and not 1 day: maybe you don't know it: 16 Dec, today, it is Friday.... maybe you a;so don't know but after Friday it is WEEKEND.
  13. 48V transformers are very easy to find. So you can always put TWO 48V transverters in Paralell. What also means two 3KW 48V transverters each will make it able to have the same result as one 6KW 24V transverter and the voltage will be half= 24V.
  14. I am everytime surprised when I read the reactions on this kind of topics. Looks to me a lot of people wants a lawless coutry, We all know very well: a volunteer and ED visa are the most missused Visa. I don't say they are all missused by criminals but in fact missusing is equal to break the law. Nobody forced you to stay in Thailand, it is your own choice, so stop all this nonsens. In case you want an easy country to stay and cannot fulfill the Thai requirements: go to Cambodja. No financial requirements for a one year stay at all. You can find everything you find in Thailand: bars where you can drink all day and cheaper as in Thailand, women cheap for one night stands, cheap streetfood......... but, or this will improve your way of living is another question, but just 'up to you' is the answer.
  15. I dun't understand people here, Everything what Thailand is doing is WRONG. I am Belgian. When I go out I need to have my ID card with me to identify myself. In Thailand you need your passport. 90d raport: what is the problem? You can do it very easy and very well working now. I wonder what some people are complaining about .... Oh yes, thgey have to leave the bar and in the meantime they are not able to drink they beer. I only can give one advize: go somewhere else where it is better, but I have the feeling: it is no where better or good for those guys, so STAY HOME and complain there.
  16. It is clear you are someone who wants to go to the bottom of what is possible. You have been refused already before. So why you want to take the risck of being refused again? Get the right visa but we know very well why you don't fo this.... CC or not able to fullfil the conditions..... You are one of those what makes it more and more difficult for people who go the right way. In fact, to be right we you: we don't need you.
  17. A 90d 'TOURIST VISA' does not excist. A "tourist" visa is only 60d. 90d Visa is a NON-O. Please use the correct terms if you want a correct answer.
  18. No problem at all when you go from Don Sac by Sea Tran ferry. With a motorbike. I never had to wait, always had the first ferry going out. You will arrive at Nathon. Chaweng is quite now and many things as restaurants and bars are closed, but there are stlll enaugh possibilities to have a nice time there.
  19. Whwn I read the replys I have just the feeling for some people they want, here in Thailand, they can do everything they are not allowed to do in they home country. - I your home country you also must be able to identify yourself, by a legal document as an ID card, Here in Thailand you have to do this, as foreigner, by a legal passport. - In your home country it is also not allowed to serve alcohol to underaged people. - in your home country it is also not allowed to use certain kinds of drugs - in your home country it is also not allowed to carrie weapons in public All of this, when they control it in Thailkand, it is NOT DONE for some people. What do they want? A lawless holiday destination? In case it would be as this: they can complain there is no safety or no law in Thailand..... please stay home, we don't need you as 'Tourist', if that is what you want,
  20. In case the pasport is issued in you home country, you do.t need this letter. Only you need it when it is issued by the ambassade.
  21. Yes Joe that must be the case, I accept that ……. but still don’t agree with it . 555555 or you agree or not, doesn't matter. You are not the BIG BOSS in a country what is.t yours. In case you want an sxtention you just have to do what IO is asking you. We all know your problem: you used an agent .... what reason? Don.t make me writing it here, you know very well why. They just want to check you fullfil the rquirements before ans you cannot give that proof because you didn't. Use and pay an agent again, you know the 'advantages' very well.
  22. Again one of the advantages of using an AGENT......
  23. You certainly did someting wrong. TM47-46-************** was created by the TM47 people and submitted. ???? What is this all about? Since they renewed the 90d report online I never had any kind of problem. But we know: it is never your own mistake, it is alwys another one ....
  24. When you have a look at the conditions I must say:: you have to be more than crazy to do something like this. Only people with a lot of BLACK MONEY will something will do like this to whitewash they money.
  25. Try Holla wine ... Makro.... is a table wine but not bad.
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