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Posts posted by BlackArtemis

  1. Good luck with the sale, I am going back in May and already I am trying to choose between a 2013 Cb1100 or Triumph Thruxton. Maybe just get an older CB750 to do a cafe. Then do I get a 2011 Mustang GT, 5.0L with 415hp, or get an old rat rod 40's/50's pick up with a modern transplant. TOO many choices, sometimes it's nice that Thailand limits your choices hahaha

  2. Tesco does have shavers, right above the blades, but they're nothing to write home about.

    I would like to piggy back and ask if anyone has seen a beard trimmer, or smaller hair clippers, I had ones that was 110v and was sick of using a bulky converter so I brought it back home. Couldn't find a 220v trimmer while there though.

  3. I don't know, I talk freely about an MRT, ot having a police force that actually works and gives a damn. A government that looks at the environment as something to protect vs rape.

    I guess my secret wish is for some clubs/bars/restaurants would start having a dress code. No wife beaters, sandals, or boarding shorts, mind you only some places, not a city wide ban on it. Wouldn't mind a fine for wearing no shirt in public unless doing manual labor.

  4. As irritating as it is, I prefer just paying them on the spot and going about my business. Having to pay at the police station is a pain in the bum and can be time consuming.

    That said, people should be free to make the choice of wearing a helmet or not. Sure, it is stupid not to wear one, but humans do stupid things all the time. That is what choice and personal responsibility is all about. It's not like the government actually cares about the people. If they did, they would start at the ground floor of their education system and work their way up.

    I agree with freedom of choice, but:

    If you survive a crash while not wearing a helmet or seat belt, my premiums go up, but insurances pay out the most during deaths.

    Therefore another's action does affect me.

    Also dying may mean living a wife/kids behind where in many society's there would be monthly restitution etc that comes from tax payers.

  5. So depending on how you split the coverage it seems it is within 3k baht.

    Odd note, the originally stated the value as 140k, I asked it to be raised to 160k, they did so with no change in premium.

    Probably because they worked into their risk calculations that you are farang. Every Thai insurer knows that Thai big bike riders have far and away the lions share of accidents. When they can rope in a farang with an expensive bike, it is usually a pretty good bet. And because it is the Thais that have 95% of the big bike accidents upon which the carriers are basing premiums, it is a horrible bet for a farang, who is subsidizing the inexperienced Thai big bike riders.

    By the way, as to all my comments about risk here and in other places, I was an ambulance chasing lawyer in Alaska before coming to Thailand. I spent my career fighting with the likes of Allstate and State Farm. To understand how they work, one has to study their actuarial and other methods of risk calculation. Although my feeling is that it is an evil enterprise overall (my opinion), given the way they treat people, the insurance industry is nothing, if not a giant number cruncher. They have super computers into which have been fed all the risk data [and jury verdicts] for 80 years or more. These computers create algorithms for calculating risk for individuals by comparing all the data that can be fed in about that individual, with the historical statistical record. This is why there are so damned many personal questions on every insurance application. the insurance industry may use something like eye color as a small factor for determining life insurance risk for an individual -- they literally feed in every piece of seemingly insignificant data they can obtain. The evil part comes in when the computer algorithm suggests a range of damage value for a certain injury, let's say $28,000-$36,000 (and these predictions are actually tremendously accurate), but the adjuster offers only $15,000 to settle the claim. Instead of being offered a fair settlement, the insured person is now forced to go out and get a lawyer. If the insurance industry were in the least way honest, I would have been looking for another job.

    In case it is not clear by now, I have no love for the insurance industry, which started out, decently enough as cooperatives, where people pooled risk to mutual benefit. It has evolved into something else entirely. Today, with their Big Money, Big Insurance, Big Banks and Big Oil absolutely control the US and most of its politicians. It is one of the reasons I am so happy to be living here. I had to visit the emergency room of the local hospital the other day for a deep wound I sustained on my foot. They cleaned and bandaged it and gave me medication -- and they did it all in about 30 minutes. The [uninsured] cost? $8.60US. I have to go back every day for seven days for a dressing change. the cost? $6.55US each time. What would that emergency room visit have cost in the US? $2000? $5,000? And needless to say that if I presented to an emergency room in the US, I would have to sit in the waiting room for at lease three hours. the difference is that Thailand's system is socialized (and, yes, very inefficient, but with the aim to serve the patient), while the US system is now controlled by Big Insurance (and Big Pharma), who are extremely efficient, but whose sole aim is to separate the patient from as much money as possible. Need I say more?

    The reason I thought you were American is that in many of your posts you appear to be very risk averse (not meant to be a criticism). Unfortunately, for years now, Americans have been living in a culture of fear greatly accelerated by 9/11 and the machinations of the Bush Administration. Americans are afraid of terrorists, robbers, law suits, fires, medical bills, etc. Most of these fears are completely out of touch with the statistical reality. They buy insurance against everything and big locks for their doors (I never used to lock my doors) -- many carry guns.

    While I was a gun owner and advocate, I never felt any need to pack a concealed weapon everywhere I went, though I know many who do. Ah, whatever, time to stop following this thread. I know I am only pissing into the wind.

    Thanks for the insight, and I would agree that we are a bit risk adverse. The whole post 9/11 thing personally doesn't affect me (hell, I used it as a way to get massively cheap plane tickets the following months) but as a society it changed us, especially with the fear mongering news.

    And while I agree that statistically the numbers are in my favor, stats mean shit when I have a bent frame and a broken leg. Don't forget our <deleted> up healthcare system means constantly dwelling on what your insurance covers and making sure they don't change that policy on you.


  6. BA, get AA to give you a quote of 1st class insurance from several different companies, including some of the ones you listed. Prices and coverage options will change. Make me' work a bit harder.

    I won't even bother listing all the possible situtations that could, and some have, happen to those that have only the required minimal insurance. Risk does add to the excitment.

    Thanks for the idea.

    And I agree, the bike has been parked for almost 2 weeks as I sort this out, it's painful to pass each day as I get on my Honda dream, but it's the smart choice...

    Parked? You've got to be an American. I would bet my last baht on it.


    Anyways update:

    I went with MSIG (Falcon) insurance


    160k of my 180k value is covered with a 5k deductible.


    2million per person

    10million max

    1million property

    100k for passeneger or me

    5million for bail bond

    It was a better deal than LMG, but I want to state that dealing with Peter from AA was a breeze. He answered all my questions quickly and promptly, I simply chose the best insurance plan for me, not the bet insurance broker.

    I hope this thread helps some others in the future :wai:

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  7. Err missed that extra 0 on my iPod's tiny screen, 5million bail bond insurance, up to 2million vs 500k of LMG for injuring/killing others

    I will reply back and see if they will bring up the cover amount closer to 180k, as it seems there are quite a few gripes with LMG on the forum as one poster suggested I look into.

  8. Ok, for 12,800 they'll cover my bike to 140,000B with 5000B deductible and 500k vs 900k bail. The rest is similar to AA. Going to read reviews of AA (LMG) and MSIG (Falcon) and decide. AA is winning so far with coverage and communications. I've felt like I've had to work for the right to have MSIG cover me.

  9. they are not venomous, will not attack unless provoked (they can be really nasty though), their saliva is not like that of the komodo dragon (or common monitor for that matter)

    they are, in my opinion very useful to have around


    there are about 10 sharing my house on koh phangan with me, and they will venture indoors whenever they can, but they avoid humans and always make their way back outside.

    the only downside is they shit like crazy, and the turds are not small.

    this is not my photo but i have witnessed a couple of centipede/tokay battles and they can get bloody.

    the tokay won both times

    Which is awesome as many centipedes have enough venom to kill up to 40lb/18kg animals.

    I used to have a pet centipede, the thing was voracious and just plain nasty, fed it pinky mice, didn't even have to clean up bones!

  10. one of them took my mates toe, one bite and gangrene set in, more aggressive than a centipede, certainly more painful.

    one of the few animals in thailand that scare me. apparently they have more toxic bacteria in their mouths than the kimodo dragon

    Many lizard species carry a horrendous amount of bacteria as you stated the Tokays are one of them, in fact they carry up to 10 types of salmonella. I wouln't say they're bite is worse than a komodo dragon, and a komodo uses this debilating bacteria as a hunting tool, biting an animal and then tracking it for days until it is too weak to fend off the komodo.

    But Tokay geckos are not be ignored, not truly feared, but given some respect for the bites they can give.

  11. AA will only use the one quote they gave me.

    Tokio Marine will not insure my bike either.

    GT-Rider wrote back explaining that companies used to say they will cover a "big bike" with first class as long as it was a certain CC. It used to be 250cc, then 650cc, now 900cc. Now they will cover the bike only if it is valued at an amount over 200,000B

    It seems Tokio may still cover new bikes.

    So how many No's have I gotten?

    It looks like AA is one of the only choice if you want to get first class on a second hand big bike.

    Pain in the ass.....

    Just got told Virayah will not give me 1st class, only 2nd or 3rd, they will not repair a bike.

  12. BA, get AA to give you a quote of 1st class insurance from several different companies, including some of the ones you listed. Prices and coverage options will change. Make me' work a bit harder.

    I won't even bother listing all the possible situtations that could, and some have, happen to those that have only the required minimal insurance. Risk does add to the excitment.

    Thanks for the idea.

    And I agree, the bike has been parked for almost 2 weeks as I sort this out, it's painful to pass each day as I get on my Honda dream, but it's the smart choice...

  13. I think the young expat crowd (20-30's) up in CM were organizing their own thing. I heard them talking about it. I am already dating someone, but a but of the girls are pretty cute.

    Something revolving around the idea of going on dates for 1 week and then taking it from there. Again, I didn't listen to that conversation intently.

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