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Everything posted by ricklev

  1. It's true that the students are young and likely will only suffer your mild symptoms. I feel bad for the older teachers though. I am in my sixties teaching at a university here.
  2. Thanks! I was able to make a booking for Friday through True but was thinking of going today. I will wait for my appointment.
  3. Does anyone know the current situation for getting a booster shot at Bang Sue? Is Moderna available? Is a second booster for those over 65 offered? Thanks.
  4. Any recommendations for a Chinese medicine practitioner in Bangkok? I have been going to Hua Chiew TCM Hospital for acupuncture and herbs but I just picked the doctor at random. No complaints, it is a good place and reasonably priced, but It would be good to hear of a specific doctor that you liked.
  5. I guess this is a scam of some sort. Same model as yours. https://shopee.co.th/ตะแกรงหม้อทอดขนาด5.5ลิตรใช้สำหรับรุ่น-MV-1402-MV-1403-ขาว-ดำ-i.225548862.13257463486?xptdk=b52b699f-4a09-4ca4-bc86-a875243eb6d9
  6. That's cool. Never saw one with a see through front.
  7. Someone just recommended this cheap one to me: https://www.bigc.co.th/smarthome-air-fryer-3-8-l-model-mv-1401.html?gclid=CjwKCAjw5NqVBhAjEiwAeCa97RQrkUtjqY5xbIzqcp6oIxaarAjnuHeM1l_PF5WojbA2NSurwpEGURoC9VQQAvD_BwE
  8. Anyone know if there is a foot massage shop in the basement? Thanks.
  9. Anyone know of a shop at Pantip that can install ink tanks on my Canon printer? I'm not sure what is left there these days after their attempt at rebranding. Any printer repair shop can probably do it. I live close to Pantip but can go to Fortune Town if I have to, so please let me know of a shop you recommend there also. Thanks.
  10. I'm looking for a used low mileage Aerox in excellent condition. Please contact me if anyone has one for sale or any suggestions about where to buy a used one is appreciated. I might just go buy a new one if I don't find a good used one. I live close to Lumpini Park. Can anyone suggest a good dealer close by? Thanks.
  11. Thanks again Sheryl! I always appreciate your help. I saw Dr. Parit and he performed an upper GI endoscopy and a colonoscopy. He was definitely the right choice in all aspects! (Nothing major was discovered.)
  12. I wonder how long it will take for CBD oil prices to come down. It will be interesting to see how it plays out.
  13. Sheryl, can you recommend a GI doctor at Saint Louis Hospital or do you suggest spending the money for Bumrungrad because of the quality of care or that particular doctor? I will spend the money if need be but the last couple times I went to Bumrungrad it felt a bit painful when I got the bill, especially when compared to Chiang Mai. Edited: Just spent a few minutes looking at the listed doctors at Saint Louis. I will just go see Dr. Parit as you suggested.
  14. Thanks. What is the actual brand/name of the supplement you are taking which contains d-limonene. It's not so clear when Googling it.
  15. Thanks Sheryl. So the third ENT I went to in the last month finally did an endoscopy and said there were clear signs of acid and inflammation and probable silent reflux. He suggested Prevacid (said it would be a little better than omeprazole) but said it is only effective in 40 percent or so of his patients. That was in Chiang Mai at Chiang Mai Ram hospital, but I actually live in Bangkok. Anyway I have raised my bed and am mostly doing the "Acid Watchers" diet, although I can't really tolerate swallowing food. Liquids are OK. I don't want to take the Prevacid or any PPI and hope to find a doctor that can help me make educated decisions and do whatever is needed regarding testing as the next step. That is not easy. Any suggestions for a specific doctor?
  16. Any recommendations for a good gastroenterologist in Bangkok specializing in laryngopharyngeal reflux (silent reflux)? Any comments on your reflux medical experience here are also appreciated. Thanks.
  17. When I am outside I want to conform to mask wearing even though I know it is not needed. Hence I have been wearing these very cheap (20 baht per box of 50) black 3 ply masks, but I cut out the first two layers. However, I have been having some throat problems and it occurs to me that two years of too cheap masks might be related. I run around Lumpini Park wearing them. Any suggestions for masks that fulfill the role of looking like a mask but allow relatively free breaths?
  18. Excellent information! Thanks. It's walking distance for me. How often does that happen here!
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